Dear Community of St Columba’s,
Faction Carnival
Today, we had the joy of watching our Pre-Primary students participate in their very own Faction Sports Carnival. The oval was filled with vibrant colours and the cheers of parents, along with students from Years 1-6 who came out to support their friends. It was truly heartwarming to see the joy on the children’s faces as they gave their all in both individual and team events. For these young athletes, the excitement was all about participating and having fun, rather than winning. A heartfelt thank you to Mr Banks and the Pre-Primary teachers for their hard work in organising such a wonderful carnival!
Year 1
Champion Girl: Sophie M
Runner Up Champion Girl: Paige B & Holly M
Champion Boy: Jude H
Runner Up Champion Boy: Mason M
Year 2
Champion Girl: Thea O
Runner Up Champion Girl: Florence C
Champion Boy: Mason S & Hugo
Runner Up Champion Boy: Charlie B
Year 3
Champion Girl: Belle C
Runner Up Champion Girl: Monica J R
Champion Boy: Spencer L & Harvey F
Runner Up Champion Boy: Marcus C
Year 4
Champion Girl: Isabella G
Runner Up Champion Girl: Millie C
Champion Boy: Huw H
Runner Up Champion Boy: Henry W
Year 5
Champion Girl: Harriet W
Runner Up Champion Girl: Sofia J R & Ivy H
Champion Boy: Hunter S
Runner Up Champion Boy: Michael B
Year 6
Champion Girl: Keira P
Runner Up Champion Girl: Scarlett F
Champion Boy: Gethin H
Runner Up Champion Boy: Ty F
Last Friday, we proudly announced the winners of our Faction Carnival. A huge congratulations to Columbanus, our overall champions, their first time in 15 years! Well done to McCauley, who were very close behind as runner-up and recipients of the Spirit Shield. Congratulations as well to all our individual champions and runner-up champions.
End of Term Message
Next term, we will welcome Jennifer Scott back to her part-time role. We thank Mason Newton-Maxwell, for the outstanding care of the Year 4 and Year 5 classes in Jen’s absence and for becoming such a valued member of our school community. We hope to see Mason, “Mr Newton,” continue as a relief teacher in the future.
As we reflect on the term, our hearts are heavy with sympathy for Lisa Slocum and her family on the profound loss of their beloved son, Ben on Wednesday. Words cannot fully express the sorrow we feel during this unimaginable time. May he rest in peace, and may the Lord surround you all with comfort and strength. Please know that the entire school community stands with you, offering our love, support, and prayers.
This term has been anything but ordinary. Despite the extra events, unpredictable weather, and sickness, your support to your child’s education and the school have shone through. The enthusiasm and creativity shown towards special events of Term 3 such as the Sacramental Program, Book Week Dress Up Day, Sports Carnivals and Academic Competitions have added a special touch to our term. These occasions make all the difference and contribute greatly to the positive atmosphere within our school. Many thanks to everyone who has been able to volunteer in their child’s classroom or support the school through P&F Activities such as selling raffle tickets, Athletics Carnival Bake Sale and the Subway final day lunch order.
It’s a very special holiday for one of our well known and loved relief teachers, as Giorgia Raso and her fiancé Tyren will become husband and wife. Giorgia, may your journey into marriage be filled with joy and love.
Upcoming events for Term 4:
- Monday 7 October: Pupil Free Day. School is closed. Last day for Vacation Care at OSHC.
- Tuesday 8 October: First day of Term 4 for students.
- Friday 11 October: Assembly.
- Sunday 13 October: Columba Runners’ Windup at 3.30 pm.
The staff and I are eagerly anticipating a well-deserved break, and we wish all the children a fantastic time as we head into the final term of the year!
In gratitude,
Gina Burns
Uniform Shop
Please note the following dates for Term 4 opening:
Wed 9 October (first Wed of the month)
Wed 6 November (first Wed of month)
Then each week until end of term:
Wed 20 November
Wed 27 November
Wed 4 December
Orders can still be placed online for delivery to your child’s class each Friday.
