Today is Ash Wednesday and the beginning of the season of Lent. Lent is about preparation for Easter and is a time for personal reflection as we struggle with our bad habits and find new opportunities to turn our heart to God. As we prepare our hearts and minds for the joyous celebration of new life at Easter, we can use Lent as a kind-of spiritual makeover time. Personal pledges to forgo favourite foods, to fast, to give to charity and to extend our prayer time are simple and effective ways to reorientate our hearts from selfishness towards life and love.
Ash Wednesday is also the launch of Caritas’ ‘Project Compassion’ which will run throughout Lent. In 2021, the theme of Project Compassion is “Be More”. It challenges us to venture into a new experience of compassion, and is taken from the invitation of St Oscar Romero, to “Aspire not to have more, but to be more.” This message invites us to step up and step out for those who do not have the essential resources they need for their survival. A Project Compassion leaflet will be sent home to each family today.
Yesterday our Year Six students participated in the virtual launch of Project Compassion, and although we cannot celebrate with a whole school Mass this year, our students will be reflecting on this day with prayer in their classrooms.
Last weekend was the WA Association of Italian Teachers (WAATI) biennial conference. Many awesome things took place there, but one special thing in particular happened!
This year, a new award was initiated called the ‘Principal’s Award’ to honour Principals who have Italian as an integral part of the curriculum and to recognise their support and commitment to the Italian program in Western Australia.
Our Italian teachers Signora Demaio and Signora Monisse (from 2020) nominated Signor Lombardi, and he won this award!!!!!
Signor Lombardi was presented with this award by the WAATI president Laura Bava, and the Italian consulate Dott. Nicolò Constantini.
Big auguri/congratulations to Signor Lombardi! So enthusiastic about all initiatives to promote Italian at St. Col’s, very caring about what the students are achieving in Italian, and getting his google translate out to communicate with staff & students in Italian. Such a joy!
It is so true……we do have the BEST Principal/Preside in the world!
Just a friendly reminder to any St Columba’s School families that have child who were born between 1 July 2017 and 30 June 2018, enrolment applications are now due. We are filling up quickly for the 2022 school year. Interviews for 2022 will commence mid-March. Please see Lisa in administration if you have any question regarding enrolments.
Parent Information Evenings have been cancelled for the start of the school year. Please note, teachers have placed information out in their parent books [link sent via Seesaw], however if you wish for further details, please make contact with your classrooms teachers. As with many of the routines at the start of the year, teachers will keep in contact regarding any questions you may have with homework etc.
Thank you to Jo McCluskey, but also our parents who will be assisting on the day. We are looking forward to a fun filled day with our kids giving their very best and being involved. It is about challenging ourselves and having a go.
Details of the event are below:
- Venue: Bayswater Waves, Embleton
- Date: Friday 12 March 2021
- Start time: 9.30 am
- Finish Time: 2.00 pm
Please note, the Catholic School Parents WA [formerly Parents and Friends] will send out a flyer for children attending the swimming carnival in Year 4 to Year 6 to order a sausage sizzle if they wish for their lunch on the day. These will come home in the coming weeks.
Please note the following
- School fees will be sent to parents via email by the end of the week.
- Please complete a Payment Authorisation form. This will offer 6 options for fee payment. Please tick the instalment option you have selected and tick the payment method.
- For direct debit on credit cards, please complete the credit card authorisation section.
- For debit cards [cheque and savings] please complete the direct debit authorisation section.
- Please sign the declaration, acknowledging that the account with St Columba’s School will be paid in full by 30 November 2021.
- The Payment Authorisation Form must be completed by 19 March 2021. You can return either return the hard copy to the office or via email to
Any payments received after 31 January 2021 may not show on your statement, but will be processed to your account accordingly.
Thank you for your continued support with the payments of school fees in 2021. Please do not hesitate to contact Peta Santella on the above email or phone on 9208 2705, if you require support in the payment of fees.
School banking recommences this Friday from 8.15 am – 8.30 am in the canteen near OSHC. Special thanks to Ariane who coordinates the school banking at St Columba’s School. This service can only happen with the support of our families. Please note the change of day to a Friday for 2021. Please adhere to social distancing.
