Principal's Post

Hi Everyone

Hope you are going well and looking after yourself. Firstly, a big thank you to our P and F and everyone involved in last Friday night’s disco. Such a good evening, and such a positive response from all our kids and families. It was so good to see everyone enjoying themselves. Another terrific effort by our Parents and Friends. These things would not happen for our kids unless there was this support from the P and F, and the support they get from parents. Such a blessing to our school, and our kids.

Yes, much on at the moment, so hopefully you are finding some time to stop and find time for yourself


Interschool Athletics Carnival

Our Year 3 to Year 6 Interschool Athletics Team will be participating in the Inters tomorrow. They are such a ripping group of kids. We cannot wait to have them represent our school. Quality kids, giving their best in sportsmanship and effort. One of my favourite days as a Principal is getting to be with our team and see how proud they are of being a St Col’s Kid. What more could we ask for. Thank you to Jo McCluskey, staff and parents for the support of the kids.


School Assemblies

As with all assemblies in the current COVID-19 climate, parents/grandparents of students involved in the item assembly, or who have children receiving Merit Awards, are able to attend. We restrict all other parents from attending, as we need to ensure we keep within the guidelines set for schools. We appreciate your support with these protocols. I love assembly and wish our Year 1 classes a wonderful experience in presenting their assembly this week.


NAIDOC Week 2020

We are celebrating NAIDOC Week at St Columba’s School next week as it is celebrated throughout Australia. NAIDOC offers us the opportunity to celebrate the history, culture, and achievements of the First Australians. It is an opportunity to learn more about Aboriginal people, especially the Whadjuk Noongar people, their stories and language.

The theme of this year’s NAIDOC Week celebration is Always Was, Always Will Be. 

NAIDOC 2020 invites all Australians to embrace the true history of this country – a history which dates back thousands of generations. It’s about seeing, hearing, and learning the First Nations’ 65,000+ year history of this country – which is Australian history. The very first footprints on this continent were those belonging to First Nations peoples. For us, this nation’s story began at the dawn of time. Students will be participating in various activities throughout the week, including a Flag Raising Ceremony.


Administration Building Mural

We have been very privileged to have Artist Kamsani Bin Salleh create the unique artwork at our school, depicting our place on Whadjuk Noongar Country. The mural features the Wagyl, the giver of life for Noongar people, the creator of the river (bilya), land (boodjar), hills (karda) and all you can see. Kamsani is descended from the Nimunburr Bunuba and Yawuru peoples of the Kimberley and the Balladong Noongar people of the South West of WA.

Kam holds a Bachelor of Communication and Media Studies from the University of WA and was awarded the Western Australian Young Person of the Year in 2018.  Kam has completed art works throughout Perth, including Yagan Square. He is creative director of Arts Company Kambarni where he seeks to share his heritage and educate people about Aboriginal culture through murals, paintings, sculptures, animations, and other art forms.  Kam has also collaborated on a stunning piece with the West Coast Eagles.


Remembrance Day

This is a special time of the year, where we remember those who gave so much for us. We will mark this moment in time on Remembrance Day with our students next Wednesday.


School Board and Parents and Friends 2021 Nomination Forms

Attached to this newsletter are nomination forms for the School Advisory Council and P and F Executive Roles. Please complete these if you wish to nominate. Once nominations are in, you will be contacted with details of the process. If there are more nominations than vacant positions, then an election will be held at the AGM. If you nominate, you will be required at the AGM on Wednesday 25 November at 6.00 pm.


School Fees 2020

Reminder statements have been emailed to parents that are not currently on direct debit.

If no direct debit is set up on your account or you have alternative arrangements in place, full payment is required by the 30th November.

Method of payment is either by cash, cheque, EFTPOS, BPay or Direct Debit.

Parents, with our new audit procedures the school is required to account for outstanding school fees at the end of each year.

If you are unable to pay the account in full and have no alternative arrangements in place, please contact Peta Santella on 9208 2705 or email to make a repayment plan.

Please remember we are here to support families experiencing financial hardship and we are happy to meet with you to discuss this or any other matter.

Your attention and co-operation to this matter is appreciated.



Enjoy your week and may you receive much goodness in your day.




P & F News

Halloween Disco

Thank you to all the families who came and supported the P&F Halloween Disco, it was a great night and hugely successful with a profit of over $2000.

