Principal's Post

Dear Parents & Caregivers,

Welcome Back to Term 2! I am sure you all enjoyed your break and some time to rest and find time for self after what was a busy Term 1. I know, easy for me to find time as my kids are 23 and 21, so not so dependent on me for stuff. Yep, you guys with kids in schools, well yes, they need you, but hopefully hot having the rush of getting ready for school in the morning and not having to rush to get to pick-up made it a little less busy some days.

It is always exciting starting a new term, especially when we head into the cooler weather of autumn. As with every start of term, getting back into routines takes a little time for some of us. Having to get organised for school uniforms, lunches, homework and all the other things in life, let along our own work, it can have an impact. This is where the value for our school year, Mercy, can come into play

Knowing we come with a freshness every day when bringing this value alive within ourselves and our kids. We know the value of Mercy is all about being kind and gentle on self and others. Imagine in the excitement of our morning routines, especially when things do not go to plan, if we have Mercy at the forefront. We get to be gentle. This gentleness leads to an acceptance that some mornings are going to go smoothly, and we will be ten minutes ahead of schedule and then on other mornings, it may be a little more chaotic, so we end up running ten minutes behind. I have been there done that, so know the pressure this can bring. What I am saying is, as principal, you need to know that I get this and so we will always live out our value of Mercy with our families, our kids and each other. Otherwise, why have the value?

We all have a responsibility to be living out this value. Not perfectly, but with it being our focus, we all need to be mindful of what it means to us. When we have a school value set for the year, the challenge is to keep it at the forefront of our thinking, so that our kids get to see it every day, hear it every day. I know I get distracted by all the operational matters of the day, and will forget to even mention the word some weeks. I am okay with this, because it is just how things roll sometimes, but it also reminds me I need to get better at bringing this every day in some way to our school community. What I do know, is that it can be in the little things that we have have the most profound impact. Think of one action each day where we can be gentle on others and self, when we can be kind and forgiving. We will change lives!


ANZAC Day Service

This Thursday, 22 April at 9.00 am, we will hold a service for our students, staff and any parents, grandparents that would like to attend. ANZAC Day always brings us to the realisation of just how blessed we are to be living in Australia and to have the life we enjoy with peace. It is a time of reflection, remembrance and a time of being grateful.

Please check out my Anzac Day Reflection later in this newsletter.


Staffing Update

We continue to keep Andrea Gilbert in our prayers and thoughts during the term and look forward to welcoming Andrea back to St Col’s in the future. We welcome back Megan Dwyer after her long service leave break during Term 1. Megan will be teaching our Pre-Kindergarten classes on a Tuesday and Thursday. Laura Dawson, who taught PK in Term 1, will be going on parental leave as of Week 3 this term.

We also welcome Mitch McGivern back to St Col’s after a short time away in Wyndham. Mitch had planned to spend a few years teaching in the Kimberley, however Mitch’s dad is unwell, so Mitch has returned to Perth. Mitch will be teaching three days of Phys-Ed on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday for the remainder of the year. Jo McCluskey will move to teaching Science to Pre-Primary, Year 1 and Year 2, along with a learning support role.


Pupil Free Day

Tuesday the 27 April will be a Professional Learning Day for staff. Staff will be engaged in workshops in the further development of our school mission and values. No students attend school on this day.


Community Mass – Saturday 1 May at 6.00 pm

We have our first Community Mass, since before COVID, coming up. This is where our school families attend a Mass once per term bringing us together with our parish. On Saturday 1 May at 6.00 pm, we will hold our Community Mass. It will also be a time for our Year 3 and Year 4 students who are making their sacraments to make a commitment to their preparation. We would love to see the church bursting at the seams as we come together to give thanks for all the goodness we have in our lives here at St Col’s.


School Oval Renovation

Renovation works were required on the school oval during the holiday break, as we prepare to get the oval through winter. As with every winter, the oval does struggle under the load of traffic from our students. We have engaged with a company to look at a new plan as we move into the months of winter. The focus has been on the levelling of the space as well as the health of the soil. Looking forward to how this will go over the coming months.


Interschool Swimming Carnival

Our interschool swimming team will be in action on Friday 30 April at Challenge Stadium. It is an exciting time for all our students involved. Our students always put in an enormous amount of effort in representing our school. Their attitude is the greatest part about who they are as St Col’s kids. I thank all our parents who have assisted our children in their training sessions over the holiday break. Thank you to Jo McCluskey for organising the team.


