Dear Parents & Caregivers,
Hope everyone is going okay and looking after self and others. It has been another interesting time for everyone as we continue to manoeuvre through COVID-19. One of the wonderful things about schools is that we are lucky enough to have your kids with us here every day, even when there is much uncertainty in what may be ahead. They keep us energised and focused on their wellbeing and learning, which is a nice reminder of what is important in life. After all, it is always going to be about the people first here at St Columba’s School. I appreciate you would find the same as parents, the wellbeing of your kids is Number 1 priority.
‘My Greatest Joy is Seeing Yours.’
It is such a special time, this thing known as Mother’s Day. When I stop and think about it, I realise how slack I am in making time for my mum and my mother-in-law. Time just seems to pass by and before I know it, I have not had contact with my mum for a few weeks. It is not hard to find time to ring or pop in, yet it seems near impossible. There will be times I am driving home from work or somewhere and I contemplate stopping by for a cuppa and her famously delicious cupcakes, but I will find an excuse that I am too busy and do not have time. I know if I was to drop in just for the sake of dropping in and saying hello, that it would make her year. I bet there are some of you who are superstars at popping in to see your mums. Maybe some of you are a little like me and are realising at this moment we should get better at this. Maybe in need to put it in my calendar. Imagine how excited she would be if I actually did pop in on a regular basis. It would not take much.
Mums just seem to have something about them, this selflessness. My mum will drop everything, at any point, whenever I need anything. Mums just do this. It is like the image above. Mums just love seeing their children. Their greatest joy is seeing our joy. We know this as dads, but mums, you feel this so much more. I look around at all the mums and grandmas that I see throughout St Columba’s and it is so obvious the commitment to your children. Have you ever sat down to list how many things you do in the morning before you get the little cherubs to school. It really is a full-time gig when you have primary school kids. All the little things that need to go to plan before you even start to think about your own self. You are usually last on your list of priorities.
Mother’s Day at least gives us that one weekend to say thank you for everything you do for us. Violet, my mum, does not need much from us kids and grandkids, just a hug will do the trick. The fact that we will get to spend time with her will be enough. That we will make time for her makes the day what it is. I am sure we will have something on Sunday, and I can already predict what mum will bring along to eat, rice patties and her patty cakes (old name for cupcakes), made with her own style. The rice patties will disappear within minutes. I am hopeful Linda’s mum will make her salmon patties or those scrumptious little meatballs. Maybe I will drop this Donegal post off to both of them this afternoon. Remember a mums greatest joy is seeing the joy in their kids.
It is also a time to remember that in the month of May, we focus on the life of Mary, the Mother of Jesus. It is during the month of May we say the Hail Mary to say thanks for everything Mary does in our lives. I know saying the Hail Mary can become just another thing to do, but if you get the chance offering a couple of prayers a day in gratefulness for what we have in our life will make a difference. I find I say a few Hail Marys a day, especially when I am feeling overwhelmed by something. It brings me a sense of calmness and clarity. We really are lucky to have these opportunities within our school environment where prayer can make a difference.
I wish all our mums at St Columba’s a relaxed and enjoyable Sunday. I know you will be well looked after by your family. That your kids will make you feel special. That toast in bed with a coffee will be on the menu, maybe some scrambled eggs, possibly a sleep in. If you have little ones they will probably be up at 5.00 am and in your bed, excited to be seeing you just like they love to do every morning. You will miss them when they stop doing this, so enjoy it when you hear the footsteps coming your way.
To all those in our family community here at St Columba’s that will be missing their mums for the first time this Mother’s Day, you know they are looking down on you with great love. You know they will still be with you on Sunday. Maybe say a Hail Mary to them on Sunday morning to say thank you for all they have done for you and still will be doing for you. As I said, they never leave you, the memories and the love. You will feel them near this weekend.
Wishing you many blessings this Mother’s Day.
All Year 3 and Year 5 students will be engaged in NAPLAN testing next week. NAPLAN is the national testing that takes place across every school in Australia. We wish all our students well and thank teachers and parents for keeping this low key for our kids. Our St Col’s Kids always give their best effort. The data from these tests give us a broad picture of how our students are travelling against national standards. Thanks again to everyone for looking after our students during this time. What I love about how we do it at St Columba’s, is that we treat the week as a usual week here at school. Our children are so well supported by staff and parents.
School Uniform
The winter school uniform is in place this week, but due to some orders not being completed due to COVID-19, we have extended out another week. I wish to thank all those parents who have obviously set high standards in student presentation. I appreciate there can be challenges in finding all the different items needed for the winter uniform, so we will give some leeway. Starting Monday next week, we will be sending notices home to any students who are not in the correct uniform. We are here to support parents and students with the wearing of the correct uniform. Standards can drop very quickly if we do not get onto this early. Thank you for your efforts in ensuring these standards are maintained.
Lost Property is already building up. We had very little lost property coming through last term, but already jumpers, ties and hats have started to go missing. Please check all uniforms have names on them, especially the hats, jumpers and tracksuits. If you see extra items coming home that do not belong to your child, please return these to school. If we all have our names clearly marked on items, we should not have clothing disappearing. Please encourage your children to take responsibility for looking after their uniform. If they take off their hat or jumper, to place it directly in their bag. Easy said than done I know, but worth the habit.
