Dear St Columba’s Community,
Happy New Year! It is with great excitement and anticipation that we extend our warmest welcome back to school for 2025. It was wonderful to see so many cheerful students come to meet their new teacher on Monday for our annual “Shaking off the nerves” morning.
Welcome back to all our staff. They have been warming up and getting things ready for our students’ return. We have certainly missed their energy, laughter, and curiosity, and are excited to be back for a new year filled with endless possibilities and growth.
A special welcome to new staff who commence their first appointment to St Columba’s School, Megan Swalski (PP), Christine Williams (PP), Sarah Mills (Year 1) and Kiera More (Year 5).
Welcome back to all students. This year holds endless opportunities for you to explore, discover, and challenge yourselves. As you join your new classroom, I hope you create lasting memories together.
To our returning families, we are delighted to see familiar faces once again and eager to continue the journey of learning and growth together. Your continued support and involvement make our school a vibrant and nurturing environment for all.
For our new families and students, we extend a heartfelt welcome. We understand that starting at a new school can be both exciting and daunting, but rest assured, you are a part of a very supportive community.
Thank you for taking the time to read our weekly Donegal and keeping up with what’s happening. I know how busy life can get.
As always, the start of the year can be extremely warm and after a long holiday, it can take a little while for students to adjust. Please ensure your child comes to school with a filled water bottle and School Hat. We also strongly encourage all parents to assist their child in applying sunscreen before coming to school and provide roll-on sunscreen for your child to keep in their bag so they can reapply during the school day when prompted by the teacher. Sunscreen is also available for your child in the classroom.
I hope 2025 is filled with lots of wonder-filled moments for you all. I encourage you all to read the 2025 Start of Year Message from CEWA Executive Director, Mr Wayne Bull, located within this edition of the Donegal.
Grounds Updates
During the holidays, several improvements were made to refresh and maintain our school grounds, including:
- Additional drainage installed at the Greg Martin Pavilion
- New carpet and updated design in the School Library
- Fresh paint applied to the Library, Years 5-6 classrooms, and Main Entrance Gates
We are also excited about the upcoming installation of a new Cubby House in the downstairs playground, with work set to begin this week.
Parent Code of Conduct
As we embark on a new year, it is important to reflect on some expectations again to make St Columba’s Primary School a happy and safe place for all to learn, work, play and grow. I ask all families to take the time to access the Community Code of Conduct by clicking the link below:
A friendly reminder, if you are sharing images of your child on social media whilst at school events, to only upload images of your child, unless you have permission from the family of the other child/ren.
Drop Off and Pick Up Procedures
The beginning of each school year always brings a little extra pressure to our surrounding roads during drop-off and pick-up time. Our Kiss N Drive is supervised before school from 8.15 am – 8.40 am and after school 2.50 pm – 3.20 pm.
Arriving after school at 3.10 pm does alleviate some traffic congestion, so if you can come a little later, please do so. Students will never be left unsupervised.
Please, never obstruct our neighbours’ driveways or nearby laneways.
All families will shortly receive an updated name card to display on your visor or for you to hold up to show duty staff as you approach the pick-up area. This enables staff on duty to ensure your child is ready for collection and keep the traffic moving smoothly.
A brochure regarding the use of school parking facilities has been distributed by the City of Bayswater and is available for viewing on our School’s Facebook Page. There are very clear directives regarding the responsibilities of all of us about parking around schools, and the interactions we have with City Officers and their roles. Please maintain respect for City Officers, as they are completing their work under the direction of the City of Bayswater in maintaining the safety of all, especially our children. You are providing an example for your child to follow.
One of the directives from the City of Bayswater is for officers to take photographic evidence of offending vehicles to ensure accurate administration of infringements. As per our Code of Conduct, we are all responsible for setting ourselves the highest of standards regarding the wellbeing of all. Thank you for doing your part to ensure our Code of Conduct is adhered to at an exceptional level.
We ask parents who have parked to collect their children to consider those families who are circling the streets looking for a bay and leave as soon as possible to give their spot to another.
