Dear St Columba’s Community,
Congratulations to our 2025 Student Leaders:
- FAITH - School prayer every Monday morning/school grounds/Playground/labels for year groups, toys)
- WISDOM – Technology/library at lunchtime (Assemblies, photos etc)
- PEACE - Public relations committee (Tours, buddies, playground issues)
- COMPASSION - Pastoral care (Fundraising)
- RESPECT - Environment (recycling/gardens)
Edu-Dance Concert – Friday 29th November
The Edu-Dance concert is a wonderful event every year and will be held on our school oval. The event will officially begin at 6pm, however, we ask that students are in their classrooms by 5:45 pm sharp. The teachers will then bring the children down to the oval for the beginning of the concert.
Please feel free to bring a rug (to sit at the front), low chair (to sit behind the parents on rugs) or camping chairs (to sit towards the back). Standing space is also available.
Families are welcome to BYO snacks, (sorry NO alcohol permitted), should you wish to stay for a short while at the conclusion of the concert. Please note that after a very busy day, playgrounds will be closed, due to no supervision being available by staff.
Parking Reminder for Concert
We understand that parking can be a challenge, especially during events like Edu-Dance. In previous years, some families have unfortunately received parking fines, which we know can dampen the joy of such a wonderful evening.
To help avoid this:
- Plan ahead: Leave home early to allow time to find appropriate parking. (The Bayswater Bowling Club provides a great option).
- Park legally: Ensure you follow the councils parking regulations to avoid fines.
We appreciate your cooperation and understanding as we work together to make this event enjoyable for everyone!
Annual Community Meeting
Last night we held our Annual Community Meeting, which was largely attended by Staff, Catholic School Advisory Council Members, P&F Executive, Staff, Fr Andrew and Parish Representatives. Thank you to everyone who was able to attend. Reports from the evening will be made available on the School Website prior to the end of the year, however please see below for some of the announcements available for 2025.
Staffing 2025
At end of year concert, we will recognise and farewell the following staff.
- Caroline Brewer, has been a member of the St Columba’s community for 20 years as both a teacher and parent. Many of you know, the Kimberley holds a very special place in Caroline’s heart. She has spent half of her teaching career in the Kimberley and promotes educators to take up this life changing experience. Caroline has made the decision to continue at Holy Rosary, Derby for 2025 and beyond, where she can also be close to her family.
- Ric Carbone has been on leave during 2025. He has been enjoying the challenges of trying something new, but missing the best part of being a teacher, the children.
- Olivia Ioppolo has completed just over 22 years of service at St Columba’s and is moving quietly into retirement.
- Madison Kirwan Ward is expanding her experience as a teacher by teaching overseas in London.
- Georgia Readings will also expand her experience as a teacher at a new school, St John’s in Scarborough.
- Karen McGlue, is moving from the space of OSHC, to pursue her career in teaching. We hope to see Karen as a relief teacher soon.
We extend our gratitude to each of them for their hard work, commitment, and the positive impact they have had on our students, their colleagues, and the wider St Columba’s community.
Matthew Hubbard, one of our current Year 5 Teachers, will be taking leave in 2025 as he looks to travel whilst also expanding his teaching experience overseas. We wish Matthew all the very best for 2025 and look forward to his return in 2026.
After much time in the role of 2IC and Nominated Supervisor, Shelby Whatmore, will move into the role of 2IC of OSHC in 2025. Congratulations Shelby.
