I know you are thinking, Art does not normally do a Post every week, but why not. If you feel you have been inspired by those around you, well might as well write. I am trying to find my ‘courage’ to do a video…it will happen, just need to do it. Anyhow, I have 20 minutes. Let’s do this.
The thing is, I am sold on this do what is good for our soul bit. I do not know how you are meant to do it as parents with kids in schools, and when I look at my daughter Holly, who is in her first teaching job as a graduate, I do ask myself, how is she finding time to care for self? So, I am no expert, but I have found my awareness this year around the ‘good for the soul’ stuff. I am into this big time. I have to tell you, ‘Ubuntu’ is the key. I might have to make this a 2021 commitment as well. It just works for helping find what is good for the soul.
My question to you is, how do you make time to care for yourself. You know you are the most valuable person in the lives of your kids. I mean, we love being with your preciousnesses, [no such word, but plural for your kids], love them like our own, but you are it for them, you are their Number 1. I know I live in ‘fairy land’ with this finding time for yourself, as I know your busyness. You are incredible people, who do things with such care and generosity. I see it every day here. I hear the stories from other parents about how you care for each other. As someone who can step back and just watch the little things, I think you need to have me say it, hence why I am writing the Post.
You care and you give goodness. You allow others to grow in your presence. You know I will not say stuff that I do not believe in or that I do not feel is the truth about who we are. What I am trying to say, is thank you for being who you need to be right now, and for the way you allow us all to be who we need to be. One of the greatest gifts I have received from parents and staff here, grandparents as well, is I get to be Art. Nothing better in life than being accepted for the person you bring to the world. I love how you embrace this same belief with each other. Number 1 thing, we embrace the diversity, but bigger than that, we embrace imperfection. When we are serious about this, it is amazing what we will create together. We become fearless and find acceptance in many things.
If I can indulge for just one minute. I have a new appreciation of what goes into teaching since watching Holly over the past 5 weeks. Her preparation for three weeks and then these last two weeks of being in the real world of education and schools has been overwhelming at times for me as much as her. No matter how old they get, as a parent, we still feel their worries. It is how it is. I thought I knew it, but I had forgotten to be honest, just what is required to fully be available to our kids and our families. I mean I have learned much about myself in these last two weeks and how I go about what I do as a principal. Funny, how we just never stop learning. Exhausting, as there are times I do just want to not think.
So, that is my 20 minutes. Now, off to see the kids in the playground. Love the soccer kids. Sometimes feels like a Man United v Man City rivalry, but that is the joy of my day! One young fella even said that I was getting better at saving goals as their goalie compared to last year. Now, that is a little nugget of gold in my life.
Please check out the other updates below:
This SUNDAY 16 February at 9.30 am
How exciting would it be to have our church filled with St Columba families this Sunday at 9.30 am? This Mass is a way of welcoming everyone back to the school year and a sign of our connection to our parish. We appreciate how busy our families are, but if you are around Sunday morning and have nothing planned, maybe come along to make this a special celebration. We would love to see you there. A chance to give thanks for everything we have in life, including the hard stuff.
Just a friendly reminder to any St Columba’s School families that have a child who was born between 1 July 2016 and 30 June 2017, enrolment applications are now due. We are filling up quickly for the 2021 school year. Interviews for 2021 will commence mid-March. Please see Lisa in administration if you have any question regarding enrolments.
The roll-out by CEWA of a new ‘Administration of Schools’ software package, means we will be administering School Fees 2020 differently to previous years. Please note the following
- School fees will be sent to parents via email by the end of the week.
- These fees will be in a different format to previous years.
- Key change 1 – A new BPay reference number. If using BPay, please note this change and use the new number on your schedule.
- Key change 2 [Section 1 – Payment Option Advice Form]– Payment Authorisation form will offer 6 options for fee payment. Please tick the instalment option you have selected and tick the payment method.
- Key change 3 [Section 2 – Payment Agreement]– For direct debit on credit cards, please complete the credit card authorisation section.
- Key change 4 [Section 2 – Payment Agreement]– For debit cards [cheque and savings] please complete the direct debit authorisation.