KISS and DRIVE in the afternoons
With the increasing number of students using the Kiss and Drive, especially in the younger years, we have been strapping some of our younger students into car seats. Staff have been instructed we can assist with placing students in cars, but cannot strap the children into their car seats. There are obvious implications if staff do not secure a child in their car seat correctly. While we would love to assist with this, part of risk management does not allow us to continue with this. It does become problematic with the pressure on the traffic flow in the Kiss and Drive after school. We can suggest, parents of some of our younger children requiring this assistance, arrive at 3.10-3.15 pm when the traffic is light and this will allow you time to secure the seatbelt.
Milne Street Gate
For security reasons the Milne Street Gate needs to be locked down for 9.00 am. Please be aware that the front office and gate near the church are open until 9.15 am.
Full Family Details Report
An email was sent out on Friday 23 to all families. Attached to the email was the Full Family Details Report showing information we hold in our School Admin system for each family. This email could have gone to your ‘Junk’ folder. It is very important for the care of your child/ren that this data is complete and up-to-date. Please print out the form and make any necessary amendments by ink pen and return to the school office as soon as possible. If there are no changes to the information the form does not need to be returned.
School Banking
School banking will be cancelled for this Friday 7th May. Apologies for the inconvenience. We hope to return on Friday 14 May depending on COVID restrictions.
Interschool Swimming Carnival
We are pleased to advise that we have been able to organise a new date for the postponed inter school swimming carnival.
The new date is Friday 28 May. All details in terms of the program and times remain the same.
At this stage we are unsure what restrictions, if any, will be in place in terms of spectators, training and the BIG Breakfast. More information about these events will be communicated to families once we receive an update from HBF Stadium and the Premier.
Wishing you a wonderful week filled with good things.
P & F News
Next P&F meeting is on Tuesday 18th May at 7pm in the Library.
Our next fundraiser is the Entertainment memberships. These are all now electronic and a flyer was sent home yesterday for each family. Details are also attached to this newsletter and on the parent Facebook page.
Columba Runners
We would love to invite all those children wishing to join us for Columba Runners in Terms 2 and 3 to do so. The first session was held on the 19 April at Frank Drago oval. Columba Runners runs from 3.15-4.15pm and will continue to run each Monday and Wednesday during term time. Cost is $25 per child, parents can join free! Prizes awarded based on total kilometers achieved over both terms, including those parents brave enough to participate! Please complete the online registration.
This club is run by volunteers. Any parents who are able to attend and assist with marking laps and encouraging everyone, we would love to have you. Those attending OSHC are also considered, please chat to the lovely Jess.
If your child is in Yr 2 and below, they must be accompanied by a parent or older sibling. It is the responsibility of the parent/caregiver to ensure the safety of the students between school and Frank Drago.
Together we’re making a difference
At Pharmacy 777, your support makes a difference to your school.
We understand how much your school means to you, that’s why at Pharmacy 777, we’re passionate about making a difference. Our Community Spirit Program makes giving back to your school easier. As a Community Spirit member, for every transaction you make at Pharmacy 777 Bayswater and Maylands, they will give part proceeds back to the school. This contribution accumulates over time and funds raised support causes at the heart of your school. We would encourage all school community members to visit Pharmacy 777 Bayswater and Maylands and join up.
Pastoral Care
Happy Birthday to:
To the following students who will be celebrating over the coming week:
Heaven White KG
Kelvin Quach 1G
Juliana Versaico PPG
Owen Metherell PPW
Eli Felt 2G
Jessica Lee 2G
Emmanuel Wai 2G
Agnes Zoou 2G
Oscar Durack 5G
Mia Partington 6G
Noah Smith 6G
To all the students and staff who will be celebrating birthdays over the Easter school holidays.
Pastoral Care Raffle
Here are the rosters:
Week 4 – 12 May 2021
Week 5 – 19 May 2021
Kindy Green | Week 4 Harriet Stazzonelli Week 5 Isabella Isaac |
Kindy White | Week 4 Ava-Marie Bova Week 5 Ciara Carruthers |
PP Green | Week 4 Asher Shrivastava Week 5 Caleb Brennan |
PP White | Week 4 Brooklyn Hamilton Week 5 Cerys Chaloner |
Year 1 Green | Week 4 Ava Gallagher Week 5 Cohen Lee |
Year 1 White | Week 4 Cherubim Vu Week 5 Elizabeth Kennewell |
Year 2 Green | Week 4 Andrew Gai Week 5 Elliot Dorozenko |
Year 2 White | Week 4 Daniel Wilk Week 5 Harriet Webb |
Year 3 Green | Week 4 Emme Moretta Week 5 Girogia Trevenen |
Year 3 White | Week 4 Chloe Bouteloup Week 5 Filip Kryachok |
Year 4 Green | Week 4 Eva Magill Week 5 Evan Nguyen |
Year 4 White | Week 4 Fergal Mippy Week 5 Jack Gilbert |
Year 5 Green | Week 4 Craig De Mello Week 5 Gabrielle Mazurak |
Year 5 White | Week 4 Ava Fragomeni Week 5 Derek Ong |
Year 6 Green | Week 4 Danny Duong Week 5 Lila Brown |
Year 6 White | Week 4 Emily Falzon Week 5 Eve Bristow-Baohm |
Raffle tickets are 20 cents each with a maximum of 3 tickets per child. Each child will be rostered once a year to bring a BOOK to the value of $5.
If there are any parents out there that love cooking and are able to help us with meals please contact Jeannie –
Your continued support is greatly appreciated by our school community.
Pastoral Care Team.