Dear Parents,
I would like to welcome you all back to the 2022 school year.
On a personal note, I would like to thank the St Columbas school community for making me feel so welcome. I am certainly looking forward to spending this first semester here at this wonderful school. I also look forward to meeting more of you over the term. Mr Lombardi and I have met on many occasions over the break for a comprehensive handover to ensure that various programs and initiatives continue as planned.
I must congratulate the students who have commenced the school year so confidently and smoothly. I struggled to find a tear especially from our little ones in our junior classes, however, I couldn’t believe how happy the parents were when leaving the school grounds on the first day!!!
A big welcome to our new families: Aljabry Family (Sajad Y2W), Meenan Family (Matilda Y2W & Mason KG) & Wilson Family (Jack 3G & Frankie KG) and to our new staff members: Maree Musca (3W), Dylan Banks (PE), Angela Mai (Y6), Melissa Merendino (EA). We wish you all a very fun-filled and rewarding experience here at St Columbas Primary school.
On a sad note, we say farewell to Jo McCluskey. Jo has been successful in obtaining a position at Notre Dame Primary School. We thank Jo for all her efforts, time and love that she has given to the St Columba’s community and wish her God’s blessings and every success in her new venture.
As has been the case the last two years we again commence the year with lots of uncertainty in the world. However, I feel that we must maintain a certain level of optimism and live life to the full as much as we can in our environment and stay united.
A few points to keep you updated and informed on the COVID front:
- Last Friday 28 January you were all sent a text message from the school informing you of an update letter for COVID-19 on our website (also attached to this newsletter). If you have not read the letter yet, please do so.
- you may be aware, the State Government has mandated that all school staff are required to be double dose vaccinated before Term 1, 2022 starts and booster shots as soon as they are eligible.
- The State Government has issued Education Worker (Restrictions on Access) Directions (No. 3), which are published on These Directions include vaccination requirements for visitors entering school sites.
Please note, students are not required to be vaccinated, however children aged over 12 can receive the COVID-19 vaccination, with access likely to be extended to children over the age of 5 in January. If you have any concerns, please discuss your child’s vaccination requirements with your doctor.
Parents and Caregivers are not required to be vaccinated when:
+ dropping off or picking up their child from school;
+ volunteering at school on an ad hoc basis – which means attendance at no more than one education facility no more than once per week.
+ attending an event such as an assembly or parent teacher interview; or
+ entering the school after hours.
Parents and Caregivers are required to provide vaccination evidence (single dose vaccinated from 1 January 2022 and double dose vaccinated from 31 January 2022) or exemption when:
+ volunteering at the school/s more than once a week (this includes volunteering at the school canteen, uniform store or an in-class literacy or numeracy program);
+ working in an unpaid capacity at the school/s more than once a week; or
+ participating in an endorsed program at the school where parent attendance is required more than once a week, such as Playgroups or Aboriginal Families as First Educators (AFaFE)
The following are acceptable forms of evidence of COVID-19 vaccination or exemption:
+ written confirmation of the COVID-19 vaccination issued by the Department of Health
+ the COVID-19 digital certificate, which shows only your COVID-19 vaccinations and you can access information on how to get your COVID-19 digital certificate here
+ an International COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate issued by the Commonwealth Government. This shows the COVID-19 vaccination recorded on the Australian Immunisation Register
+ medical exemption issued by the Australian Immunisation Register
+ a temporary exemption granted by the WA Chief Health Officer
Please rest assured that we are committed to ensuring our school is a COVID-19 safe space and will do the best we can. The Department of Health has provided clear directions regarding the requirements to keep students, staff members and our community safe and we will follow their directions.
I thank all our parents for your continued support and understanding.
Just a quick reminder to parents picking their children up from Milne Street. Could those parents who are parked out of view from your child, park and then walk up to collect your child. Please do not wave your child to your car, nor park across the road and wave your child to the car. This is very dangerous. Teachers will dismiss children if walking home or if they are picked up by their parents from the gate or if parents are parked immediately outside the gate.