- PLEASE NOTE – Existing Direct Debits already set up by families will be continued. You do not need to action or complete the payment Authorisation Form at this current time.
- Key change 5 – [Section 3 – Declaration]- Please sign the declaration, acknowledging that the account with St Columba’s School will be paid in full by 30 November 2020. Please note, there is a section that asks for parent commitment to contact Peta Santella in our administration [9208 2705] if at any stage you need support in school fee payments.
- Key change 6 – The Payment Authorisation Form must be completed by 28 February 2020. You can return either hard copy to the office or return via email to admin@stcolsbays.wa.edu.au.
- Pre-Kindy Parents – A letter will be sent home next week to explain your structure for fee payments in 2020.
Any payments paid after 31 January 2020 will NOT show on your statement but will be processed to your account accordingly.
Thank you for your continued support with the payments of school fees in 2020.
- Next Friday, 21 February, our P&F will be holding our welcoming picnic and movie night. This is always a wonderful evening for our families.
- Gates open at 6.30 pm, with the movie starting at 7.15 pm.
- Please bring a picnic dinner, BYO low seating, blankets, bean bags etc.
- Candy Bar and coffee van available.
- Entry Fee is a gold coin donation per person.
- Tuesday 18 February at a NEW TIME of 7.00 pm
- School Uniform – Conversation with Art about the future of the uniform
- In the school library
- Thank you to all our parents for the support of our new way of doing the old booklists. Whenever a new process of change is brought in, there will be a time of adjustment. We believe it will work out best for parents and our staff when supplying our students with stationery for use during the year.
- If you ever have any concerns around changes such as this, catch me out on morning duty for a chat or flick me an email.
KISS and DRIVE + Milne Street
- Quality work by you as our parents. There are new parents/grandparents using the K and D this year. I just have to say it straight, your patience is something that when I think of ‘Ubuntu’, you know, what we stand for in 2020, then it is a sign of it already being alive. INSPIRING!
- You know how I look for what is exciting in my day well, K and D is that excitement every day. I seriously love it. Is there any greater joy than seeing your joy and your kid’s joy when you collect them? Like really. How good do I have it?
- Absolute favourite part, collecting the year 1 kids and the odd PP kid and loading them into cars. What champion kids!
- I also hear how respectful parents and kids are on Milne Street. Another busy part of after school pick-up. Thank you for keeping high respect for our neighbours and for each other. Just so good to know you are true to what we know, and that is giving out the good stuff.
- Assemblies will commence this Friday at 8.45 am.
- We will have merit awards, birthdays for January and early February, plus a Water Wise presentation as we continue to endeavour to be more aware of our use of water as a community.
Teachers would have handed out the student family details forms at their parent night. We need these signed and returned for our record keeping and management of information. Please return either to your classroom teacher or directly to Lisa in the administration. Thanks for your assistance with this information.
Enjoy the rest of your week and I look forward to seeing you around the place we call home, St Col’s Bayswater. Goodness to you and your ones that are special in your life.
P & F News
The next P&F meeting will be held on Tuesday the 18th of February at 7pm in the Library.
All are welcome to attend
Class Representatives
Thank you to all those parents who have volunteered to be a class representative. We still require class representatives for 3W, 4W and 4G. This is a great way to find out what is happening around the school and to meet other parents.
Please email Pippa Harris pippaharris18@gmail.com if you require more information or you would like to nominate for your class.
The meetings will be held at 7pm on the following dates:
February 18th
March 17th
May 19th
June 23rd
August 18th
September 15th
October 20th
Outdoor Movie Night
The P&F invite all families to join us at the outdoor movie night to welcome everyone to another fabulous year at St Columba’s. Aladdin will be screened on the school oval on Friday 21st February, gates open at 6.30pm with the movie starting at 7.15pm. . Please bring along a picnic, low back seating, picnic rugs, beanbags and cushions. We kindly request no glass and that all children are supervised by their parents. There will be no staff providing supervision on the night.
