Principal's Post

Dear Parents


Hope you are all travelling well and enjoying your week. Please note the following information regarding the Year 1 to Year 6 Faction Athletics Carnival.

Faction Athletics Carnival
Year 1 to Year 6
Friday 18 September
Bayswater Little Athletics Club, Wylde Road, Noranda

Commencing at 9.30 am
End of Day 2.15 pm

Schedule of the events for the day is attached to this newsletter. Please note these are approximate times.

COVID-19 Protocols for the Athletics Carnival

Please Note:

  1. Social Distancing of 1.5 m to be adhered to by members not of the same family.
  2. Recommended to place picnic blankets or chairs down and have families keep the 1.5 m distancing rule.
  3. Adhere to safe practices regarding hygiene and the use of hand sanitiser.
  4. Spectator sections will be marked off. Parents are restricted to these areas.
  5. No parents to be entering the faction bays or entering marked off areas for the team games.
  6. Other protocols required will be mentioned on the day.

Non-adherence to these protocols on the day will lead to the event being interrupted due to COVID-19. There is a clear expectation that parents and other family members will adhere to these reminders throughout the day. Please do not be offended if you are instructed to leave an area. We are fortunate in WA to be able to hold these events and open them to all our families without restrictions on numbers. We are looking forward to a cracking good day, but need everyone in attendance to support what we will have in place. You, our St Columba’s families, are outstanding in your support, so we know the day will run extremely smoothly.

The P&F have kindly organised a sausage sizzle for the day. An order Form was sent home to each student earlier in the week and is also attached to this newsletter.



Our Pre-Primary Assembly is on this Friday at 8.45 am. Please remember we can only have parents/grandparents of Pre-Primary students attend, along with parents/grandparents of merit award winners due to COVID-19 restrictions. Parents must follow the 1.5 m social distancing at our assembly. I will give a reminder at the assembly. Thank you for your support with these new measures.


Good things your way



P & F News

The next P&F meeting is Tuesday the 15th of September at 7pm in the library- all are welcome to attend


Wine drive

Orders for the wine drive are now closed. Thank you to everyone who ordered, we had 68.5 cases of wine ordered with a profit to our school of $2740!

Wine is due for delivery on Thursday and parents can collect the wine from the seminar room (next to the library) on Friday and Monday morning between 8.15-8.45, Friday afternoon between 2.45-3.15.


Athletics Carnival

We have been granted approval by the City of Bayswater to hold the annual sausage sizzle and cake stall for children, staff and spectators at the athletics carnival on Friday the 18th of September.

Order forms have now been sent home and need to be returned with the correct money (no change can be given) by Wednesday 16th of September. We are required to pre-order sausages and bread rolls so unfortunately no late orders can be accepted thank you.

For all the wonderful bakers out there, we would love your donations of baked goods! Gluten free, savoury and vegan options will also greatly be appreciated.

The City of Bayswater requests that we provide names and addresses of volunteers preparing food within their residential kitchens. All homemade donations are also required to be clearly labelled with a list of  ingredients. If you are able to donate please email me at If you are unable to attend the carnival and would still like to donate, you can drop your baked goods to the office before 8.30am on the day.

We require volunteers to assist with assembling the sausage sizzles and manning the cake stall. Again if you are able to assist please email me. Your help is greatly appreciated.

A coffee van has also been booked for the day.


Thank you

Rachel Lange
P&F President

0401 856 385


777 Pharmacy

Don’t forget to mention that you are from St Columba’s if you make a purchase at the 777 Pharmacies at Bayswater or Maylands. For every retail purchase made 777 Pharmacy will donate 10% back to our school!




Library News

Book Week 2020

Term 4 – Week 2

17 – 23 October

Curious Creatures Wild Minds

Dress Up Parade (Kindy-Year 6)  
Monday 19th October 

All students Kindy to Year 6 are invited to come to school dressed as their favourite book character.  The purpose of this event is to celebrate Book Week, therefore the focus is on participation rather than the costume.

Why not recycle a costume, or put together something from home! 

Please keep it simple and stress free 

Please note: Costumes are NOT restricted to ‘Curious Creatures Wild Minds’ theme.


Photo Booth Fun
Dress Up Day – Monday 19th October 2020

This is a great opportunity for the students to capture the dress ups and excitement of the day!

 Each student will receive a photo strip ‘Book Mark’



Unusual Place!

Take a photo of yourself leading up to Book Week reading in an unusual place

(Great opportunity during the School Holidays!)

Your photo will be used as part of a display in the library

Be as creative as you can!

