Principal's Post

Dear Parents of St Columba’s,

This morning our students from Years 3-6 participated in a Mass to celebrate All Saints Day. All Saints Day is a celebration in honour of all the saints. It falls on 1 November each year. The festival of All Saints Day comes from a conviction that there is a spiritual connection between those in Heaven and those on Earth. In Catholic tradition, the holiday honours all those who have passed on to the Kingdom of Heaven.

It’s no coincidence that All Hallow’s Eve, more commonly known as Halloween comes before All Saints Day.  All Hallows’ Eve was considered a time when evil could manifest itself. It’s an acknowledgment that where there is good, there is bad. Evil does exist. More than a thousand years ago it was customary for Christians to come together on the eve of All Saints Day to ask for God’s blessing and protection from evil in the world. They would often dress in costumes of saints or evil spirits and act out the battle between good and evil around bonfires. The modern-day observance of Halloween has altered but our students can still find a connection between our faith and life.

Congratulations to Mr Banks and the team of Interschool Students on winning the overall shield at the Interschool Athletics Carnival last week. The boys were also successful in winning the boy’s shield. I was absent from the school during the carnival but as I look through the Facebook photos, my favourite photo by far is the one where one of our students, Dylan, is shaking the hand of another student whilst on the podium. As I was watching the latest episode of “The Block” (renovation is an interest of mine) I struggled to recall the winning contestants of past seasons but what I could remember was the contestants who played the game with morals and values that are closely aligned to values of my own and even our MERCY values. So win, lose or draw it is the way our students have conducted themselves that will always make them winners for years to come.

I’d like to provide one final opportunity to promote your nomination to either the Catholic School Advisory Committee or the Parents and Friends Committee. Election for both parent groups will be held at the Annual Community Meeting (ACM) on Wednesday 22 November at 6.00 pm. The School, CSAC, P&F and Parish will also share their annual reports at the ACM. All parents are invited to attend the Annual Community Meeting.


Year 1 to 6 Booklist for 2024

As per last year, the 2024 Booklist will be bulk orders. Teachers have emailed their orders through to our school supplier, Campion, who will deliver all items to St Columba’s.

The resources levy is paid directly to Campion and is due by the last day of the school term (8th December 2023). Notes were sent out via Seesaw on Monday.


In gratitude

Gina Burns



Nominations for Catholic School Advisory Council

I invite you all to consider nomination to the Catholic School Advisory Council (CSAC). Involvement with the CSAC is very rewarding and gives you the opportunity to be closely associated with the school.

A CSAC provides parents and community members with structured ways to provide support and expertise to the Principal and School Leadership Team.

The CSAC operates in accordance with the CSAC Terms of Reference, Quality Catholic Education, Policies, Executive Directives, and the Delegations of Authority. The CSAC is accountable to the Catholic Education Commission of Western Australia (CECWA).

The CSAC must carry out the following functions:

  1. Support planning for the present and future operation of the Catholic school;
  2. Provide membership, at the principal’s request, on selection panels for the employment of staff to the Catholic school in accordance with the relevant CECEWA Policies and Executive Directives;
  3. Provide membership on the panel that recommends the appointment of a principal in accordance with the relevant CECWA Policy and Executive Directives;
  4. In consultation with the principal, communicate about the Catholic School and about Catholic education to persons and organisations in the School Community;
  5. Endorse the catholic school’s annual budget before submission to CECWA for approval; and
  6. Advise the Principal on school financial matters such as performance against budget, sustainability, and capital and recurrent planning.

There are two elected positions and two co-opted positions available on the CSAC for 2024.

Nominees to the CSAC should possess:

  • A commitment and desire to promote Catholic education and give service to the Catholic School Community;
  • A commitment to the safety, well-being, and pastoral care of all students and staff;
  • An ability to work co-operatively and constructively with the principal, school leadership team, and all other members of the Advisory Council;
  • The possession of skills, competencies, and experience that are reflective of, relevant, and beneficial to the Catholic School Community; and
  • A sufficiency of time to devote to Advisory Council duties.

The CSAC meets once a term on a Tuesday evening.

If you would like further information about the role of the CSAC, please contact me at the school or via email –

Nomination forms for the CSAC should be returned to the School by Tuesday 14 November 2023.

Catholic School Advisory Council Nomination Form 2024



Nominations for Parents and Friends Committee

The Parents and Friends Committee (P&F) directs its energies to friendship, fundraising, and other community activities to support the operation of the school.

All parents of enrolled students at the school are considered general members of the P&F.

The P&F is led by a volunteer group of parents, each of whom is elected to office bearer positions. These people are identified as P&F Committee members.

The P&F Committee membership conditions are:

(a) a commitment and desire to promote Catholic education;

(b) a commitment and desire to give service to the school;

(c) a commitment to the safety, wellbeing and pastoral care of all students and staff;

(d) an ability to work cooperatively and constructively with the principal, school leadership team, the School Advisory Council and other members of the P&F; and

(e) a sufficiency of time to devote to P&F duties.

The P&F Committee should be comprised of four to six plus the Principal or their delegate.

The P&F Committee must consist of the following office bearers:

(a) Chair;

(b) Deputy Chair;

(c) Secretary; and

(d) Treasurer.

All P&F positions will become vacant at the conclusion of 2023.

The P&F meet approximately once a month on a Tuesday evening.