Entry will be through the staff carpark gate and all other gates will be locked. There will be no access to other parts of the school.
Gold coin donation per person at the gate.
We have hired a coffee van to provide hot beverages and the canteen will be open and will be selling the following items:
Icy poles
Soft drinks
If you are able to volunteer an hour to help out on the night in the canteen please email me rachel@galleriapodiatry.com.au
We will be drawing a fantastic raffle on the night and tickets will be available for purchase before school during the week leading up to the night and on the night.
We look forward to seeing you all there!
Entertainment book
The Entertainment book is now available. The early bird promotion runs from February 8th to February 28th and includes the following:
- Early Bird Bonus offers:
- Spend & Save:
- The ICONIC – Save $20 when you spend $99
- Endota – Save $25 when you spend $100 on skincare products
- Rebel – Bonus $20 eGift Card when you buy a $100 eGift Card
- Extra Membership months:
- Up to 4 months extra when purchased in February (ends June 2021)
- (Note: will continue as up to 3 months in March and up to 2 months in April)
- Gift With Purchase
- Multi City & Multi Plus Memberships get a $20 WISH eGift Card
- Spend & Save:
Please note that the Entertainment book will no longer be printing hardcopies and will only supply digital versions.
Please use the following link to make a purchase http://www.entertainment.com.au/orderbooks/83589g
Rachel Lange
P&F President
777 Pharmacy
Don’t forget to mention that you are a St Columba’s family if you are shopping at the Maylands or Bayswater 777 Pharmacy. 10% of all retail sales goes towards the P&F.
Pastoral Care
Happy Birthday to:
To all students and staff who will be celebrating their birthday over the coming week and:
Hugo Silverman KW
Alexander Khoo PPG
Shaan Tah PPG
Henry Fry PPW
Frankie Taii PPW
Kathleen Vaccari 1G
Lachlan Cornwall 2G
Alexi Brammer 2G
Leo Rakitic 3G
Xavier Brandis 3W
Milla Robbins 3W
Sidney Carter 4G
Isaac Iaschi 4G
Vy Huynh 5G

Class rosters will be posted outside classrooms this week as well as in the weekly Newsletter.
Raffle tickets are 20 cents each with a maximum of 3 tickets per child.
Each child will be rostered once a year to bring a prize to the value of $5.
Your continued support is greatly appreciated by our school community.
Pastoral Care Team.
Kindy Green | Week 3 Roisin Veale Week 4 Spencer Landis |
Kindy White | Week 3 Nate Hoogland Week 4 Brooklyn Hamilton |
PP Green | Week 3 Abigail Vernon Week 4 Davern Laffrey |
PP White | Week 3 Connor Campbell Week 4 Alexander Lilleyman |
Year 1 Green | Week 3 Amelia Yee Week 4 Hunter Sardelich |
Year 1 White | Week 3 Spencer Southam Week 4 Agnes Preedy |
Year 2 Green | Week 3 Alexi Brammer Week 4 Gabriel Panizza |
Year 2 White | Week 3 Gethin Humphreys Week 4 Zoe Juszkiewicz |
Year 3 Green | Week 3 Leo Pileggi Week 4 Amelia Dorozenko |
Year 3 White | Week 3 Eliza Joewono Week 4 Xavier Miller |
Year 4 Green | Week 3 Craig De Mello Week 4 Chloe Byatt |
Year 4 White | Week 3 Lauren Pincus Week 4 Hannah Mutsaers |
Year 5 Green | Week 3 Nicholas Wild Week 4 Amelia Bekker |
Year 5 White | Week 3 Asha Campbell Week 4 Thomas Wright |
Year 6 Green | Week 3 Olivia Pincus Week 4 Brody Clark |
Year 6 White | Week 3 Sasha Barker Week 4 Max Wittkowsky |
Community Notices
Engagement Opportunity with the City of Bayswater
“Help shape a bright future for our City by taking part in the review of the City of Bayswater Strategic Community Plan. The City’s Strategic Community Plan is the shared vision of community and Council. To get involved please visit https://engage.bayswater.wa.gov.au/”