Transition to Winter Uniforms

There is a two-week transition period at the start of the term as we move into wearing our winter uniforms. At the start of Week 3, Monday 3 May, students will be required to be wearing their winter uniforms. We will push this out a week if the weather is still on the warm side.

As per the school’s Student Uniform and Dress Code Policy boys can either wear grey school trousers or grey school shorts. Pinafores for the girls are no longer an option to purchase, however students in Years 1 to 3, who still own a pinafore, can still wear it if they wish.


Kiss and Drive

Thank you to all our parents for their understanding during the busy times of Kiss and Drive in the morning and afternoons. Please continue to keep the road rules for parking. As with the start of year, we receive reminders on expectations and the respect needed during these times of the day. Respect to others, families of the school, our neighbours and City of Bayswater staff. We thank you for your understanding when traffic or parking is an issue. This is one of the challenges we need to continue to be mindful of. Traffic can be relieved in the afternoons, if parents arrive at Kiss and Drive after 3.05 pm. Milne Street Kiss and Drive closes at 3.15 pm, but Roberts Street remains open till 3.20 pm. Once Milne Street closes, those remaining students come to Roberts Street. Also, another option for parking is the Bayswater Bowling Club, which as a short walk to the school, if parking becomes scarce.


We are looking forward to the start of the term, and seeing our students back at school. Again, it may take a few days to settle back in, and that is fine. It is all part of returning back to school routines after a holiday break. Enjoy your week and take care of yourself.


In gratitude





P & F News


Next P&F meeting is on Tuesday 18th May at 7pm in the Library.



Thank you to all those that ordered wine and especially to those families that didn’t order wine but made a donation to the P&F. A huge shout out to Hay Shed Hill Winery for supporting the school and donating a total of $1,550. Orders will be available for collection Wednesday after school and Thursday. If you aren’t able to collect your order, please let me know ( and we can arrange a time for you.

Our next fundraiser is the Entertainment memberships. These are all now electronic and a flyer was sent home yesterday for each family. Details are also attached to this newsletter and on the parent Facebook page.



Columba Runners

We would love to invite all those children wishing to join us for Columba Runners in Terms 2 and 3 to do so. The first session will be on the 19th of April at Frank Drago oval 3.15-4.15pm and continue Mondays and Wednesdays. Cost is $25 per child, parents can join free! Prizes awarded based on total kilometers achieved over both terms, including those parents brave enough to participate! Please complete the online registration.

This club is run by volunteers. Any parents who are able to attend and assist with marking laps and encouraging everyone, we would love to have you. Those attending OSHC are also considered, please chat to the lovely Jess.

If your child is in Yr 2 and below, they must be accompanied by a parent or older sibling. It is the responsibility of the parent/caregiver to ensure the safety of the students between school and Frank Drago.




Together we’re making a difference

At Pharmacy 777, your support makes a difference to your school.
We understand how much your school means to you, that’s why at Pharmacy 777, we’re passionate about making a difference. Our Community Spirit Program makes giving back to your school easier. As a Community Spirit member, for every transaction you make at Pharmacy 777 Bayswater and Maylands, they will give part proceeds back to the school. This contribution accumulates over time and funds raised support causes at the heart of your school. We would encourage all school community members to visit Pharmacy 777 Bayswater and Maylands and join up.

Pastoral Care

Happy Birthday to:

To the following students who will be celebrating over the coming week:

Vincent Del Borrello KG
Oscar Harris KG
Ava-Marie Bova KW
Annabel Harper KW
Thomas Pinnington PPG
Hugo Zachar PPG
Maria Mustica PPW
Katie Kim Oliver PPW
Ava Gallagher 1G
Max Nguyen 1W
Davern Laffrey 1W
Christian Cullura 2W
Allegra Pizzata 2W
Maggie Ma 3W
Hannah Hinks 3W
Ava Moretta 5G
Max Kryachok 5G
Taj Debono 6G
Rory Shanahan 6W









To all the students and staff who will be celebrating birthdays over the Easter school holidays.

Pastoral Care was so overwhelmed by the school communities generosity in donating to our Easter Raffle.  We were able to give out 120 prizes to some very excited children.  Part proceeds were donated to Caritas to help the less fortunate and $400.20 to our school community Pastoral Care. Thanks for all the donations and support towards our 2021 Easter raffle.