A special thank you to Mrs Scott who made many of the decorations, and helped to decorate on the night.

Thank you to the executive team, Leston De Mello, Pippa Harris and Rebecca Scott who helped to prepare, decorate and run the event on the night, your help is greatly appreciated.

We also had many volunteers on the night who helped with supervision, and the selling of drinks, food and glow sticks. We couldn’t have done it without your help and the support.

The following people provided assistance on the night, Larissa DeMello, Kathryn Bentley, Greg Bentley, Damian Katich, Ben Brammer, Jennifer Benfell, Steph Juszkiewicz, Nikki Stavely, Andre Stavely, Stephanie Coates, Sarah Guiffre, Sarah Mawer, Aoife Stanmore, Cheryl Gerick, Mel English, Eoin Hamilton, Emily Hamilton, Rob Jagger, Andrea Chivers, Ariane Mazurak, Louise Bass, Caris Kennelly, Gabby Migliore, Fiona de Courcier, Dai Stahl, Michelle Harp, Karen Felton, Ric Fonseca, Carolyn Smith and Natalie Pizzata.

Thank you again for your assistance.


Nominations for executive positions 2021

Nominations are now open for executive positions for 2021. You can find a nomination form attached to this  newsletter, and positions are announced at the AGM on Wednesday the 25th of November. Rebecca, Pippa and myself are very happy to answer any questions regarding the various roles.



Thank you
Rachel Lange
P&F President

0401 856 385


Pastoral Care

Happy Birthday to:

To all students and staff who will be celebrating their birthday over the coming week:

Marcus Tang PKG
Monica Jaramillo Restrepo KG
Raghav Bhutani PPG
Jaike Evangelista 1G
Milana Zachar 1W
Phoenix Stanmore 2W
Lauren Pincus 4W
Max Gardiner 5G
Willow Bull 5W
Oliver Cornish 5W

Pastoral Care Term 4 Raffle

Individuals assisting our school community through weekly raffles. Please watch this space for weekly roster updates.

Pastoral Care Team.



Week 5 – 11 November
Week 6 – 18 November

Kindy Green
Week 5 Jenson Kootje
Week 6 Maria Wai
Kindy White
Week 5 Harvey Ferguson
Week 6 Oaklyn Payne
PP GreenWeek 5 Alexander Khoo
Week 6 Henry Crookes
PP White
Week 5 Wyatt Palmer
Week 6 Elizabeth Kennewell
Year 1 Green
Week 5 Jaike Evangelista
Week 6 Stella Kent
Year 1 WhiteWeek 5 Leo Kennelly
Week 6 Kirana Stahl
Year 2 GreenWeek 5 Tony Masek
Week 6 Scarlett Fernandez
Year 2 White
Week 5 Harry Mawer
Week 6 Alexis Stewart
Year 3 Green
Week 5 Leo Rakitic
Week 6 Brodie Eaton
Year 3 White
Week 5 Hudson Taylor
Week 6 Rafael Martino Da Fonseca
Year 4 GreenWeek 5 Leon Migliore
Week 6 Ava Giangiordano
Year 4 WhiteWeek 5 Joshua Hartstonge
Week 6 Hannah Pollitt
Year 5 GreenWeek 5 Noah Smith
Week 6 Mia Partington
Year 5 WhiteWeek 5 Rory Shanahan
Week 6 Emily Falzon
Year 6 Green
Week 5 Daniel D’Esposito
Week 6 Chloe Murnane
Year 6 White
Week 5 Alexander Harp
Week 6 Ella Maio



Community Notices

Enrolments are now open for VacSwim swimming lessons during the summer school holidays.

VacSwim in January offers fun lessons at beach or pool locations during the long break. Not only are they a great school holiday activity, they teach valuable safety skills to help keep your child safe in the water.

Your children can start as young as five years old.

Don’t wait! Enrol your children in VacSwim now at




Chisholm Catholic College 30 year reunion on Saturday 14 November for the “Class of 1990”

The Reunion will be at the Inglewood Hotel in the front beer garden from 7.30pm.

Here is the Facebook link :

For any further info please contact

Catherine Grindley née Cullen













St Columba’s School Bayswater

32 Roberts Street, Bayswater WA 6053
PO Box 61, Bayswater WA 6933
Phone: (08) 9208 2700