Dear St Columba’s Community,
First Holy Communion (Round 2)
This weekend marks a significant milestone for our students in Year 4 White as they receive the Sacrament of First Holy Communion. It’s a momentous occasion as they take this step towards a deeper connection with Christ. Your prayers for them during this time are appreciated. Thank you to our Sacramental Team in preparing the students for this, Jenny McLeod, Sarah Lombardo, Leesa Vinciullo, Fr Andrew and Parish Catechist, Caroline Kelly.
WA Student Assistance Payment
WA families with school age children are now able to apply for a once off cost-of-living relief payment via the Labor Government.
I encourage you to apply to access the extra help, using the ServiceWA App to claim. Records have indicated that of our 474 families, only 263 have claimed. A reminder that claims need to be made prior to 28 June 2024.
Road Safety
I urge parents to please drive safely around our streets at all times, but particularly drop off and pick up times. There have been some reports received by the school by our neighbours and Council Rangers have been patrolling. Specifically, please do not block the roundabout and take note of the ‘No Stopping’ sign as you approach the Kiss N Drive.
There was also a report made last week by a parent of a young sibling left alone in a car at drop off time. Whilst I know this occurrence is rare, I feel obliged to bring it to the attention of the community. It is illegal to leave your child unsupervised in a car.
Congratulations to one of our Year 6 students, Gethin, who has been selected in the team to represent Western Australia at the national football championships. In total, three boys from Year 6 tried out, all representing the school with good sportsmanship, great ability and amazing attitude and should also be congratulated. Congratulations Lucas, Ty and Gethin.
Staffing Changes – OSHC
Jess Scott, OSHC Supervisor, will be on leave for a medical procedure. Jess will be absent from Thursday 6 June and will return early in Term 4. Jess will be dearly missed, and we will collectively pray for a smooth procedure and a speedy, expected recovery for her. My thanks to Shelby Whatmore and Karen McGlue who will be undertaking additional responsibility and hours in the OSHC to fill the roles of Nominated Supervisor.
Parent Volunteers
We are grateful for the invaluable contributions of many parents who generously dedicate their time to enhance the educational experience for our students. There are some requirements of our volunteers to meet child safe and other operational procedures, such as insurances, in the school. These vary according to the frequency that one may volunteer.
Whilst Columba Runners is held off site and is run by a committee of parents, as a St Columba student only activity, it is classified as a school activity and therefore usual school procedures for entering school grounds and volunteering does apply. Recognising that the off site and after school context makes this activity unique, I have met with the committee to develop procedures to ensure this much-loved tradition continues and meets all registration requirements and continues to be covered by school insurances.
These include:
- Working With Children Check Volunteer Declarations and Mandatory Reporting Training for regular volunteers.
- Maintaining a register of all volunteers assisting.
- Regular acknowledgement of the School’s Code of Conduct.
Students also have a School Code of Conduct, and this also applies whilst at Columba Runners.
Thank you to the Columba Runners Committee, Louise, Tanya, Simon and Sascha implementing these procedures over the coming week. Your understanding, dedication and passion for our running club is much appreciated.
Upcoming events:
- Don’t forget to register for the Premier’s Reading Challenge! A great way to promote reading for pleasure and support your child’s reading progress throughout the next school holidays!
- Friday 24 May: School Cross Country
- Saturday 25 May: Year 4W First Communion
- Thursday 30 May: First Reconciliation Ceremony for Year 3
- Friday 31 May: Pupil Free Day (the school is closed. OSHC remains available)
- Week 7: Reconciliation Week
Uniform Shop
Uniform Shop opening times for the remainder Term 2 :
Wed 5 June – 2.30pm to 3.15pm
Wed 3 July – 2.30pm to 3.15pm
Orders can still be placed online and will delivered to your child’s class each Thursday.
In gratitude,
Gina Burns
P & F News
Cookie Dough Challenge
Registering is easy 💻 everything is online.
Share your direct link with family and friends to increase your individual (and class total) tub sales. LOADS of prizes to be won!!
Each tub helps the P&F raise money for resources for our school. SALES END MONDAY 27th MAY and we are well on track for a fantastic fundraising success! 🏆
Collection for Cookie Dough will be onsite, at school pick-up on Monday 24th June. Just in time for school holiday baking! 😊 Reminders and information about this, closer to the date.
Keep your eyes out next month for the upcoming Wine fundraiser with HayShed Hill!
Love to contribute to our schools fundraising efforts?
Consider the St Columba’s P&F at your next Containers for Change deposit. Simply scan the QR code, or download the app and add the member number to your profile. The P&F would be so grateful for your contribution to further aid in the students resources and equipment.
- 27 June – PJ Day / Gold coin donation
- During June – Mid Year Raffle (prizes drawn last day of Term 2 – Thursday 27 June)
- 20 September – Subway Order Lunch Day
- 18 October – P&F Disco
Call for Agenda items
We encourage all parents within our community to be actively involved in the St Columba’s P&F. Our team is looking forward to hearing your new ideas or feedback on present and future events that support our School. Please communicate with your Class Representatives if you wish for these to be discussed at the next meeting.
Items are required for the agenda by Tuesday 28th May.
The next P&F meeting will be held on Tuesday 11 June at 7.00pm in the Sr Irena Library. We hope to see as many new faces as possible.
