I know it is not Principal Post week, but I did want to put this in today. The quote says it all. If you could see our kids joy with the new resources we have been able to purchase due to the support of our parent community through the Parents and Friends Association, then you would feel their gratitude. Nothing better.
On behalf of all the students and staff of St Columba’s School, we wanted to thank the Parents and Friends, and all parents, for the support of various fundraising events this year. With your support, the P&F recently donated $10 000 towards numeracy and literacy resources. These resources have been purchased and will have a positive impact on our students and their learning. There are more resources coming through the Woolworths coupon program in the next week. I mean, how good do we have it here. Please see a couple of photos below of where this money has been directed. A portion of this $10 000 has also been directed towards reading books in our Pre-Primary and Year 1 classrooms.
A sample of the Reading Books purchased for Pre-Primary and Year 1 that have arrived this week. Once processed, these books will be used by our children across PP and Year 1.
A small sample of the Maths resources purchased. All classrooms have their own class resources, as well as whole school resources to use during their numeracy sessions.
The upcoming Colour Run will also allow us to purchase reading books from Year 1 to Year 6. We are hoping to have these resources purchased for the commencement of the 2020 school year. Again, we sincerely thank you for your support and hard work. As I said, our appreciation and gratitude comes in the form of the joy you have brought to our kids and their learning.
I wish to thank our staff who have been engaged in the process of getting the best deals with the suppliers. Amazing bargaining power from the likes of Leesa Vinciullo and other staff.
Community Mass
The St Columba’s School Community is very blessed to be situated so close to our parish church and the strong relationships we have with our parish priest, Father Andrew Albis, and the parish community is very special and highly valued.
This Sunday, 27th October, commencing at 9.30am, we have our last parish and school Community Mass for the year and we look forward to seeing all of our families represented to celebrate and give thanks for this wonderful community. Please make sure you note this date in your calendars!
Lost Property and Second-hand Uniforms:
The lost property is now situated in tubs near the library stairwell leading to the oval. This will allow for easy access by the students to check for their lost items. The second-hand uniform items can still be found in the breezeway between the canteen and OSHC. Please check all uniform items have your child’s name on them.
Greenbatch Recycling Program for Schools:
Greenbatch Foundation partners with schools allowing students to collect their old PET plastic bottles through recycling and re-purposing it into 3D printer filament. By recycling through Greenbatch we can save plastic from entering landfills, oceans and waste incinerators. Greenbatch will be visiting us next Monday to launch the program with our students.
Greenbatch Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation working in the environmental, sustainability and education space with a specific focus on plastic pollution and plastic recycling. Greenbatch was founded by Darren Lomman, after hearing in a television commercial that by 2050 there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish. Darren was shocked to discover that Western Australia does not have a waste plastic reprocessing plant, meaning not a single bit of plastic put in a WA recycling bin has ever been recycled in WA. Shocked by the plastic pollution legacy being left behind for our future generations, Darren committed himself to addressing this problem on behalf of WA. The Greenbatch Foundation operates as a community educator, targeting plastic pollution awareness and recycling behaviours. We aim to change community attitudes regarding plastic to view it as a valuable resource rather than as waste to be disposed of. Greenbatch is now operating in 81 schools across WA and we hope to reach 130 by the end of 2019.
ATTN Parents and Caregivers
Reminder statements were sent home last week.
If no direct debit is set up on your account or you have alternative arrangements in place, full payment is required by the 30th November.
Method of payment is either by cash, cheque, EFTPOS, BPay or Direct Debit.
Parents, with our new audit procedures the school is required to account for outstanding school fees at the end of each year.
If you are unable to pay the account in full and have no alternative arrangements in place, please contact Peta Santella on 9208 2705 or email peta.santella@cewa.edu.au to make a repayment plan.
Please remember we are here to support families experiencing financial hardship and we are happy to meet with you to discuss this or any other matter.
Your attention and co-operation to this matter is appreciated.
P & F News
Colour Run
We are so excited about the up- coming colour run this Friday, 25th of October. This will be held on the school oval. By now you should have received your fundraising booklet with all the details, including the option to register online for more prize winning opportunities and to help get your fundraising message out to your family and friends.
Please also sign the consent form that has been sent home this week and return it to your teacher ASAP.
Colour Powder
The colour powder used in our event has been sourced direct from India, the home of Holi Powder. It is made of high quality corn starch and permitted food colours. It’s non-toxic, biodegradable, skin safe and environmentally friendly. Toxicological Risk Assessment and ingredient listings can be obtained from the School Office upon request. Students with asthma are advised to be careful in their decision to participate.
How Does My Child Fundraise?
Students have now received a Sponsorship Form with instructions on how to raise money and order prizes. Students obtain donations in cash using the Sponsorship Form together with online fundraising.
Students who raise as little as $10 or more will receive an incentive prize for their efforts. But why not aim higher? You have the option to choose up to five (5) prizes and this will set your fundraising goal. Family and friends are your greatest supporters, so ask them first for your support. You will reach your fundraising goal in no time.
