Principal's Post

Dear Parents

Welcome to Week 4.

Below are updates on what is happening at St Columba’s School, along with the updated school values. Our students are all across these values and they have only been around these last few weeks. I wish to thank staff for their engagement with the Mercy Values and embedding these foundational ‘ways of being’ into our classrooms.



Interschool Athletics Carnival

Congratulations to Mrs McCluskey, Mr McGivern and to all staff in attendance at last week’s interschool carnival for the way you looked after and inspired our kids to bring the St Col’s Spirit alive. Very hard to explain the kids’ commitment to each other and their genuine support. I could tell you dozens of examples of why we are blessed. An outstanding group of kids that are a credit to our parents and our school.

Results: We won B Division last year. Promoted to A Division this year. We were the underdogs. Boys win their section, Girls finish third. We finish second overall, missing out on the championship by 12 points. Final race of the day, the Grand Relay, we win by 70 metres. Points do not count in this final race, demonstrating just how close we were to winning the Division. It was such a good day. Our St Col’s Kids made us all feel so proud. I mean, what a performance.

This was not just about the result. Bigger congrats goes to our kids for who they are as human beings. They were inspiring and such a happy group. The slow clapping for our long jump kids was quite a sight to have seen. I could go on about their support and encouragement for each other being something that I will not forgot. Something about being a team. If there was a trophy for the highest quality kids, well, we knocked this out of the park.


Celebrating the Italian Language Day

A couple of weeks ago we celebrated Italian Language Day. On behalf of everyone we wish to thank Signora Simona DeMaio for the enormous amount of effort that went into the day. There is no explaining just how uplifting the assembly was, but even more than that, just how much support came from our staff, students and families for the day. It again brought so much joy to our school. A moment that will be remembered for the excitement and energy that was generated. Just loved it.


Catholic School Parents WA

A big thank you to all our parents for their support over the year with fundraising for our kids at St Col’s. The CSPWA continue to build funds for current and future projects.

  • Class Budgets and Resourcing $14 500
  • Reading resources (PP to Yr6) $10 000
  • Library Books $2 000
  •  4 x Faction Tents $5000

  • 20 x 3m Aluminium benches for seating throughout the school $10.00


A total of $41 500 has been contributed to the school from CSPWA, which makes an impact on the teaching, learning and wellbeing of our students. We will continue to work with our CSPWA, looking at projects that contribute to improving outcomes for students.


Catholic Schools Advisory Council (CSAC) 2022 Nomination Forms

Attached to this week’s newsletter is the nomination form for the CSAC. Please complete this form and return to Peta Santella in administration if you wish to nominate. Once nominations are in, you will be contacted with details of the process. If there are more nominations than vacant positions, then an election will be held at the ACM. If you nominate, you will be required at the ACM on Wednesday 24 November at 6.00 pm.


Booklists 2022

The booklists will be rolled out as in previous years, with bulk orders being set by the teachers. Parents will receive details in the coming weeks regarding payment for student supplies for 2022.


Class Lists 2022

As with every year, teachers work together to organise class lists for 2021. Many variables are worked in to manage these class allocations of our students. Teachers are focused on what is best for their students. These will be out later in the term in time for our transition morning on Monday 6 December. Staffing allocations will also be released the week before our transition morning.


School Uniform

As we head into the end of the year some school uniforms are starting to wane a little. We will continue to remind students about the uniform standards and request notes for why students are not in their correct uniforms. It is also important to remember our students have two days per week on which they can wear their sport uniform. Students are only able to wear their sport uniform on another day if they are involved in Redhage Basketball and Columba Runners.

Girls Academic Uniform Update – Samples for the girls shorts and trousers are available in the front office if you wish to view. There are two options we are looking at for the girls for the 2022 school uniform. Please feel free to pop in and see Lisa.


Mercy Mission Day

During the last week of Term 3 we held our Mercy Mission Day fundraiser. It was a highly successful day filled with fun and good times. We raised $3706.55. These funds will be shared between the many Catholic agencies around Perth that we support. These include organisations such as LifeLink, Catholic Mission, Mercy Mission and Shopfront. Thank you to everyone who supported the day. A wonderful result.


Thank you for continuing to support your children in their education here at St Columba’s School. Wishing you a good week ahead filled with good things.




P & F News


Together we’re making a difference

At Pharmacy 777, your support makes a difference to your school.
We understand how much your school means to you, that’s why at Pharmacy 777, we’re passionate about making a difference. Our Community Spirit Program makes giving back to your school easier. As a Community Spirit member, for every transaction you make at Pharmacy 777 Bayswater and Maylands, they will give part proceeds back to the school. This contribution accumulates over time and funds raised support causes at the heart of your school. We would encourage all school community members to visit Pharmacy 777 Bayswater and Maylands and join up.

