So, here we are again. It is flying along. Feels like I was just speaking with you yesterday in The Donegal. Just very quickly, as there is a lot of information in this week’s newsletter, including our Annual Report, which is scintillating reading, and a must read. I found this quote for the AGM. It is what St Columba’s people are all about.
The thing about this, I was just talking with one of our kids, they so get this. Impressive is an understatement. We were having a bit of a chat about some tough stuff and we started talking about how when we contribute to others well being, or to a group, our school, our family, then we get a feeling that cannot be measured. It is this feeling of doing good. Talk about inspiring, felt the tears start to well-up. I guess the bonus of being a teacher is that when you sit kids down and spend 10-15 minutes of quality time with them, and they tell you their story, wow, there is such an understanding of why they do what they do. It really is like chatting with my own daughters, even though they are 20 and 22. Key reason to why I am blessed.
I wish to thank everyone who walks through the gates of St Columba’s School for how you contribute to the lives of others, thereby receiving an abundance of goodness in your own. It is the little things, like the good mornings and hellos that come so naturally to each other. Contributing to someone else’s life is as simple as acknowledging them as a person, especially when you may not know them. It is like when you are at a party, and you know heaps of people, so it is really comfortable, but then you notice someone who is pretty much standing alone, or standing with their partner, and are not really in the usual crew. It is one of the beautiful things in life when someone comes up and starts chatting. Yes, I have been there. I know it’s hard to believe, but even as a 53 year-old who is pretty comfortable with life and how it rolls, it is special stuff. The person who walks over to engage, well they are what we would call, GOLD! Okay, off to Kiss and Drive duty, favourite part of the day.
And then, like just right then, while on K and D duty, one of our mums picks up a Year 1 child’s swimming bag that has been left behind, and will take it home to dry the clothes overnight. No fuss, just contributing to the world in an action that is totally focused on the kid. This is what it is about. No recognition needed. Made me feel great to know this stuff is so true to St Col’s people. Find something or someone small to contribute to this week. Wait and see the impact you have on the world around you.
As we head into these final weeks, please note the following key snippets of information:
Staff Allocations 2020
Staff allocations for 2020 have been set. Allocation of roles for Education Assistants have not been specified.
We welcome onto our 2020 team Sarah Bolton who returns from parental leave.
Please refer to attachment for full list of our 2020 Staff.
Student Leaders 2020
- Congratulations to our Year 5 students who nominated for leadership positions in 2020. Their speeches were exceptional. All students presented with passion and clarity. It was very impressive and has set a very high standard for the 2020 school year.
- Our Year 5 students showed great respect for each other during the leadership process.
- Please refer to the News section under the Parent Information tab for details regarding our student leadership group for 2020.
Semester 2 Reports
- The Semester 2 Reports will be available for parents through SEQTA in the last week of the school year.
- The date is set for Tuesday 10 December.
End of Year Events
- Year 6 Graduation Mass Monday 2 December at 6.00 pm
- Whole School Thanksgiving Mass Friday 6 December at 9.00 am
- Whole School End of Year Concert Friday 6 December at 6.00 pm
- Year 6 End of Year Excursion Wednesday 11 December [all day event]
- Year 1 to Year 5 Water Slide Day Wednesday 11 December [all day event]
Year 6 Graduation Mass
- Monday 2 December at 6.00 pm.
- Held in the church.
- Year 4 and 5 students have received a note regarding attendance at the Mass to support the Year 6’s.
- This will also involve choir students.
Whole School End of Year Thanksgiving Mass
- Friday 6 December at 9.00 am
- Held in the church
- We will farewell our Year 6’s at the Mass and also farewell our families leaving St Columba’s School at the end of this year.
Whole School End of Year Concert Night
- Friday 6 December at 6.00 pm
- Held in the undercover area.
- All students from Kindergarten to Year 6 will be performing dances on the night.
- Details have been sent home via Seesaw.
St Columba’s School Annual General Meeting 2019
- Please find the Annual Report and School Fees 2020 attached to the Donegal.
