Upcoming events:
- Don’t forget to register for the Premier’s Reading Challenge! A great way to promote reading for pleasure and support your child’s reading progress throughout the next school holidays! premiersreadingchallenge.wa.edu.au
- Friday 7 June: St Columba’s Day and Mercy Mission Day. Students from Years 3 – 6 will attend Mass at 9.00am and all parents are welcome to join us.
eSafety Parent Resources
Last week, we included an introduction of the government website, eSafety, which is designed to help support children when online. The first link we wanted to share with you was the parent resources tab. This has videos, books, information sheets, activities and family tech agreements to assist parents. These are designed to assist you in having those tricky conversations.
P & F News

We are thrilled to announce a wonderful fundraising opportunity in partnership with Hay Shed Hill Wines, a premium 5-star Margaret River winery. For each dozen bottles sold, Hay Shed Hill will generously donate $30 back to our School P&F to raise funds towards upgrading some of the Early Learning Centre external play areas. Purchase and enjoy this delicious Margaret River wine while supporting our cause OR share with Family and Friends to get involved and order! The more we sell, the more we raise!
Click on the link below for your order form to make your purchase. Forms can also be picked up from the school office.
Thank you for your support in making our Early Learning area a wonderful space for our children
St Columbas Wine Fundraiser 2024
Love to contribute to our schools fundraising efforts?
Consider the St Columba’s P&F at your next Containers for Change deposit. Simply scan the QR code, or download the app and add the member number to your profile. The P&F would be so grateful for your contribution to further aid in the students resources and equipment.
- 27 June – PJ Day / Gold coin donation
- During June – Mid Year Raffle (prizes drawn last day of Term 2 – Thursday 27 June)
- 20 September – Subway Order Lunch Day
- 18 October – P&F Disco
The next P&F meeting will be held on Tuesday 11 June at 7.00pm in the Sr Irena Library. An agenda will be sent shortly for all families to read and decide if they’d like to attend. We hope to see as many new faces as possible.
ST COLS P&F AGENDA_Meeting 11 June 24
Library News
Join your child for the Premier’s Reading Challenge 2024.
Unlock the magic of reading. There are prizes to be won, fun to be had, and stories to uncover.
Details at:
Make sure you join: ST COLUMBA’S SCHOOL
Used Books (from the Library) Sale for students and families. Money donated will be used to purchase new and up to date resources for the school library.
On sale outside the library – Before school, recess, lunchtime and after school.
Gold coin donation.
The library is open every morning before school:
All students are welcome from 8:15am
Pre-Kindy and Kindy students must be accompanied by Parent/Carer until 8.45am
The library is a calming and quiet place, making it the perfect spot for students to have a smooth and calming transition in the morning.
Students may also like to return and borrow books before school.
Looking forward to seeing you the library.
Rita Cuthbert – Library Officer – Library - the original search engine
Pastoral Care
Happy Birthday to:
These students who will be celebrating in the coming week:
Isaac Comber KG
Everett Khoo KW
Darcy Blake 1G
Julia Fantoni 1G
Ffion Humphreys 1W
Jax Fermanis 2G
Belle Charlett 3W
Wyatt Palmer 4W
Jaydyn Duong 6G
Irissa Duong 6W
Tickets are 3 for $1 (maximum of 3 tickets per child).
We are always looking for Volunteers to join the Pastoral Care Team. If you can spare a little time on a Wednesday morning after drop off, you can find us in the Church meeting room just as you enter from the basketball court.
Thank you greatly from the Pastoral Care Team!
Week 9 – 12 June
Week 10 – 19 June
Kindy Green | Week 9 – Jennifer Hart Week 10 – Kailesh Jeganathan |
Kindy White | Week 9 – Isaac Comber Week 10 – Lilly Fannin |
PP Green | Week 9 – Hannah Ferguson Week 10 – Loki Imbert |
PP White | Week 9 – Clarisse Hong Week 10 – Esme Crookes |
Year 1 Green | Week 8 – Leo Duff Week 10 – Oliver Hawke |
Year 1 White | Week 9 – Zara Campbell Week 10 – Clara Fuller |
Year 2 Green | Week 9 – Hudson Fernandez Week 10 – Astor Foley |
Year 2 White | Week 9 – Samuel Kootje Week 10 – Florence Crookes |
Year 3 Green | Week 9 – Jenson Kootje Week 10 – Xander De Souza |
Year 3 White | Week 9 – Harvey Ferguson Week 10 – Katie Kim Oliver |
Year 4 Green | Week 9 – Oscar Hamilton Week 10 – Rosie Juma |
Year 4 White | Week 9 – Gianna Krishnan Week 10 – Poppy Lillico |
Year 5 Green | Week 9 – Mason Campbell Week 10 – Sasha Mazurak |
Year 5 White | Week 9 – Eli Felt Week 10 – Lilah Jagger |
Year 6 Green | Week 9 – Chloe Hayward Week 10 – Zoe Juszkiewicz |
Year 6 White | Week 9 – Hendrik English Week 10 – Blake Kenyon |
Religious Education and Curriculum News
From our Year 3 Classes:
The Sacrament of Reconciliation
On Thursday 30th May, Year 3 students received the Sacrament of Reconciliation at a beautiful, evening ceremony. Students have been preparing for the sacrament this term. This preparation included a Reconciliation Retreat Day at the Shrine, and an interactive Workshop.
Community Notices
School Counsellor News
Nicole Leach
School Counsellor