Library News


The library has lots of books needing covering.  If you can help out by taking a small number of books home to cover over the holidays, please call into the library. Your help is greatly appreciated by staff and students.




There are still more second hand books for sale. Gold coin donation. The table will be outside the library every day (before school, recess, lunch & after school), come and have a browse and grab yourself a bargain.

Pastoral Care

Happy Birthday to:

To the following students who will be celebrating this coming week:

Hudson Fernandez KG
Marcus Tang KG
Monica Jaramillo Restrepo PPG
Raghav Bhutani 1G
Milana Zachar 2G
Jaike Evangelista 2G
Phoenix Stanmore 3W
Lila Harris 4W
Lila Brown 6G
Max Gardiner 6G
Willow Bull 6G
Oliver Cornish 6G










Pastoral Care Raffle

Here are the rosters:


Week 5 – 10 November
Week 6 – 17 November

Kindy Green
Week 5 Oliver Cranley
Week 6 Oscar Harris
Kindy White
Week 5 Luca Isautier
Week 6 Rohan Hurley Swiderski
PP GreenWeek 5 Spencer Landis
Week 6 Thomas Pinnington
PP White
Week 5 Oaklyn Payne
Week 6 Riley Wilkey
Year 1 Green
Week 5 Oscar Hamilton
Week 6 Raghav Bhutani
Year 1 WhiteWeek 5 Max Nguyen
Week 6 Tom Ross
Year 2 GreenWeek 5 Lana Ly
Week 6 Olivia McShanag
Year 2 White
Week 5 Luca Scagnetti
Week 6 Miranda Ahn
Year 3 Green
Week 5 Harry Mawer
Week 6 Hendrik English
Year 3 White
Week 5 Maya Thompson-Mewburn
Week 6 Natalia Milhinch
Year 4 GreenWeek 5 Robert Wilk
Week 6 William North
Year 4 WhiteWeek 5 Kaleb Smart
Week 6 Oliver May
Year 5 GreenWeek 5 Max Kryachok
Week 6 Orlando Martino Da Fonseca
Year 5 WhiteWeek 5 Manon Miller
Week 6 Sidney Carter
Year 6 Green
Week 5 Tahlia Krishnan
Week 6 No Raffle
Year 6 White
Week 5 Zac Armstrong
Week 6 Zoe Ierace


Raffle tickets are 20 cents each with a maximum of 3 tickets per child. Each child will be rostered once a year to bring a BOOK to the value of $5.

If there are any parents out there that love cooking and are able to help us with meals please contact Jeannie –

Your continued support is greatly appreciated by our school community.


Pastoral Care Team.



Community Notices

We have been advised by Kapture Photography that all portraits and class groups, sports and/or special team photos taken this year are still available for purchase.  Sports and or special group photos will not be available for viewing and purchase after this school year.  

Please visit using our school code; QH3THZ





Mercedes College | A College for every girl in the heart of your city!

We have limited places available in all year groups for 2022.  If you are considering enrolling your daughter at Mercedes College, please visit the Mercedes website at to request a prospectus, to enrol online or book a tour of our campus. Please contact our Enrolments Officer, Mrs Nicole Kirk on 9323 1323 if you require further information.



THURSDAY 18 November 5.30-8.30pm – Continuing the Dialogue: Observations and reflections on the First Plenary Council Assembly


The opening session of the Plenary Council concluded on October 10 after an intense week of prayer, discussion and discernment. 

The Council for Catholic Women Perth warmly invites you to hear Perth’s women members share their experience of the first assembly of the Plenary Council.

There will be an opportunity to ask questions and to contribute to this dialogue. Men and women are all welcome.

Venue : James Nestor Hall ,Catholic Education Office 50 Ruislip St West Leederville

When: Thursday 18 November, 5.30pm – 8.30pm (Light refreshments served 5.30pm – 6pm)

RSVP: Tuesday 16 November by email or mobile 0400 886 835



Kora Centre

Childcare in Bayswater – Refer to flyer attached to this newsletter.

Kora Centre Inc. – Licensed childcare service at Bayswater




Enrolments are now open for VacSwim swimming lessons during the summer school holidays. VacSwim offers fun lessons at beach or pool locations. They are a great school holiday activity and they teach valuable safety skills to help keep your child safe in the water.

Enrol at






















St Columba’s School Bayswater

32 Roberts Street, Bayswater WA 6053
PO Box 61, Bayswater WA 6933
Phone: (08) 9208 2700