Dear St Columba’s Community,
Sacrament of First Reconciliation
Sending our best wishes to our Year 3 children who are making their first reconciliation this Thursday evening.
This sacrament is an opportunity for us to seek forgiveness for our sins, reconcile with God, and renew our spiritual journey. Through this sacrament, participants are encouraged to reflect on their actions, seek penance, and experience the healing power of God’s mercy. May this significant milestone be a source of spiritual growth and inner peace for each child involved.
Thank you to our Sacramental Team in preparing the students for this, Deb Klatt, Maree Musca, Leesa Vinciullo, Fr Andrew and Parish Catechists Caroline Kelly and Lucy Smallpage.
Cross Country
We were blessed once again with beautiful weather for the recent cross country carnival. I thoroughly enjoyed spending the day watching our participants from all grades showing both their athleticism and determination to finish the course.
Thanks to all our parents who came along to enthusiastically cheer on the children to reach the finish line. Regardless of their position or ability, every runner received encouragement and applause, fostering a sense of belonging and support. Special thank you also to our staff who got involved for that extra encouragement that we all sometimes need.
Thank you to Dylan Banks, PE Teacher, again for the preparation and dedication to ensure the day ran smoothly and was a memorable experience for all. Congratulations to McAuley who were the overall winners of the day.
Full results further down this column.
Lost Property
With the cooler weather upon us, please be extra vigilant in labelling all items of clothing, in particular school jumpers and jackets. This will ensure we will be able to return them to their rightful owner.
If you have brought items second hand, please ensure you remove the previous owner’s name.
Finally, water bottles are also required to be labelled. There are quite a few of these currently in our lost property collection.
Upcoming events:
- Don’t forget to register for the Premier’s Reading Challenge! A great way to promote reading for pleasure and support your child’s reading progress throughout the next school holidays!
- Thursday 30 May: First Reconciliation Ceremony for Year 3
- Friday 31 May: Pupil Free Day (the school is closed. OSHC remains available)
- Monday 3 June: WA Day Public Holiday
- Friday 7 June: St Columba’s Day and Mercy Mission Day. Students from Years 3 – 6 will attend Mass at 9.00am and all parents are welcome to join us.
Uniform Shop
Uniform Shop opening times for the remainder Term 2 :
Wed 5 June – 2.30pm to 3.15pm
Orders can still be placed online and will delivered to your child’s class each Thursday.
Cross Country Results
In gratitude,
Gina Burns
eSafety is a government website that provides advice and resources for parents on how to help their kids stay safe online. The website provides research for children and young adults. It has specific resources targeted for children under 5, children aged between 5 and 8, and older kids. It also has advice for parents on dealing with the various issues they may come across while their children use the internet. We will be giving various snippets of what is on the website over the year but we encourage you to look at this terrific resource:
P & F News
WOW! What an absolutely, amazing effort by our school community for our P&F Fundraiser.
Almost 850 tubs of Cookie Dough sold. Thank you St. Columba’s families and friends.It was a close finish for the Top Class….. CONGRATULATIONS to 1G for selling the highest number of tubs in the school.
Your class will win their very own cookie dough, for baking together in Week 11.
A big shoutout to the following Top 3 individual sellers too:
- Blake – 6W
- The McGlue Family – 1G & 3G
- Scarlett – 1W

We are thrilled to announce a wonderful fundraising opportunity in partnership with Hay Shed Hill Wines, a premium 5-star Margaret River winery. For each dozen bottles sold, Hay Shed Hill will generously donate $30 back to our School P&F to raise funds towards upgrading some of the Early Learning Centre external play areas. Purchase and enjoy this delicious Margaret River wine while supporting our cause OR share with Family and Friends to get involved and order! The more we sell, the more we raise!
Click on the link below for your order form to make your purchase. Forms can also be picked up from the school office.
Thank you for your support in making our Early Learning area a wonderful space for our children
St Columbas Wine Fundraiser 2024
Love to contribute to our schools fundraising efforts?
Consider the St Columba’s P&F at your next Containers for Change deposit. Simply scan the QR code, or download the app and add the member number to your profile. The P&F would be so grateful for your contribution to further aid in the students resources and equipment.
- 27 June – PJ Day / Gold coin donation
- During June – Mid Year Raffle (prizes drawn last day of Term 2 – Thursday 27 June)
- 20 September – Subway Order Lunch Day
- 18 October – P&F Disco
The next P&F meeting will be held on Tuesday 11 June at 7.00pm in the Sr Irena Library. An agenda will be sent shortly for all families to read and decide if they’d like to attend. We hope to see as many new faces as possible.
Library News
Join your child for the Premier’s Reading Challenge 2024.
Unlock the magic of reading. There are prizes to be won, fun to be had, and stories to uncover.
Details at:
Make sure you join: ST COLUMBA’S SCHOOL
The library is open every morning before school:
All students are welcome from 8:15am
Pre-Kindy and Kindy students must be accompanied by Parent/Carer until 8.45am
The library is a calming and quiet place, making it the perfect spot for students to have a smooth and calming transition in the morning.
Students may also like to return and borrow books before school.
Looking forward to seeing you the library.
Rita Cuthbert – Library Officer – Library - the original search engine
Pastoral Care
Happy Birthday to:
These students who will be celebrating in the coming week:
Isabelle Glare KG
Luca Lo Surdo KW
Celeste Mulherin 2G
Otis Knox 2G
Lily Vernon 3W
Archer Laffrey 6G
Tickets are 3 for $1 (maximum of 3 tickets per child).
We are always looking for Volunteers to join the Pastoral Care Team. If you can spare a little time on a Wednesday morning after drop off, you can find us in the Church meeting room just as you enter from the basketball court.
Thank you greatly from the Pastoral Care Team!
Week 8 – 5 June
Week 9 – 12 June
Kindy Green | Week 8 – Everett Khoo Week 9 – Jennifer Hart |
Kindy White | Week 8 – August Knox Week 9 – Isaac Comber |
PP Green | Week 8 – Alexander de Courcier Week 9 – Hannah Ferguson |
PP White | Week 8 – Austin Hoek Week 9 – Clarisse Hong |
Year 1 Green | Week 8 – Norah Cregan Week 8 – Leo Duff |
Year 1 White | Week 8 – Jake Bouteloup Week 9 – Zara Campbell |
Year 2 Green | Week 8 – Otis Knox Week 9 – Hudson Fernandez |
Year 2 White | Week 8 – Jessica Kennewell Week 9 – Samuel Kootje |
Year 3 Green | Week 8 – Charlotte de Courcier Week 9 – Jenson Kootje |
Year 3 White | Week 8 – Cerys Chaloner Week 9 – Harvey Ferguson |
Year 4 Green | Week 8 – Elizabeth Kennewell Week 9 – Oscar Hamilton |
Year 4 White | Week 8 – Alex Khoo Week 9 – Gianna Krishnan |
Year 5 Green | Week 8 – James Mason Week 9 – Mason Campbell |
Year 5 White | Week 8 – Lachlan Eaton Week 9 – Eli Felt |
Year 6 Green | Week 8 – Lucas Giuffre Week 9 – Chloe Hayward |
Year 6 White | Week 8 – Chloe Bouteloup Week 9 – Hendrik English |
Religious Education and Curriculum News
From our Library Classes:
Don’t forget to sign up for the Premier’s Reading Challenge.
From Year 4 White:
Community Notices
School Counsellor News
Nicole Leach
School Counsellor