All entries will be entered into raffle to win a $20.00 Gift Voucher from Crow Books

Please email entries to

by 13th October 2020 (1st day of Term 4).

Enter as many times in as many locations as you wish


So…….where do you like to read?





  • The Prize- $20 Gift Voucher from Crow Books per year group


  • No entry fee required


  • Entries will be handed out Tuesday 13th October


  • All entries to Class Teacher before Thursday 22nd October 


  • Please make sure your NAME and CLASS are printed on the back of your colouring in


Thank you for encouraging Book Week and making Book Week an excitement for books. 


Thanks for your support. 

Looking forward to Book Week! 



Rita Cuthbert – Library Officer – Library- the original search engine

Pastoral Care

Happy Birthday to:

To all students and staff who will be celebrating their birthday over the coming week:

Nate Hoogland KW
Henry Crookes PPG
William Parks PPG
Alexander Lilleyman PPW
Luca Marrapodi PPW
Olivia McShanag 1G
Mason Campbell 1W
Michael Baldwin 1W
Gethin Humphreys 2W
Aoife Rattray 4W
Kate Rattray 4W
Amie Lan 4W
Lucas Bentley 4W
Piper Walsh 5G
Milly Cooper 5W

Pastoral Care Raffle is back, ready to assist the school community in Term 3. Please watch this space for weekly roster updates.

Pastoral Care Team.


Week 9 – 16 September
Week 10 – 23 September

Kindy Green
Week 9 Mia Paulus
Week 10 Lily Vernon
Kindy White
Week 9 Xavier Tobin
Week 10 Hugo Zachar
PP GreenWeek 9 Thomas Armstrong
Week 10 Poppy Lillico
PP White
Week 9 Stefano Mustica
Week 10 Aleksander Tuma
Year 1 Green
Week 9 Andrew Gai
Week 10 Shylo Verma
Year 1 WhiteWeek 9 Emma Silverman
Week 10 Mrs Smith
Year 2 GreenWeek 9 Jaydyn Duong
Week 10 Emme Moretta
Year 2 White
Week 9 Lucas Giuffre
Week 10 Edmond Cavalli
Year 3 Green
Week 9 Lily Katich
Week 10 Emily Salt
Year 3 White
Week 9 Lachlan Preedy
Week 10 James McDougall
Year 4 GreenWeek 9 Ella Thistle
Week 10 Riley Thomas
Year 4 WhiteWeek 9 Yana Baldwin
Week 10 Lucas Bentley
Year 5 GreenWeek 9 Joshua Castellano
Week 10 Lucia Dawes
Year 5 WhiteWeek 9 Hannah Kemp
Week 10 Anay Bhujbal
Year 6 Green
Week 9 Nicholas Kryachok
Week 10 Leah Purcell
Year 6 White
Week 9 Scarlett Francis
Week 10 Katarina Tomich

School Banking


School Banking is back.

School Banking is back.  School Banking Day will be THURSDAY 8:15-8:30AM, in the CANTEEN commencing on 6TH AUGUST 2020.

All school banking contacts will be run in line with WA Government regulations regarding COVID19 including cleaning of all surfaces prior to banking starting, hand sanitising for all students and parents, and social distancing for all students. All prizes are individually wrapped and sealed.

School Banking is a fun, interactive and engaging way to help young Australians learn about money and practice good savings habits. For each weekly deposit made at school, students will receive a token. Once they collect 10 tokens, they can redeem them for a School Banking reward.


Exciting news for TERM 3 is that CommBank will be rewarding all bankers who deposited in Term 1 with the option of an EXTRA prize. Come down and speak with your School Banking Coordinator Ariane Mazurak on Thursday morning about what is on offer.

If your child has lost their deposit wallet, please contact your School Banking Co-ordinator Ariane Mazurak for a replacement via the school office.

If you would like to know more about School Banking, please ask for a 2020 School Banking program parent guide from the school office or visit



Community Notices


School Holiday Swimming @ Chisholm College

The Chisholm Swim Academy is back up and running a number of programs this school holidays out of the Indoor Heated College pool:

  • September Holiday Program – Tuesday 29th September to 9th October (From $20 per session)
  • Private lessons – From $34 per lesson
  • Holiday swim squads – From $25 per session
  • Ongoing Swim Squads – Afternoon sessions on Tuesday/Thursday plus Saturday Mornings. Reasonable level of swimming ability required. Squads appropriate for 10 – 18 year olds.

More information is available here:   Phone: 9471 2257. Email:


















St Columba’s School Bayswater

32 Roberts Street, Bayswater WA 6053
PO Box 61, Bayswater WA 6933
Phone: (08) 9208 2700