If you would like any further information on the role of the P&F Committee or office bearer positions, please contact me at the school or via email –

Nomination forms for the P&F Committee should be returned to the School by Tuesday 14 November 2023.

P&F Nomination Form 2024



P & F News

TERM 4 Events

  • End of Year Concert – We will be holding a sausage sizzle at the end of the concert for those that don’t want to go home and cook dinner.
  • Christmas Raffle – We would like to do a Christmas Raffle that is more activity based for school holidays rather than toy based. If anyone has any contacts or ideas for prizes, please contact your class rep.


Entertainment Memberships

Online memberships are available again this year. Memberships can be purchased online.



Any questions or queries, I can be contacted via email

Tanya Armstrong

Chair P&F


Pastoral Care

Happy Birthday to:

To the following students who will be celebrating this coming week:

Hunter Kemmy PKW
Vera Pirone PKW
Marcus Tang 1G
Hudson Fernandez 1W
Monica Jaramillo Restrepo 2W
Raghav Bhutani 3G
Milana Zachar 4G












Week 5 – 8 November
Week 6 – 15 November

Kindy Green
Week 5 – Jayden Win
Week 6 – Abigail Lumsden
Kindy White
Week 5 – Florence Stazzonelli
Week 6 – Adam Tuma
PP GreenWeek 5 – Annabel Paulus
Week 6 – Molly Veale
PP White
Week 5 – Olivia Smits
Week 6 – Ezra Ta
Year 1 Green
Week 5 – Harriet Stazzonelli
Week 6 – Mia Yanez Del Gesso
Year 1 WhiteWeek 5 – Jesse Smith
Week 6 – Alessia Scagnetti
Year 2 GreenWeek 5 – Nate Hoogland
Week 6 – Rosie Veale
Year 2 White
Week 5 – Mia Paulus
Week 6 – Oaklyn Payne
Year 3 Green
Week 5 – Harriet Weaire
Week 6 – Henry Webb
Year 3 White
Week 5 – Jonathan Truong
Week 6 – Aleksander Tuma
Year 4 GreenWeek 5 – Indi Whitbread
Week 6 – Jack Wilson
Year 4 WhiteWeek 5 – Amelia Yee
Week 6 – Harriet Webb
Year 5 GreenWeek 5 – Charlie Weaire
Week 6 – Alberto Yanez Del Gesso
Year 5 WhiteWeek 5 – Chloe Smith
Week 6 – Phoenix Stanmore
Year 6 Green
Week 5 – Quinn Wolters
Week 6 – Elizabeth Wright
Year 6 White
Week 5 – Sebby Pizzata
Week 6 – NO RAFFLE

Award Winners

MERIT AWARDS – Term 4, Week 3

PP Green – Oliver Howard, Scarlett Little, Annabel Paulus, Kanishka Setty
PP White – Julia Fantoni, Andrea Gunawan, Ffion Humphreys, Olivia Smits

1 Green – Otis Knox, Celeste Mulherin, Hazel Scarvaci
1 White – Florence Crookes, Luca Isautier, Alliah Parker, Rose Pearson

2 Green – Aimee Alexander, Thea Setzinger, Juliana Versaico
2 White – Jacob Mak, Talisa Martino Da Fonseca, Aston Raynor

3 Green – Tommy Gibson, Elizabeth Kennewell, Luke Magee, Henry Webb
3 White – Harry Fry, Matilda Meenan, Shaan Tah

4 Green – Michael Baldwin, Lenny Harris, Ava Scali, Sebastian Strachan
4 White – Miranda Ahn, Mason Campbell, Agnes Preedy, Shylo Verma, Harriet Webb

5 Green – Grayson Harris, Chloe Hayward, Sebastian Kaless, Sam Villamar
5 White – Scarlett Fernandez, Hannah Gai,

6 Green – Zara Bell, Leo Pileggi, Milla Robbins, Xavier Robinson, Dylan Sardelich
6 White – Sophie Jagger, Lily Katich, Xavier Miller, Evan Nguyen, Noah Thomas



Religious Education and Curriculum News

From our Year 6 Classes:

The Year 6’s have been exploring the ways that Jesus revealed to his followers how people could live each of the Ten Commandments perfectly, by loving God and other people in truly human ways. They are completing a ‘How To’ guide that people can use to live by the Ten Commandments.

From our 5 Year Classes

In Year Five, students have been busy planning and designing their leavers shirts for next year. They have planned, rehearsed and presented a persuasive speech about the features of their shirts and their significance. We can’t wait to see the final product! Here are just a few of our wonderful designs!



Community Notices

Dear Parents & Guardians,

We have been advised by Kapture Photography that all Portraits, Class and Special Groups taken this year are still available for purchase.

Please visit using our school code 98KBCR



La Salle College Carols by Candlelight

 Bring your best singing voice and join us for a Christmas sing-along with our College Concert Band, Show Band and Choirs on Friday 1 December.

La Salle College Carols by Candlelight is a special opportunity for us to connect with our community in song as we bask in the Christmas spirit.

 Bring your picnic rug or chairs and enjoy the sound of many beautiful voices harmonising together to celebrate this wonderful time of year – Christmas!

Gates to the front College oval will open at 5pm with the concert starting at 6.30pm. Entry is a gold coin donation per person and goes towards supporting the 2023 Vinnies Christmas Appeal.












St Columba’s School Bayswater

32 Roberts Street, Bayswater WA 6053
PO Box 61, Bayswater WA 6933
Phone: (08) 9208 2700