Principal's Post

Dear Parents and Caregivers

As we head into the final week or so of the school year, please note the following information regarding the events and happenings during this time.



Our Year 6’s and their parents move to their next phase of schooling into high school at the end of this year. We have a beautiful group of Year 6 students who have continued throughout their schooling to set high standards for others to follow. The importance of friendship, looking out for one another and being accepting of every person is what stands them apart. We thank our Year 6’s and their families, for the contribution they have made to life here at St Columba’s School and for the positive influence they have had on others that will follow their lead into the future. Our Year 6’s will be missed. May their transition around the next corner, be one that is smooth but filled with excitement. May you always find a quietness, a peacefulness and a kindness in your heart for all those who come across your path in the future.

We wish our Year 6s well as they move into high school and know that God will keep them safe, blessing them with much happiness and peace throughout their lives. To our Year 6 families who leave us at the end of the year, we wish you blessings of happiness also. For many of our families, it will be their last year here at St Columba’s. This is a time for all of us to be grateful for the many contributions you have made to our school and its people. Your presence here will be missed. We thank you sincerely, not only for your love of your children, but also your love for our school.



To other families within in our school, who move on at the end of the year, thank you for what you have given to us as a community. Thank you for your support during your time here at St Columba’s School. May you be blessed with good times and much happiness. We wish you all the very best for the future. To our kids who leave us, your new teachers are going to love teaching you. You will always be St Col’s Kids. Always!

As families leave St Columba’s, we also have many new families coming to our school for the first time next year. There will be many new families in our Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, and also throughout the school. We very much look forward to them joining us and the special qualities they will add to our school community.

It has been another fantastic year in 2021. As you know, and I tell our kids, I am the luckiest principal on the planet. Why, because they once again shine with the way they go about caring for each other. They have such pride in being St Col’s kids. This is why they are stand-outs, they just love it. They love being here and we love working with them. They are a reflection of what a terrific job you do as parents, and how dedicated our staff members are to supporting you in their education. As parents and staff of St Columba’s School, we have a responsibility to live the words of ‘having our kids shine’.



  • Tonight, 1 December, commencing at 6.00 pm. The evening will be finished by 7.30 pm.
  • We will commence with the Kindergarten and Pre-Primary students.
  • Information has been sent home via Seesaw regarding the evening and is also on the website under the ‘News’ tab.
  • There will be chairs out for parent seating, however you may wish to bring your own fold up chairs to the evening, as we will not have enough chairs for everyone to be seated.
  • It is a relaxed evening to celebrate the work our kids have done through the dance program this term.



  • Our last whole school Mass, for PP to Year 6, will be held in the undercover area at 9.00 am tomorrow, Thursday 2 December.
  • This special occasion will include a dramatic presentation of the nativity by the Pre-Primary classes, and the farewell to families leaving St Columba’s at the end of 2021.
  • Students leaving at the end of the year will receive a small cross for their family to remember their time at St Columba’s School.
  • Parents are most welcome to attend the Mass.



  • This Friday, 3 December, at 8.45 am, our Year 6 students will be presenting their final assembly. We will also farewell them at the end of the assembly.



  • Years 1 – 5 will have their water slide day next Wednesday 8 December.
  • Details of the day will come home through your classroom teachers.



  • Class lists will be out on Monday 6 December. These will be placed outside classrooms at the end of the day. Students will get to see who their classroom teacher will be and who the students will be in their classrooms throughout the transition with their new teachers.
  • We keep this low key with the children. If class lists are ready before this date, parents will be notified.
  • Teachers and leadership spend much time in ensuring classes are allocated in the best interest of our children.
  • We have 100% faith in our teachers and in the process we follow regarding allocation of classes. We know you trust us with your children.
  • It is important to note that our teachers work very closely with each other.
  • Enjoy the excitement that comes with a new school year.


TRANSITION HOUR – Pre-Primary to Year 6 classes for 2022 [not Kindergarten]

  • On Monday 6 December from 9.30 am -10.30 am we will be holding our transition hour.
  • Students will meet their 2022 class teacher and be with their classmates for this hour of transition. It allows teachers and students to make connections before the start of the new school year.