Pastoral Care Raffle

Here are the rosters:


Week 1 – NO RAFFLE
Week 2 – 28 April
Week 3 – 5 May


Kindy Green
Week 2 Annabelle Cornish
Week 3 Ella Phillips
Kindy White
Week 2 Aiden Harris
Week 3 Annabel Harper
PP GreenWeek 2 Aimee Alexander
Week 3 Amelia Booth
PP White
Week 2 Alessandra Cahill
Week 3 Arden Bezich
Year 1 Green
Week 2 Abigail Vernon
Week 3 Alexander Khoo
Year 1 WhiteWeek 2 Alessandra Balla
Week 3 Alexis Del Borrello
Year 2 GreenWeek 2 Aaliyah Brandis
Week 3 Alessia Marrapodi
Year 2 White
Week 2 Alfie Allison
Week 3 Charlotte Eaglesham
Year 3 Green
Week 2 Alexis Stewart
Week 3 Arnav Bajaj
Year 3 White
Week 2 Abraham Lawes
Week 3 Alyssa Clark
Year 4 GreenWeek 2 Annabel Inglis
Week 3 Dylan Sardelich
Year 4 WhiteWeek 2 Abbie Hartus
Week 3 Camille Tribut
Year 5 GreenWeek 2 Amie Lan
Week 3 Charlotte Pitter
Year 5 WhiteWeek 2 Amelie Trinder
Week 3 Ava Giangiordano
Year 6 Green
Week 2 Abigail Hornby
Week 3 Denzel Seneviratne
Year 6 White
Week 2 Anay Bhujbal
Week 3 Drystan Chaloner


Raffle tickets are 20 cents each with a maximum of 3 tickets per child. Each child will be rostered once a year to bring a BOOK to the value of $5.

If there are any parents out there that love cooking and are able to help us with meals please contact Jeannie –

Your continued support is greatly appreciated by our school community.


Pastoral Care Team.




‘They gave their tomorrow, so we could have our today. Lest we Forget.’ As soon as we read these words, we are drawn to the significance of the day and this moment in time. It brings the realisation that this is a time of being grateful for what we have in Australia and how the sacrifice of those before us allow us to lead the lives we do, lives of peace. Truer words cannot be said than those below

When we speak about ANZAC Day at our school service, we talk about how important it is to remember these words and that we all need to make sure our little corner of the world is a better place. Whether it be in our classroom, our playground, at home, in our sporting teams, we need to remember. We need to remember the connection of the ANZAC spirit, and our connection to our motto, which includes, ‘Grow in Faith, Seek Wisdom, Live in Peace’. We speak of living with forgiveness is one of the greatest gifts we can offer ourselves and others. Why, because it brings peace to relationships and our world.

Forgiveness is also one of the greatest challenges for us as humans as it calls us to gentleness and compassion for others who may have hurt us deeply. I don’t know what it is about Easter and ANZAC Day being so close to each other, but it always has us reflecting on how much we need to appreciate everything we have and the sacrifices of others to make things better for us.

Our ANZACs and all those who have given their lives to the protection of others during times of war, were selfless in their actions. This significant day of acknowledgement expresses our gratitude to all those who have served, are serving and will serve in the future. We find this time of reflection something that grounds and connects us as a nation. It brings us together as a people. We will never forget.

I found some space during my holiday break to enjoy watching some Netflix and other series on iView. I came across the following phrase/saying, which connected me straight back to the ANZACs, but also what our calling is in schools, and in all our lives, whenever we have impact on others. I am absolutely hooked in to this, like seriously hooked. It talks about what we do here at St Columba’s, all of us do. It is what we speak with our kids about daily, it is not about me, but rather it is about others. Wait and see the impact of this.

Here are the words in one of the scenes that will not leave me. I cannot get it out of my head.

‘It is not all about me.
Make my corner of the world a better place.
That is all there is…happiness is amazing…it is so amazing that it does not matter
if it is yours or not…it is that lovely thing…

a society grows great, when old men plant trees the shade of which they know they will never sit in.’

The final line, ‘a society grows great, when old men plant trees the shade of which they know they will never sit in.’ This is so much about the ANZACs, but so much about school communities. The opportunities for each of us to influence and impact upon our children come in abundance. There are so many moments where we get to plant the trees in the lives of our kids. I mean, how important is this for all of us to remember. I will keep speaking with our staff and kids about this concept of making ‘my corner of the world a better place’. The more I look at myself, my family, my mates, I see it so clearly. I am so slack at it at times, but that is okay, it is not about trying to be perfect, it is actually about being human. Such a strong core value here that relates to ‘compassion’. Compassion does make my little corner, our little corner, of the world a better place.

This Sunday gives us all a chance to stop and remember. Hoping you get to find some time this weekend.

Community Notices












St Columba’s School Bayswater

32 Roberts Street, Bayswater WA 6053
PO Box 61, Bayswater WA 6933
Phone: (08) 9208 2700