Before School Supervision
Before school supervision commences at 8.15 am. Students who must arrive between 8.00 am and 8.15 am are required to sit outside the Library and wait for the Duty Teacher at 8.15 am, before moving around the school.
Should your child arrive at school before 8.00 am, they need to be enrolled into OSHC. Please contact Jess at or 9208 2723.
Only students enrolled in the Outside of School Hours Care (OSHC) for Before School Care are permitted downstairs prior to 8.15 am.
Play allowed during before and after school supervision is modified to take into consideration the space, extra visitors on site, and staff available for duty.
Games involving large balls such as soccer, basketball and football are not permitted before or after school.
Playgrounds are not supervised by staff before and after school. We ask parents to not allow their children to play on the playgrounds without staff supervision.
Our nature playground is not designed for students below Year 1 and the risk of injury are higher for younger children playing on this playground. Parents of Pre Kindy, Kindy and Pre Primary children, if you choose to allow your child to play on this before school please stand by your child to supervise them closely and do not allow them on the playground prior to 8.30 am. Play on the playgrounds after school is not permitted.
Parent Information Evening
Teachers will hold two information sessions for parents. We encourage you all to attend. These will be held next Wednesday 12 February in your child’s classroom with their teacher. Session times are as below:
Session One : 6.00 – 6.30 pm
Session Two : 6.35 – 7.05 pm
Request for our Teachers
At the end of the day, all our teachers have a right to disconnect for their own well-being and to be able to sustain the very important work they do in educating our children. To support our educators in achieving a healthy work-life balance they must be allowed to disengage from work-related responsibilities and technology outside of their designated working hours. Therefore teachers are unable to respond to calls, emails, texts, or any other forms of communication after the conclusion of their work hours.
School Office Hours are from 8.00 am to 4.00 pm. If you need assistance outside of these hours with a matter relating to child safety, e.g. cyber safety/bullying, a message can be left on 9208 2700. Your message will be received by the relevant Assistant Principal, Niall Kehoe (PK-Year 2) or Leesa Vinciullo (Year 3 – 6) before the commencement of classes for the following day and actioned accordingly.
Your understanding and adherence to these protocols are greatly appreciated as we collectively strive to ensure the well-being and safety of all individuals within our educational community. Should you require further assistance or clarification, please do not hesitate to reach out.
Creating an environment where all students feel welcomed and develop a strong sense of belonging in their new classroom is our top priority. When students feel supported, they thrive academically. As your child’s teacher gets to know them and students begin building new routines and friendships, the initial homework will focus on revision. Once school-wide standardised testing is completed, homework will become more tailored to individual needs.
Homework will be available to all students starting from Week 3.
Thank you for your continued support.
Upcoming Events
- Friday 7 February: Commissioning Mass for Student Leaders, CSAC & P&F @ 9.00 am.
- Wednesday 12 February: Parent Information Evening commencing in classrooms from 6.00pm.
- Tuesday 18 February: Pre Kindy & Kindy 2026 Enrolment Information Morning.
In gratitude
Gina Burns

P & F News
Hi Families,
We wish for this new year to be a truly engaging time of friendraising again. We hope to build a vibrant group of dedicated volunteers across our whole community who inspire others to get on board naturally. By reinvigorating our purpose to work together, we in turn deliver on goals for our kids.
We are looking for Class Representatives in each year group — thank you to those amazing parents who have already put their hand up. If you wish to be a Rep this year or share the role with another parent, please contact the Secretaries. If you wish to just attend meetings/play another part in assisting the team, we’d love to hear from you too!
Do you have a business that is keen to support fundraising at the School? Can you donate any goods or services to help benefit events and planning?
We truly thank you for your support again this year and look forward to meeting many new faces (including any Dads!) — don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any queries. Remember, none of us knew what to do in these roles before we had a go — and we are all here as volunteers.
The first P&F meeting of 2025 will be held Tuesday 18th February, 6 – 7:30pm in the School Library. We are now calling for any agenda items to be included for this meeting. Please communicate items for discussion through to your Class Representatives by Monday 10th February. We encourage all parents within our community to be actively involved in the St Columba’s P&F — please feel welcome to attend meetings and lets kick off a new fundraising year altogether!