P & F News
Together we’re making a difference
At Pharmacy 777, your support makes a difference to your school.
We understand how much your school means to you, that’s why at Pharmacy 777, we’re passionate about making a difference. Our Community Spirit Program makes giving back to your school easier. As a Community Spirit member, for every transaction you make at Pharmacy 777 Bayswater and Maylands, they will give part proceeds back to the school. This contribution accumulates over time and funds raised support causes at the heart of your school. We would encourage all school community members to visit Pharmacy 777 Bayswater and Maylands and join up.
Pastoral Care
Happy Birthday to:
To all students and staff who celebrated over the last week and to all those who will be celebrating over the coming week:
Nicholas Hofmann PKG
Matilda Stahl KW
Ezekiel Byrd KW
Harry Whelan KW
Ella Aldworth KW
Oliver Minchin PPG
Hugo Silverman PPW
Maya Katich 1G
Alexander Khoo 1G
Harry Fry 1G
Jude Allison 1G
Stefano Mustica 1W
Luke Magee 1W
Jonathon Truong 1W
Shaan Tah 1W
Kathleen Vaccari 2G
Daniel Wilk 2W
Sebastian Kaless 3G
Lucas Giuffre 3G
Jack Hutton 3W
Alexi Brammer 3W
Leo Rakitic 4G
Milla Robbins 4G
Xavier Brandis 4W
Emily Salt 4W
Hannah Mutsaers 5W
Sidney Carter 5W
Isaac Iaschi 5W
Vy Huynh 6W
Pastoral Care Raffle
Welcome back everyone and happy 2021
Our Pastoral Care team are in the process of preparing the rosters for our weekly raffle which commences in Week 3 – Wednesday 24 February 2021.
Class rosters will be posted outside classrooms by next week.
Here are the starting rosters:
Week 3 – 24th February 2021
Week 4 – 3 March 2021
Week 5 – 10 March 2021
Kindy Green | Week 3 Astor Foley Week 4 Celeste Mulherin Week 5 Hazel Scarvaci |
Kindy White | Week 3 Aiden Snodgrass Week 4 Amelia Gibson Week 5 Charlie Bateman |
PP Green | Week 3 Astor Raynor Week 4 Joana Gunawan Week 5 Maria Wai |
PP White | Week 3 Amelia Pierre Week 4 Harrison McPherson Week 5 Jacob Mak |
Year 1 Green | Week 3 Abigail Vernon Week 4 Alexander Lilleyman Week 5 Emma North |
Year 1 White | Week 3 Aleksander Tuma Week 4 Bianca Milhinch Week 5 Davern Laffrey |
Year 2 Green | Week 3 Agnes Zoou Week 4 Alessandro Pizzata Week 5 Jessica Lee |
Year 2 White | Week 3 Agnes Preedy Week 4 Christian Cullura Week 5 Emma Silverman |
Year 3 Green | Week 3 Amy Lee Week 4 Blake Kenyon Week 5 Grace Hartus |
Year 3 White | Week 3 Alexi Brammer Week 4 Archer Laffrey Week 5 Edmond Cavalli |
Year 4 Green | Week 3 Amelia Dorozenko Week 4 Brodie Eaton Week 5 Isla Felton |
Year 4 White | Week 3 Audrey Lawes Week 4 Blake Poletti Week 5 Lila Harris |
Year 5 Green | Week 3 Brielle Donovan Week 4 Chernet Desalegn Week 5 Grace Thoms |
Year 5 White | Week 3 Alexander Ward Week 4 Alyanna Genete Week 5 Christian Parola |
Year 6 Green | Week 3 Andre Fragomeni Week 4 Hannah Kemp Week 5 Matilda Panizza |
Year 6 White | Week 3 Alexander Kaless Week 4 Asha Campbell Week 5 Lucia Dawes |
Raffle tickets are 20 cents each with a maximum of 3 tickets per child. Each child will be rostered once a year to bring a BOOK to the value of $5.
Hopefully we will be able to have our usual events such as our easter raffle as well as our Mothers & Fathers Day breakfasts. Look out for these notices in the newsletter or on our St Columba’s Community Facebook page.
