Dear Parents and Caregivers
Welcome back to Term 4!
Hope the holiday break allowed for some time to rest for you and your family. Having said this, I do remember the days of having little guys at home during the holiday breaks. It is pretty busy, especially if you were still working throughout the two weeks. Maybe, not having to get uniforms ready and lunches for the morning rush, did allow for a little space in your morning.
I appreciate that just the thought of it being the middle of October, means we are headed towards the end of the 2020 school year. It also means everything comes quickly over the next couple of months. So, there is plenty on at school, and plenty on in our own lives. This busyness does mean we can start to feel some pressures around having to get things done. I get this for you as parents. You will see our school calendar start to fill up with events ranging from Book Week to Interschool Athletics, to Year 6 Confirmation and the disco. It can all be a little overwhelming when you look at everything that happens within a school that goes beyond the teaching and learning. Just make sure you are looking after yourself during these times.
All of this comes with enormous excitement, but also with pressure. I was watching a documentary on Netflix about Doc Rivers, a NBA basketballer and head coach. It was a terrific watch, especially as he talks about ‘ubuntu’. The highlight to be honest, was his statement around pressure being a privilege. Not something I have ever thought about.
When we think about the pressures that will come our way in our life, imagine thinking of these as being a privilege in our life. Pretty tough to see pressure in this way as it always causes a little anxiety and worry. Just the word has my heart racing a little faster. Yes, I start over thinking everything and wonder how will I get all the things done I need to get done. Well, I think that is the beauty of Doc Rivers thinking. Embrace the pressure as something you have been given because you can handle it. I guess we all talk about embracing the messiness, why not embrace the pressure. Seeing it as a privilege already makes it better.
So when we think of these pressures, and how it is a privilege that they come our way, we can look to this quote from the Bible that asks us to be joyful and to give thanks for all our circumstances. This is so tough I reckon. I mean, I have high connections with the bloke upstairs, like I connect to this stuff, but I do find it so challenging to always be joyful through the tough things that come along. I am sure you find it the same when things just keep bombarding us, or there are things that happen in our lives, or the lives of those we love, that are tough to endure. This is where we do need to try, to try even a little, to find ways to be positive and give thanks. I am no expert in this, but with all these pressures, we need to be gentle on ourselves and others. It will be busy, and yes, there will be pressure. My hope for all of us, well, it is that we can always find support from those around us, but also an acceptance at times that we are all doing the best we can for our kids, families and each other.
Snacks at the Lunch Breaks in Term 4
- We will be re-opening the canteen at lunchtimes for snacks in Term 4.
- Ice-creams etc will be available for purchase during the lunch breaks.
- Due to our split lunch breaks, please not Year 4-Year 6 students will have access to the canteen before they sit to eat lunch at 1.00 pm. The canteen will be open for the Year 4s to Year 6s from 12.30-12.50 pm. This is the play break time with the restructure to lunch breaks. Year 1s to Year 3s will have the canteen open after they eat lunch from 1.10-1.30 pm.
Term Planner Term 4
The Term 4 Planner is attached to the newsletter, but will also come home in hard copy this week. There are many events on this term across all year levels. Please note, some events and dates may change due to changing circumstances.
Thank you for your continued support of your children, our staff and all our families. St Col’s people get what we are about, and that is a wonderful thing. Yes, you know it, we are all about your kids and remaining focused on how we can make St Col’s a safe and supportive place for all.
Wishing you a wonderful start to the term.
It is an exciting time in Western Australia with the launch of Containers for Change!! This means that all eligible drink items collected will receive a 10 cent refund to support fundraising efforts for our school.
- Greenbatch are already helping us to recycle number 1 and 2 plastics and aluminium cans. They will continue to collect these but will now also sort through our collections to find all eligible drink items and provide the full refund for our school.
- All items can be placed into our green and purple Greenbatch bins (located in the walkway between the canteen and OSHC room and outside of the library). They do not need to be separately sorted or bagged. Please continue to collect your plastics and aluminium cans, give them a rinse and bring them into school. Greenbatch will also take our bottle lids, just pop them in a separate bag into the Greenbatch bin.
- Greenbatch are only able to collect glass containers that are eligible for the 10c refund (eg beer bottles). Please do not bring in any other glass bottles (eg wine and spirit bottles) – these must go in your usual kerbside recycling bin.
Help us raise fundraising dollars, as well as preventing landfill and our waterways from filling up with plastic!!
P & F News
Pharmacy 777
Pharmacy 777 have changed their donation program. It is now called the Community Spirit Program. It requires customers to sign up and allocate which charity or school they would like their points to be allocated to. We are the first school to be selected for donations. Our school will be allocated points from now until December 31st 2020. So next time you are at Pharmacy 777 feel free to sign up, collect points and have those points converted into dollars for our school!