Key information to note regarding school operations for next year:
- School Fee Schedule for 2020 attached. Increase in fees of 2% on tuition = increase of $40 for the year. Building Levy is 20% of the tuition fee. No increase in amenities across the board. Pre-Kindergarten Fees remain unchanged in 2020.
- Swimming lessons have been removed from the schedule due to increasing costs and viability. School operational decision.
- Year 6 camp costs have been included in the fee schedule for 2020.
- Annual School Improvement Plan Review of 2019, plus the Priorities for 2020 are included in the report.
Booklists 2020
- We continue to review our booklists for classes across the school. This year we trialled bulk orders for Year 1 and 2, similar to how we have in the past with Pre-Primary. This worked extremely well for the school and the classroom teachers.
- We will be continuing this in 2020, plus extending through to all year levels from Year 3 to Year 6.
- The Year 1 to Year 6 booklists are different to the traditional booklist and are now part of the bulk ordering. The change will allow teachers to organise student resources efficiently and more cost effectively throughout the year.
- We are hopeful that the 2020 booklists will be out late next week.
Please look after yourself during these next couple of weeks. Special blessings to you.
P & F News
777 Pharmacy
Don’t forget to mention that you are a St Columba’s family if you are shopping at the Maylands or Bayswater 777 Pharmacy. 10% of all retail sales goes towards the P&F.
Library News
The library has lots of books needing covering. If you can help out by taking a small number of books home to cover over the holidays, please call into the library. Your help is greatly appreciated by staff and students.
are due back this
Friday 29th November
1st class to return all library books will receive a treat.
A warm invitation is extended to all families to visit the library from 8:15am most mornings.
(Please note, when Mrs. Cuthbert is unavailable, the library is closed)
Kindy & Pre-Kindy families take advantage to come and read all our fabulous picture books with your little ones till 8:45am.
YES! Library open most lunch times 1:15 – 1:35 daily
Class of the Week
If any families have childrens magazines that they no longer need, the students at lunch time would enjoy reading them.
Homework/Library Bag
Just a reminder that students require the school green
‘Homework and Library Bag’ in order to borrow from the Library.
Many students will already have the green school
‘’Homework and Library Bag’ from previous years.
‘Homework and Library Bags’ can be purchased
from the Uniform Shop at a cost of $10.
Parents please order via the QuickCliq website
Rita Cuthbert
Library Officer
Pastoral Care
Happy Birthday to:
Keira Pollitt 1G
Isabella Goh KW
Jacob Hofmann PKG
Imogen Biddle 5W
Nadia Raschella 4W
Eva Ierace 6G
Senumitha Ratnayake KG
Elliot Dorozenko PPG
Bianca Balla 1G
Families rostered to bring in the raffle prize will be notified through the newsletter and on lists outside the classrooms. New families to St Columba’s will be rostered later in the year. Pastoral Care Team
Week 8 – 4/12/2019
Week 9 – 11/12/2019
Kindy Green | Week 8 Davern Laffrey |
Kindy White | Week 8 Raghav Bhutani |
PP Green | NO RAFFLE |
PP White | NO RAFFLE |
Year 1 Green | Week 8 Archer Laffrey |
Year 1 White | NO RAFFLE |
Year 2 Green | NO RAFFLE |
Year 2 White | Week 8 Edward Armstrong |
Year 3 Green | Week 8 Charlotte Smith |
Year 3 White | Week 8 Amie Lan |
Year 4 Green | NO RAFFLE |
Year 4 White | NO RAFFLE |
Year 5 Green | NO RAFFLE |
Year 5 White | NO RAFFLE |
Year 6 Green | NO RAFFLE |
Year 6 White | NO RAFFLE |
Community Notices
Early in 2020, Mercedes College will commence interviewing Year 4 & Year 5 students who are due to start Year 7 in 2022 & 2023 respectively. If you are considering enrolling your daughter and have not yet requested a Prospectus, please contact Mrs Julie Lamb on 9323 1340 as soon as possible.
Enquiries are also welcome for places in Year 7 for 2020 and 2021. For more information please refer to the College website,