As per information communicated at the beginning of this year regarding the School Pinafore to return to the Winter School Uniform for girls in Years One to Three.
In 2024 the Winter Skirt and Pinafore were both optional for girls in Years One to Three. Please note the below for the coming years.
2025: Pinafore compulsory for Year One Girls / optional for Years Two and Three
2026: Pinafore compulsory for Year One and Two Girls / optional for Year Three
2027: Pinafore compulsory for Years One to Three Girls
The grey pants continue to remain optional for girls to wear in winter.
P & F News
Subway Friday!
WOW — The School received 315 family orders for the lunch fundraiser this Friday…an outstanding effort! Reminder, children with Subway orders will receive their lunch via their teachers. A big thank you to EVERYONE who ordered and all the parent volunteers assisting the subcommittee who are organising the lunch for the kids on the last day of Term 3 – enjoy!
Car Space Auction drawn this Friday at assembly – Last couple of days to buy the lucky ticket outside the library! Your family will go into the running to win 1 x car space for Term 4 and the EDU Dance Concert evening. Tickets are $5.00 each and will be available every morning until the draw on Friday.
School Disco Night – The Subcommittee has been a bunch of busy bees organising the annual event to kick off Term 4! The night is divided into two age categories, including a sausage sizzle and treats to buy on the night – get excited families! Check out the flyer attached to this newsletter and grab your tickets now via the link:
Have you volunteered at School this year? Make Term 4 your moment and help out on the kids’ favourite fundraiser night! If you have any queries or aren’t sure — reach out and we will find you something that works for you. Sign up here if you can spare some time at the disco:
Gingerberry Offer – Rob and Jayne Jagger have been a part of the St Columba’s community since 2015 and want to give back. Rob designs baby & children’s feeding products and has been in the industry for 20+ years. His brand Gingerberry, affectionately named after his girls Sophie and Lilah with their ginger & strawberry hair, focuses on ergonomics and provides young families with all they need when introducing a sippy cup, starting solids for the first time & teaching their little ones how to hold cutlery correctly. Rob is offering 20% off with part proceeds going to the School. Simply head to the website and enter these two discount codes at the checkout (STCOLS20 + FREE) – all orders can either be collected from their home in Bayswater or the school and this offer will be on for the remainder of 2024. We understand you may be past this point or there may be another little bundle on the way, however they make great gifts and this offer can be passed onto friends. See flyer attached to this newsletter.
Entertainment Book Offer – 20% of every Membership purchased is donated to supporting our fundraising efforts. Join today and help us make a difference.
Order yours today:
Containers for Change deposits – Love to contribute to our schools fundraising efforts? Consider the St Columba’s P&F at your next Containers for Change deposit. Simply scan the QR code, download the app and add the member number to your profile. The P&F fund would be so grateful for your contribution to further aid in the students’ resources and equipment.
- 20 September – Whole School Subway Order Lunch Day
- 20 September – Annual Car Space Auction Draw
- 18 October – School Disco
The next P&F meeting will be held on Tuesday 22 October at 7.00pm in the Sr Irena Library. We welcome all families to join in on the conversations and get involved by volunteering.
Library News
Library books to cover
We have some books that require covering. If you could spare some time over the holidays please come to the library and collect a bundle of books. Your help is greatly appreciated.
The library is open every morning before school:
All students are welcome from 8:15am
Pre-Kindy and Kindy students must be accompanied by Parent/Carer until 8.45am
The library is a calming and quiet place, making it the perfect spot for students to have a smooth and calming transition in the morning.
Students may also like to return and borrow books before school.
Looking forward to seeing you the library.
Rita Cuthbert – Library Officer – Library - the original search engine
Pastoral Care
Happy Birthday to:
The following students who will celebrate birthday’s in the coming week:
Laila Ikin PKW
Abigail Lumsden PPG
Oliver Hawke 1G
Lorraine McGowan 2G
Evie Zekas-Crooks 4W
Shishir Berigai – 5W
And to all the students and staff who will be celebrating over the holidays.