Library News
Join your child for the Premier’s Reading Challenge 2024.
Unlock the magic of reading. There are prizes to be won, fun to be had, and stories to uncover.
Details at:
Make sure you join: ST COLUMBA’S SCHOOL
The library is open every morning before school:
All students are welcome from 8:15am
Pre-Kindy and Kindy students must be accompanied by Parent/Carer until 8.45am
The library is a calming and quiet place, making it the perfect spot for students to have a smooth and calming transition in the morning.
Students may also like to return and borrow books before school.
Looking forward to seeing you the library.
Rita Cuthbert – Library Officer – Library - the original search engine
Pastoral Care
Happy Birthday to:
These students who will be celebrating in the coming week:
Ciara Carruthers 2G
Simoen Alugbin 4G
Zozie Higgs 5G
Sasha Mazurak 5G
Andrew Gai 5W
Lilah Jagger 5W
Harry Blake 6G
Tickets are 3 for $1 (maximum of 3 tickets per child).
We are always looking for Volunteers to join the Pastoral Care Team. If you can spare a little time on a Wednesday morning after drop off, you can find us in the Church meeting room just as you enter from the basketball court.
Thank you greatly from the Pastoral Care Team!
Week 7 – 29 May
Week 8 – 5 June
Kindy Green | Week 7 – Hunter Kemmy Week 8 – Everett Khoo |
Kindy White | Week 7 – Clara Charles Week 8 – August Knox |
PP Green | Week 7 – Aletheia Charles Week 8 – Alexander de Courcier |
PP White | Week 7 – Margot Juniper Week 8 – Austin Hoek |
Year 1 Green | Week 7 – Ayla Bennett Week 8 – Norah Cregan |
Year 1 White | Week 7 – Oliver Howard Week 8 – Jake Bouteloup |
Year 2 Green | Week 7 – Harvey Kemmy Week 8 – Otis Knox |
Year 2 White | Week 7 – Pearse McIntyre Week 8 – Jessica Kennewell |
Year 3 Green | Week 7 – Monica Jaramillo Restrepo Week 8 – Charlotte de Courcier |
Year 3 White | Week 7 – Felix Juniper Week 8 – Cerys Chaloner |
Year 4 Green | Week 7 – Grace Howard Week 8 – Elizabeth Kennewell |
Year 4 White | Week 7 – Davern Laffrey Week 8 – Alex Khoo |
Year 5 Green | Week 7 – Sofia Jaramillo Restrepo Week 8 – James Mason |
Year 5 White | Week 7 – Charlotte Eaglesham Week 8 – Lachlan Eaton |
Year 6 Green | Week 7 – Archer Laffrey Week 8 – Lucas Giuffre |
Year 6 White | Week 7 – Scarlett Dudley Week 8 – Chloe Bouteloup |
Award Winners
MERIT AWARDS – Term 2, Week 5
PP Green – Ayla Christie,
PP White – Remington Bennett, Florence Stazzonelli
1 Green – Ada Marie, Luke Poletti, Archie Raynor
1 White – Bodhi Chipperfield, Isabella Will, Samuel Young
2 Green – Hazel Scarvaci, Jesse Smith
2 White – Hugo Garrett, Mason Sardelich
3 Green – Mila Fernandez, Maria Mustica, Aston Raynor
3 White – Aimee Alexander, Spencer Landis, Oliver Minchin
4 Green – Cohen Lee, Quill O’Brien, Shaan Tah
4 White – Savannah Ceric, Tommy Gibson, Kelvin Quach
5 Green – Lenny Harris, Lana Ly, Theo Smart
5 White – Sandra Mandujano Liu, Raffaele Parker, Peyton Shute, Shylo Verma
6 Green – Francis Le, Isla Markowski, Alberto Yanez Del Gesso
6 White – Irissa Duong, Harry Lange, Sam Villamar
Religious Education and Curriculum News
From our PE Classes:
The students in Years 2-6 have been attending a program called Tiny Tots Tennis at Bayswater Tennis Club. The program aims to lay the foundation of skills, concepts and attitudes so that children can confidently and competently move onto more specific skill levels, and to challenge them in a variety of balance, ball, racquet, spatial awareness, and agility skills. All students participate in the fun and engaging games the coaches have to offer, which allows them to learn more about the sport as well as expand on their fundamental movement skills.
From Year 4 Green:
Community Notices
Registrations now open!
Calling all returning and new members, even if you can only make one of the sessions a week. Sessions are held at Frank Drago oval 3.15-4.15pm on Mondays and Wednesdays for terms 2 and 3. Our first session will be Monday 15th of April.
Cost is $30 per child, parents can join free! Prizes awarded based on total kilometers achieved over both terms, including those brave enough parents! Please complete the online registration.
This club is run by volunteers. Any parents who are able to attend and assist with marking laps and encouraging everyone, we would love to have you. Those attending OSHC are also considered, please chat to the lovely Jess.
If your child is in Yr 2 and below, they must be accompanied by a parent or older sibling. It is the responsibility of the parent/caregiver to ensure the safety of the students between school and Frank Drago.
If your child is Year 1 and under, please indicate on the registration form who is going to be the supervising sibling or adult.
Please use the link below to register online.
School Counsellor News
Nicole Leach
School Counsellor