Pre-Primary to Year 6 REPORTS

  • Reports are planned to be available to parents Wednesday afternoon next week. These will again be available to parents through SEQTA Engage.
  • All our students have worked to be their best.
  • Look for the positives and acknowledge the best part about being at school is that there will always be areas for improvement.
  • Thank you to our teachers for the efforts that have gone into the preparations of the reports for Semester 2.



  • This information will be out tomorrow or Friday through Seesaw
  • All lists are now bulk orders. Teachers have sent bulk orders through to our school supplies provider, who will deliver all items to St Columba’s before the start of the school year.
  • The fee will need to be paid directly to the supplier by Friday 21 January.
  • Please follow all details on the forms sent through Seesaw.
  • Your support for this is appreciated.



  • School Fees are now due and full payment is required before the end of this school term. (Except for families that are on direct debit or have made alternative arrangements)
  • Thank you to all our parents for the efforts in maintaining payment of the school fees. Method of payment is either by cash, cheque, EFTPOS, BPay.
  • With our new audit procedures, the school is required to account for outstanding school fees at the end of each year.
  • If you are unable to pay the account in full and have no alternative arrangements in place, please contact Peta Santella on 9208 2705 or email make a repayment plan.
  • Please remember, we are here to support families experiencing financial hardship and we are happy to meet with you to discuss this or any other matter. We understand that these are not easy conversations to have, but also know we are genuine in our support of your family.
  • Your attention and co-operation to this matter is appreciated.



  • Enrolments for Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten 2023 are filling quickly. Please note interviews take place in Term 1 next year for 2023.
  • Pre-Kindy 2023 – children born between 1 July 2019 and 30 June 2020.
  • Kindergarten 2023 – children born between 1 July 2018 and 30 June 2019.
  • If you have younger children in these age brackets and have not submitted an application, please ensure this is completed at your earliest convenience.



The Term 1, 2022 Planner will be sent home during next week, with the full calendar being uploaded to the school website before Friday 17 December. Please be aware that this may change over the coming months and that it is important to continue to check for updates in the Donegal and the website during the year. Whole year start and end of term dates, along with the Pupil Free Days being held during 2022 will be outlined in next week’s newsletter.



Information regarding our Vinnies Christmas Hamper drive has been sent home via seesaw .  The day for collection has now been changed to Tuesday 7 December. We thank you for your support of families within our Bayswater area that will have their Christmas made so much brighter.



Chisholm College canteen will be available as normal throughout the last weeks of term (Wednesday, Thursday and Friday). Please note that as the year winds down and supplies run low, orders placed may not be filled with exactly what was ordered, however students will receive items of similar nature/price instead. Chisholm canteen will endeavor to fill orders as best they can. We apologise for any inconvenience.


Take care and enjoy the upcoming final week or so of the school year.




P & F News


Together we’re making a difference

At Pharmacy 777, your support makes a difference to your school.
We understand how much your school means to you, that’s why at Pharmacy 777, we’re passionate about making a difference. Our Community Spirit Program makes giving back to your school easier. As a Community Spirit member, for every transaction you make at Pharmacy 777 Bayswater and Maylands, they will give part proceeds back to the school. This contribution accumulates over time and funds raised support causes at the heart of your school. We would encourage all school community members to visit Pharmacy 777 Bayswater and Maylands and join up.

Pastoral Care

Happy Birthday to:

To the following students who will be celebrating this coming week:

Leo Sharrinovski PKG
Indiana Gray PKW
Charlie Bateman KW
Rose Pearson KW
Jacob Hofmann PPG
Senumitha Ratnayake 1G
Elliot Dorozenko 2G
Bianca Balla 3G
Christian Parola 5W
Nadia Raschella 6W
Keelan Stanmore 6W










Pastoral Care Raffle


Week 9 – NO RAFFLE



If there are any parents out there that love cooking and are able to help us with meals please contact Jeannie –

Your continued support is greatly appreciated by our school community.


Pastoral Care Team.



Community Notices

We have been advised by Kapture Photography that all portraits and class groups, sports and/or special team photos taken this year are still available for purchase.  Sports and or special group photos will not be available for viewing and purchase after this school year.  

Please visit using our school code; QH3THZ







Bayswater Tennis Club have 5 weeks of school holiday clinics in Dec and Jan

Contact Anthony on 0400 64 33 55 or  for details















St Columba’s School Bayswater

32 Roberts Street, Bayswater WA 6053
PO Box 61, Bayswater WA 6933
Phone: (08) 9208 2700