- 12 February — Parent Information Evening
- 18 February — P&F Meeting #1
- March/April — Wine Drive Fundraiser
- 10 April — Swimming Carnival Sausage Sizzle Fundraiser
- 10 April — Free dress gold coin Fundraiser
Pastoral Care
Happy Birthday to:
The following students who will celebrate birthday’s in the coming week:
Harper McMurtie PKW
Benjamin Tan PKW
Ezra Halls KG
Joe McIntyre KG
Elise Lee KW
Lilly Fannin PPG
James Blake PPG
Brigid Murphy Grace PPW
Margot Juniper Y1G
Oliver Minchin Y4G
Stefano Mustica Y5G
Luke Magee Y5G
Alexander Khoo Y5G
Jonathan Truong Y5W
Maya Katich Y5W
Indi Whitbread Y6W
And to all the students and staff who have celebrated birthdays over the Christmas/January holidays.
Three Chances to Win for $1
To participate we ask that each child bring in $1 which gives them 3 chances to win the weekly prize.
Rosters for the Weekly Prize
Term rosters are placed on the classroom door and printed in the weekly newsletter for you to check when your child/children are due to donate the prize (one prize donated per child a year) for their class. The idea is to provide a small gift (eg book, puzzle, pencils etc) to the approx. value of $5.
The child rostered to donate a prize is kindly asked to hand the prize to the class teacher before the morning of their roster.
Would you like to Volunteer with us?
We are always looking for Volunteers to join the Pastoral Care Team. If you can spare a little time on a Wednesday morning after drop off, you can find us in the Church meeting room just as you enter from the basketball court entrance. Come say Hi on the 12th and see what we are all about or please feel free to reach out to us at by leaving a message with Lisa or Kylie in Administration and one of our amazing volunteers will talk you through volunteering with us.
A Big Thank You!
We cannot do what we do for the school community without your generosity and participation.
Thank you greatly from the Pastoral Care Team!
Week 1 – 5 February – NO RAFFLE
Week 2 – 12 February
Week 3 – 19 February
Week 4 – 26 February
Kindy Green | Week 2 – Riley Bowker Week 3 – Hank Brindle Week 4 – Allegra Cameron |
Kindy White | Week 2 – Elias Byrde Week 3 – Zariah Byrde Week 4 – Levon Caruana |
PP Green | Week 2 – Mercy Alugbin Week 3 – Matilda Arfuso Week 4 – James Blake |
PP White | Week 2 – Logan Albouni Week 3 – Madison Aung Than Week 4 – George Capellini |
Year 1 Green | Week 2 – Grace Aldworth Week 3 – Remington Bennett Week 4 – Theodore Billington |
Year 1 White | Week 2 – Noah Bowker Week 3 – Max Bateman Week 4 – Beatrix Beros |
Year 2 Green | Week 2 – Darcy Blake Week 3 – Paige Booth Week 4 – Juliette Cahill |
Year 2 White | Week 2 – Holly Magee Week 3 – Ayla Bennett Week 4 – Jake Bouteloup |
Year 3 Green | Week 2 – Ava-Marie Bova Week 3 – Charlie Bateman Week 4 – Aurora Cameron |
Year 3 White | Week 2 – Ella Aldworth Week 3 – Elliott Bonnett Week 4 – Olive Caruana |
Year 4 Green | Week 2 – Belle Charlett Week 3 – Savannah Aung Than Week 4 – Alessandra Cahill |
Year 4 White | Week 2 – Arden Bezich Week 3 – Amelia Booth Week 4 – Tessa Cavalli |
Year 5 Green | Week 2 – Millie Charlett Week 3 – Luke Magee Week 4 – Jude Allison |
Year 5 White | Week 2 – Simeon Alugbin Week 3 – Sajad Aljabry Week 4 – Thomas Armstrong |
Year 6 Green | Week 2 – Michael Baldwin Week 3 – Shishir Berigai Week 4 – Aaliyah Brandis |
Year 6 White | Week 2 – Miranda Ahn Week 3 – Isla Bentley Week 4 – Alfie allison |