Tickets are 3 for $1 (maximum of 3 tickets per child).
We are always looking for Volunteers to join the Pastoral Care Team. If you can spare a little time on a Wednesday morning after drop off, you can find us in the Church meeting room just as you enter from the basketball court.
Week 1 – 9 October
Week 2 – 16 October
Week 3 – 23 October
Kindy Green | Week 1 – William Giblett Week 2 – Violet Mulherin Week 3 – Vera Pirone |
Kindy White | Week 1 – Charlie Walker Week 2 – Hadley Winrow Week 3 – Zara Parker |
PP Green | Week 1 – Siena Winspear Week 2 – Ofelia Stevners Byrne Week 3 – Marie O’Callaghan |
PP White | Week 1 – Zahlia Phillips Week 2 – Spencer Verma Week 3 – Saoirse Stafford |
Year 1 Green | Week 1 – Violet Zacher Week 2 – Mason Meenan Week 3 – Sebastian Setzinger |
Year 1 White | Week 1 – Scarlett Little Week 2 – Ruby Palmer Week 3 – Molley Veale |
Year 2 Green | Week 1 – Chase Gilbert Week 2 – Celeste Mulherin Week 3 – Oscar Walker |
Year 2 White | Week 1 – Erin Kennewell Week 2 – Filip Pizzata Week 3 – Ivan Masnyk |
Year 3 Green | Week 1 – Jack Michael Week 2 – Jacob Mak Week 3 – Zara Fantoni |
Year 3 White | Week 1 – Talisa Martino Da fonseca Week 2 – Rosie Veale Week 3 – Thea Setzinger |
Year 4 Green | Week 1 – Vaughan O’Reilly Week 2 – Max Nguyen Week 3 – Shaan Tah |
Year 4 White | Week 1 – Tom Ross Week 2 – Wyatt Palmer Week 3 – Stefano Mustica |
Year 5 Green | Week 1 – Milana Zachar Week 2 – Mia Moore Week 3 – Grace Masnyk |
Year 5 White | Week 1 – Allegra Pizzata Week 2 – Shylo Verma Week 3 – Stella Kent |
Year 6 Green | Week 1 – Sebastian Kaless Week 2 – Sayuthmee Ratnayake Week 3 – Phoenix Stanmore |
Year 6 White | Week 1 – Olivia Harris Week 2 – Keira Pollitt Week 3 – Harry Lange |
Religious Education and Curriculum News
From our Year 6 Classes :
In Year 6 Religion, we are currently learning about Vocation and how everyone uses their gifts and talents to contribute to God’s work. The students pictured are learning about the Parable of The Good Samaritan and how it teaches us to share in God’s work.

Community Notices
TINY TOTS TENNIS – Trial lesson available in school holidays or Term 4 Weekly sessions.
Contact Anthony – 0400 643 355
Dear Parent and Carers,
This 2024 survey is a follow up to a similar survey conducted by Catholic School Parents Australia (CSPA) in 2022, which was completed by 6,286 Australian Catholic school parents.
The parent views and experiences shared through the 2022 Parent Survey on Student Wellbeing and Learning, helped CSPA to advise the Australian Government, the National Catholic Education Commission (NCEC) and State, Territory and Diocesan Catholic Education Offices on key issues concerning parents with children and/or young people in Australian Catholic Schools. The 2022 survey clearly identified the concerns that many parents/carers have for their children’s wellbeing.
By completing the 2024 survey, you will be helping CSPA to continue reporting on existing and emerging affirmations/challenges, in relation to the wellbeing and learning of our school-aged children.
It is only by having your voice heard that you can make a difference and influence decisions. We have noticed that wellbeing is now high on the agenda for most of our school communities, for both staff and students and in many cases the wider community – this is a positive step forward for which we are most grateful.
To continue to inform the discussion please feel free to complete this current survey by clicking on the link or scanning the QR code: 2024 National Parent Survey
Siobhan Allen
Executive Director