To make it a smoother operation along Milne Street, I ask all parents using this access to maybe enter Milne Street from the northern end, (railway end), and exit Milne Street along Almondbury Street.
Again, I thank you all for your warm welcome and I look forward to meeting you along the way.
Stay Healthy, Stay Safe and Stay United!
Sandro Coniglio
Term 1 Start Date Students Monday 31 January
Term 1 End Date Students Friday 8 April
Term 2 Start Date Students Tuesday 26 April
Term 2 End Date Students Thursday 30 June
Term 3 Start Date Students Monday 18 July
Term 3 End Date Students Thursday 22 September
Term 4 Start Date Students Monday 10 October
Term 4 End Date Students Friday 9 December
Pupil Free Dates Professional Learning Days (Staff) 2022
Friday 4 March
Friday 3 June
Friday 1 July
Friday 19 August
Friday 23 September
Please note, these dates are subject to change. If these dates for Professional Learning do require amending, parents will be notified well in advance.
A reminder that Parent information sessions will be held next Wedensday 9 February. Due to the COVID restrictions the finer details will be confirmed early next week.
- Enrolments for Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten 2023 are filling quickly. Please note interviews take place this term for 2023.
- Pre-Kindy 2023 – children born between 1 July 2019 and 30 June 2020.
- Kindergarten 2023 – children born between 1 July 2018 and 30 June 2019.
- If you have younger children in these age brackets and have not submitted an application, please ensure this is completed at your earliest convenience.
At our first school Mass of the year, Friday 4 February (tomorrow), at 9.00 am, we will present our 2022 student leaders from Year 6. Our Catholic School Advisory Council and Catholic School Parents WA Executive members will be commissioned for the year.
P & F News
Together we’re making a difference
At Pharmacy 777, your support makes a difference to your school.
We understand how much your school means to you, that’s why at Pharmacy 777, we’re passionate about making a difference. Our Community Spirit Program makes giving back to your school easier. As a Community Spirit member, for every transaction you make at Pharmacy 777 Bayswater and Maylands, they will give part proceeds back to the school. This contribution accumulates over time and funds raised support causes at the heart of your school. We would encourage all school community members to visit Pharmacy 777 Bayswater and Maylands and join up.
Pastoral Care
Happy Birthday to:
To the following students who will be celebrating this coming week:
Rico McCort KG
Oliver Minchin 1G
Stefano Mustica 2W
Luke Magee 2W
Jonathan Truong 2W
Maya Katich 3W
Lucas Giuffre 4G
Sebastian Kaless 4W
Jack Hutton 4W
Olivia Cotellessa 5W
Hannah Mutsaers 6G
Community Notices
Interviews for enrolments for Year 7 2025 students are being conducted this Semester for sisters of current and past Mercedes students. If you have not enrolled your daughter, please contact our Enrolments Officer, Nicole Kirk, on 9323 1340 or enrol online via the College website at as soon as possible.
Mercedes College Open Day | Tuesday 15 March
Located in the heart of Perth’s beautiful heritage precinct, Mercedes College are proud to be opening its gates for prospective families. The tour provides an opportunity for parents to hear from the Senior Leadership Team and enjoy a tour of College grounds and facilities led by some of our Student Representative Leaders.
There are two sessions on offer: 8:30am-10.30am or 11am-1pm. Both sessions conclude with some light refreshments and the opportunity to speak with some of our Teachers. Please register via the College website. Limited places available;
WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER – Take time out for yourself and your spouse with a weekend that will focus on your relationship. It will be the best gift you’ll give each other this year. We invite to you attend a WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER weekend and come back with a marriage that is refreshed and exciting. We invite you to join us on our next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend 12-13 March 2022 (Live-out at Prendiville College Ocean Ref) or 29-31 July 2022 (Live out Atrium Hotel Mandurah). For more information or booking contact: Valerie & Brendon on 0424 220 625 – Email: Website –