If there are any parents out there that love cooking and are able to help us with meals please contact Jeannie –
Your continued support is greatly appreciated by our school community.
Pastoral Care Team.
Community Notices
School Swim Squad
The St C Dolphin’s invites all Year 4 – 6 swimmers who are Learn to Swim Stage 6 and above to join us in preparing for the swimming carnivals ahead.
An enrolment form is attached to this letter and a hard copy has also been sent home this week. Please fill in the enrolment form ASAP and send to the contact details included on the form.
Your child may join later in the term as soon as they have reached Stage 6. Please see enrolment form for contact details to discuss.
Volunteer Coaches and Breakfast Coordinators are required!
Starlight SuperSwim
Between January 26 and February 26, some of our swimmers from the St C Dolphins are taking part in the 2021 Startlight SuperSwim and are hoping to collectively swim 50 KM in 30 days for sick kids!
Anyone from our community is welcome to join our team and swim for this cause by creating a profile, joining our team and logging your kilometres!
Please jump on our webpage to sponsor our team and support Starlight.
Mercedes College is currently interviewing Year 4 students who are due to start Year 7 in 2024. If you are considering enrolling your daughter at Mercedes, please visit the Mercedes College website at to request a prospectus or to enrol online. Applications for Year 7, 2022 and 2023 are also welcomed. Please contact Mrs Julie Lamb on 9323 1340 if you require further information.
Open Morning
Tuesday 16 March
Located in the heart of Perth’s beautiful heritage precinct, Mercedes College are proud to be celebrating 175 years of Mercy education, which makes the 2021 Open Day special! The Tour provides an opportunity for parents to hear from the Senior Leadership Team and enjoy a tour of College facilities led by some of our Student Representative Leaders.
There are two sessions: 8:30am or 11am. The 8:30am session offers families a morning tea, where you will have the opportunity to speak with some of our Teachers. Please register via the College website;
Mrs Vinciullo is collecting all sorts of good quality second hand books for the Mercedes College Second Hand Book Stall (at the 2021 Mercedes Fete). If you have any that you would like to donate, please leave them at St Columba’s school office or drop them at the 6G classroom. She is also collecting clean jars and all sorts of gardening pots – big or small. If you are having a clean-out and think you may have something that she would be interested in, please email her on
Thank you so much for your support.
School Counsellor News
What is Mindfulness?
Mindfulness is a type of meditation in which you focus on being aware of what you’re sensing and feeling in the moment, without judgment. Practicing mindfulness involves breathing methods, guided images, and other practices to relax the body and mind and help reduce stress.
Why should we use mindfulness?
Mindfulness practices can help us to increase our ability to regulate emotions, decrease stress, anxiety and depression. It can also help us to focus our attention, as well as to observe our thoughts and feelings without judgment.
How does mindfulness help with Anxiety?
Research has shown that mindfulness helps us reduce anxiety and depression. Mindfulness teaches us how to respond to stress with awareness of what is happening in the present moment, rather than simply acting impulsively, unaware of what emotions or motives may be driving that decision.
How can parents support their children to learn mindfulness?
The best way for parents and caregivers to support their children’s learning, on how to be mindful is to model mindfulness by learning about and practising mindfulness themselves. Whilst parents and caregivers have limited time these days, the good news is that engaging with mindfulness not only benefits children, it also supports parents’ and caregivers’ wellbeing, and the wellbeing of the family as a whole.
During these times of enormous change such as COVID, bushfires and commencing school, our children may feel quite anxious. However, by including mindfulness into your home routine, this will help to reduce anxiety and worry and take away any stress they may feel after a school day. I have included a link to the Smiling Minds website. On the website you will also find some amazing resources and information.
Smiling Minds Website:
Relationship Australia WA
Relationships Australia WA has produced a brochure advertising the courses available to help Strengthen Relationships for Men, Women, Couples and Families for the current 2021 year (see attached). The majority of courses within this brochure have taken into consideration, parent’s work schedules so you will find after hours, weekends and online options.
Nicole Leach
School Counsellor
St Columba’s (Wednesdays and Thursdays) Phone 08 9208 2700