School Disco
The school disco will be held on Friday the 30th of October and will be Halloween themed. The disco will be held at the school undercover area. More details to follow soon.
Thank you
Rachel Lange
P&F President
0401 856 385
Library News
Book Week 2020
Term 4 – Week 2
17 – 23 October
Curious Creatures Wild Minds
Dress Up Parade (Kindy-Year 6)
Monday 19th October
All students Kindy to Year 6 are invited to come to school dressed as their favourite book character. The purpose of this event is to celebrate Book Week, therefore the focus is on participation rather than the costume.
Please note that due to COVID restrictions only 1 person per family can attend the parade
Why not recycle a costume, or put together something from home!
Please keep it simple and stress free
Please note: Costumes are NOT restricted to ‘Curious Creatures Wild Minds’ theme.
Photo Booth Fun
Dress Up Day – Monday 19th October 2020
This is a great opportunity for the students to capture the dress ups and excitement of the day!
Each student will receive a photo strip ‘Book Mark’
Take a photo of yourself leading up to Book Week reading in an unusual place
(Great opportunity during the School Holidays!)
Your photo will be used as part of a display in the library
Be as creative as you can!
All entries will be entered into raffle to win a $20.00 Gift Voucher from Crow Books
Please email entries to
by 13th October 2020 (1st day of Term 4).
Enter as many times in as many locations as you wish
So…….where do you like to read?
- The Prize- $20 Gift Voucher from Crow Books per year group
- No entry fee required
- Entries will be handed out Tuesday 13th October
- All entries to Class Teacher before Thursday 22nd October
- Please make sure your NAME and CLASS are printed on the back of your colouring in
Thank you for encouraging Book Week and making Book Week an excitement for books.
Thanks for your support.
Looking forward to Book Week!
Rita Cuthbert – Library Officer – Library - the original search engine
Pastoral Care
Happy Birthday to:
To all students and staff who will be celebrating their birthday over the coming week:
Alliah Parker PKG
Smith Robertson PKG
Lucas Scali KG
Aurora Cameron PKG
Faye Gallagher PKG
Oliver Hoyne PPG
Lana Ly 1G
Amelia Yee 1G
Lennox Harris 1W
Emma Silverman 1W
Francis Le 2W
Ty Fernandez 2W
Ryder Walsh 3G
Edward Armstrong 3G
Robert Wilk 3G
Leo Pileggi 3G
Blake Poletti 3W
James McDougall 3W
Leila Zdravic 6G
Pastoral Care Term 4Raffle
Individuals assisting our school community through weekly raffles. Please watch this space for weekly roster updates.
Pastoral Care Team.
Week 1 – 14 October (No Raffle)
Week 2 – 21 October
Week 3 – 28 October
Kindy Green | Week 2 Mathea Co Week 3 Thomas Pinnington |
Kindy White | Week 2 Charlotte de Courcier Week 3 Tristan Goh |
PP Green | Week 2 Eve Hamilton Week 3 Quill O’Brien |
PP White | Week 2 Ava Gallagher Week 3 Henry Webb |
Year 1 Green | Week 2 Charlotte Eaglesham Week 3 Raffaele Parker |
Year 1 White | Week 2 Allegra Pizzata Week 3 Luca Scagnetti |
Year 2 Green | Week 2 Kaitlyn Bidwell Week 3 Max Pierre |
Year 2 White | Week 2 Irissa Duong Week 3 Sam Villamar |
Year 3 Green | Week 2 Camille Tribut Week 3 Robert Wilk |
Year 3 White | Week 2 Olivia Cullura Week 3 Sohil Verma |
Year 4 Green | Week 2 Georgia De Luca Week 3 Dominic Treacy |
Year 4 White | Week 2 Zoe High Week 3 Jett Mann |
Year 5 Green | Week 2 Abigail Hornby Week 3 Keelan Stanmore |
Year 5 White | Week 2 Mackenzie Brand Week 3 Michael Wells |
Year 6 Green | Week 2 Alla Blatchley Week 3 Tyler McCormack |
Year 6 White | Week 2 Zoe Car Week 3 Maxwell Miller |
Community Notices
Chisholm Catholic College 30 year reunion on Saturday 14 November for the “Class of 1990”
The Reunion will be at the Inglewood Hotel in the back bar from 7pm.
Here is the Facebook link :
For any further info please contact
Catherine Grindley née Cullen
Council for Catholic Women Perth
The Council for Catholic Women Perth invites you to share how your story of faith and experience of Church have been enriched or challenged by Covid -19. How can we build new communities of faith and develop new forms of evangelisation in a post-Covid world. Please join us at James Nestor Hall, Catholic Education Office 50 Ruislip St West Leederville on Thursday 22 October 5.30-8.30pm. Gather for light refreshments at 5.30-6pm. RSVP by October 20 to / 9397 5988 / 0400 886 835