Year Level | Green | White |
Pre-Kindergarten | Pamela Holloway Kristie Bishop (EA) | Pamela Holloway Kristie Bishop (EA) |
Kindergarten | Andrea Middleton Natalie Smith (ECE Support) Rob Lawes (EA) Shelley Bayliss (EA) | Pamela Holloway Natalie Smith (ECE Support) Kristie Bishop (EA) Susie Cocivera (EA) |
Pre Primary | Marinella Fasolo & Casey Loong Annette Pratt (EA) / Amy Holloway (EA) Nicky Gallagher (EA) | Megan Swalski & Christine Williams Vicky Miranda (EA) Nicky Gallagher (EA) |
Year 1 | Breanna Filocamo Karen Holden (Hub Leader Release) Natalie Smith (ECE Support) | Sarah Mills Natalie Smith (ECE Support)
Year 2 | Maree Musca Lisa Merendino (EA) Natalie Dowling (EA) | Vesna Gillians Natalie Dowling (EA)
Year 3 | Deb Klatt Juliana Menaglio/Lisa Jaffar (EA) Natalie Dowling (EA) | Ali Martin Juliana Menaglio/Lisa Jaffar (EA) Natalie Dowling (EA) |
Year 4 | Tiala Papali Kerry Brown (EA) Catherine Breen (EA) | Sarah Lombardo Jennifer Scott (Hub Leader Release) Kerry Brown (EA) Catherine Breen (EA) |
Year 5 | Kiera More Melissa Merendino (EA) | Amanda Xavier & Jacob O’Reilly Melissa Merendino (EA) |
Year 6 | Clare Wright Adriana Xavier / Ellie Panebianco EA) | Jenny McLeod & Jennifer Scott Catherine Breen (EA) |
Library | Rita Cuthbert (M,Th, Fr), Lisa Jaffar (T) | |
Reading Intervention | Lisa Jaffar (W, Th, Fr) | |
Music | Karen Holden and Karen Gonsalves | |
Physical Education | Dylan Banks | |
Science | Sarah Bolton & Dylan Banks | |
LOTE Italian | Simona Castro | |
Technology | Jacob O’Reilly | |
GATE | Jenny McLeod | |
SWD/Support | Niall Kehoe and Leesa Vinciullo | |
School Counsellor | Nicole Leach (M,T) | |
OSHC | Jess Scott, Shelby Whatmore | |
Administration/FO | Lisa Slocum, Kylie Harbrow and Janine Witherow | |
Grounds/Maintenance | Joe Sandon & Joe Sorgiovanni | |
Principal | Gina Burns | |
Assistant Principals | Niall Kehoe [AP] Leesa Vinciullo [APRE] |
Catholic School Advisory Members Announcement
Congratulations and thank you to Elizabeth Cavalli and Sascha Harris who have been successful in securing positions on the Catholic School Advisory Council from 2025.
At the end of 2024, we will be bidding farewell to our Chairperson, Greg Armstrong. Since 2016, Greg has been an invaluable member of the CSAC, formerly known as the School Board, taking on various roles and overseeing significant transformations at the school alongside former Principals Greg Martin and Art Lombardi. Supporting his four children, two at Chisholm College and two at St Columba’s, he has also dedicated time to support his wife, Tanya, with P&F initiatives and working hard behind the scenes of Columba Runners. We are deeply grateful for his service and commitment to our school community. Another thanks to Caroline Webb who has served on the CSAC during 2024 and retires this year.
2025 Catholic School Advisory Council
Claire Sardelich
Stephanie Juszkiewicz
Drew Carruthers
Elizabeth Cavalli
Sascha Harris
Fr Andrew (Ex Officio)
Gina Burns (Ex Officio)
Parents and Friends Announcement
Congratulations and thank you to our parents who have been successful in securing positions on the Parents and Friends Association for 2025.
Co-Chair: Nikki Stavely & Davina Goh
Deputy Chair: Bridie Stazzonelli
Co Secretary: Courtney Eden/Sarah Sorgiovanni
Treasurer: Justine Raynor
P&F Representative to the CSAC: Bea Humphreys
I would like to thank and acknowledge Leston De Mello as he retires after seven years of dedicated service as Treasurer. Also known as the BBQ Master, Leston has served countless customers at the famous P&F sausage sizzles. Supporting the education of his three children, one who continues at St Columba’s, he has been an invaluable representative of many dads on the P&F Executive Team, helping maintain a balanced perspective on the needs of the community. Thank you and congratulations Leston.
Upcoming Events
- Friday 22 Assembly: Final Assembly for Year 6 & MERCY Awards
- Tuesday 26 November: Chisholm Induction Day
- Friday 29 November: Edu Dance Christmas Concert @ 6pm
In gratitude,
Gina Burns
Uniform Shop
Please note the following dates for Term 4 opening:
Wed 27 November
Wed 4 December
Orders can still be placed online for delivery to your child’s class each Friday.
P & F News
There are some absolute talented parents at our School — they volunteer at EVERY event, put their hand up to SELL raffle tickets, bake AMAZING TREATS for carnivals and head to meetings as CLASS REPS every other month or so! These parents are the cornerstone of the fundraising at St Cols and bring to life the team which helps support the additional spending goals that all our kidlets benefit from at School. We invite new Dads and Mums to get on board and join the team in delivering another successful year of fundraising in 2025. If you’re ready to sign up and join in, actively or non-actively, please take a moment to fill out the survey and we look forward to being in touch early in the new year:
Gingerberry Offer – Rob and Jayne Jagger have been a part of the St Columba’s community since 2015 and want to give back. Rob designs baby & children’s feeding products and has been in the industry for 20+ years. His brand Gingerberry, affectionately named after his girls Sophie and Lilah with their ginger & strawberry hair, focuses on ergonomics and provides young families with all they need when introducing a sippy cup, starting solids for the first time & teaching their little ones how to hold cutlery correctly. Rob is offering 20% off with part proceeds going to the School. Simply head to the website and enter these two discount codes at the checkout (STCOLS20 + FREE) – all orders can either be collected from their home in Bayswater or the school and this offer will be on for the remainder of 2024. We understand you may be past this point or there may be another little bundle on the way, however they make great gifts and this offer can be passed onto friends. See flyer attached to this newsletter.
Pastoral Care
Happy Birthday to:
The following students who will celebrate birthday’s in the coming week:
Brynn Roser PKG
Samuel Hofmann PKG
Gursher Lobana KG
Max Bateman PPG
Liam Chipperfield PPW
Molly Veale 1W
Maria Wai 3G
Vaughan O’Reilly 4G
Aisling Poulsen 5W
Isla Markowski 6G
Alexis Stewart 6W

Tickets are 3 for $1 (maximum of 3 tickets per child).
We are always looking for Volunteers to join the Pastoral Care Team. If you can spare a little time on a Wednesday morning after drop off, you can find us in the Church meeting room just as you enter from the basketball court.
Week 8 – 27 November
Week 9 – 4 December – NO RAFFLE
Kindy Green | Week 8 – Jack Franich |
Kindy White | Week 8 – Luca Lo Surdo |
PP Green | Week 8 – Liam Wilkey |
PP White | Week 8 – Kieran Vernon |
Year 1 Green | Week 8 – Frankie Wilson |
Year 1 White | Week 8 – Harper Raven |
Year 2 Green | Week 8 – Harry Whelan |
Year 2 White | Week 8 – Matilda Stahl |
Year 3 Green | Week 8 – Maria Wai |
Year 3 White | Week 8 – Riley Wilkey |
Year 4 Green | Week 8 – Lucia O’Toole |
Year 4 White | Week 8 – Henry Crookes |
Year 5 Green | Week 8 – Kirana Stahl |
Year 5 White | Week 8 – Kathleen Vaccari |
Year 6 Green | Week 8 – NO RAFFLE |
Year 6 White | Week 8 – Harry Mawer |
Religious Education and Curriculum News
From our Year 6 Classes:
In Religion, the year 6’s have been learning about the human heart questions. Human heart questions lead people to true happiness. People ask these questions throughout their lives. They want to be happy, and these questions lead to true happiness. Human heart questions focus on questions that only God can answer and will lead to true happiness. The 6’s created a poster to display the four types of human heart questions.
From Mr Bank’s PE Classes :
In Physical Education this term, Pre-Primary – Year 6 students have been learning the fundamentals of Netball and Cricket. For our lower primary students, we have focused on fun activities that foster cooperation, teamwork, and the fundamental skills, such as passing, catching, throwing, shooting, batting, and bowling. Our upper primary students have been continuing to refine these fundamental skills whilst being introduced to additional skills and offensive and defensive strategies through a mix of activities and minor games.
For our little munchkins down in Kindy, we have been busy at introducing some catching and striking with Cricket based activities, as well as continuing our obstacle course every Friday with the help of our future and some of our current Year 6 sport captains.

Community Notices
WA Police Pipe Band are seeking expressions of interest from students in Years 3 – 6 for upcoming positions within their Youth Band Music Program.
The program, which commenced in 2020, offers tuition in bagpipes, snare drum and tenor drum.
The Youth Band performs at numerous public events throughout the year and recently performed with Western Australia Youth Orchestra (WAYO) at their 50th Anniversary concert at the Perth Concert Hall.
Lessons are free and are held on Monday evenings during term time at the Instrumental Music School in Maylands. The new intake is anticipated to commence at the beginning of Term 1, 2025.
No previous experience of the instruments is necessary so beginners are very welcome.
Please send expressions of interest to the below email address and indicate your preferred instrument in your response.
Further information on the program can be obtained from the Youth Band Lead Coordinator Neil Walker.
Please send all EOI by 12th December 2024.
T: 9370 7166 (Office hours Mon-Fri)