Student Profile Page
Create a Student Profile Page at www.myprofilepage.com.au which is unique to you. There are also some great features like recording your sponsorships and selecting your prize goal.
You can also register for online fundraising. It’s the easiest way to help your child raise money and to reach your fundraising goal sooner.
WIN A SHARE OF $200,000 WORTH OF FREE SPONSORSHIP DONATIONS. Create a Student Profile Page at www.myprofilepage.com.au and enter your unique code found on page five (5) of your Sponsorship Form to see if you’re an instant winner. Give your fundraising goal a kick start!
How to Order Prizes?
To reward your child for their efforts, they will receive incentive prizes based on the total amount of sponsorship dollars raised in cash, online, and if applicable, any FREE SPONSORSHIP DONATIONS won using the unique code on page five (5) of the Sponsorship Form. You have two options to place your prize order:
- Login or create a Student Profile Page at www.myprofilepage.com.au. Once the fundraiser has finished, click the ‘ORDER MY PRIZE’ button and then confirm your total amount raised and order your prize/s, OR
- Complete the back page of the Sponsorship Form and return to the school.
Please note, all donations need to be finalised on or before 6th of November. Student prizes will be delivered shortly after.
Thank you in advance for your participation, and get ready for a BLAST OF COLOUR! Happy fundraising!
Please see below the time table- this is a guide and may vary slightly on the day. All parents are encouraged to come along and cheer on the kids.
8.45-9.25 year 4 – 40, mins
9.35-10.25 year 3 – 40 mins
10.30- 11.00 recess
11.10-11.40 year 2 – 40 mins
11.50-12.30 year 1/year 6 – 40 mins
12.35-1.15 lunch
1.20-2.00 pre-primary/year 5 – 40 mins
2.10-2.30-2.35 kindy/pre-k – 20-25mins
We look forward to a fun and exciting day.
Rachel Lange
P&F President
777 Pharmacy
Don’t forget to mention that you are a St Columba’s family if you are shopping at the Maylands or Bayswater 777 Pharmacy. 10% of all retail sales goes towards the P&F.
Rachel Lange
P&F President
Library News
Books ordered from our visiting author
‘Kylie Howarth’
during Book Week have been signed, sealed and delivered!
Please check your child’s bag for the delivery.
A warm invitation is extended to all families to visit the library from 8:15am most mornings.
(Please note, when Mrs. Cuthbert is unavailable, the library is closed)
Kindy & Pre-Kindy families take advantage to come and read all our fabulous picture books with your little ones till 8:45am.
YES! Library open most lunch times 1:15 – 1:35 daily
Class of the Week
If any families have childrens magazines that they no longer need, the students at lunch time would enjoy reading them.
Homework/Library Bag
Just a reminder that students require the school green
‘Homework and Library Bag’ in order to borrow from the Library.
Many students will already have the green school
‘’Homework and Library Bag’ from previous years.
‘Homework and Library Bags’ can be purchased
from the Uniform Shop at a cost of $10.
Parents please order via the QuickCliq website
Rita Cuthbert
Library Officer
Pastoral Care
Happy Birthday to:
Emily Falzon 4G
Isabella Fernandez 4W
Annabelle Ong 1W
Lucas Hancock 6W
Eha Bhujbal 6W
Grace Howard KW
Charlotte Pitter 3W
Theo Smart PPG
Piper Anderson 6W

Families rostered to bring in the raffle prize will be notified through the newsletter and on lists outside the classrooms. New families to St Columba’s will be rostered later in the year. Pastoral Care Team
Week 3 30/10/2019
Week 4 6/11/2019
Kindy Green | Week 3 Henry Webb |
Kindy White | Week 3 Cohen Lee |
PP Green | Week 3 Zozie Higgs |
PP White | Week 3 Milana Zachar |
Year 1 Green | Week 3 Braelyn Carruthers |
Year 1 White | Week 3 Alberto Yanez Del Gesso |
Year 2 Green | Week 3 Xavier Miller |
Year 2 White | Week 3 Clyde Peters |
Year 3 Green | Week 3 Manya Tewatia |
Year 3 White | Week 3 Zara Callo |
Year 4 Green | Week 3 Amelia Bekker |
Year 4 White | Week 3 Vy Huynh |
Year 5 Green | Week 3 Tina Le |
Year 5 White | Week 3 Chloe Murnane |
Year 6 Green | Week 3 Holly De Luca |
Year 6 White | Week 3 Archie Jarvis |
Community Notices
Saint Columba Dolphins Swim Squad – Current Year 3-5 Only
With summer around the corner and the faction swimming carnival in Term 1 we are delighted to start another fantastic season of swimming!
The first session will kick off on Friday November 29 from 6:30am – 7:30am at Bayswater Waves followed by breakfast in the parish hall during the school term.
Fun school holiday sessions are also available at a more reasonable time. These are a great way to get the kids out of the house and swim with their mates!
Please see enrolment form attached to this newsletter for further details. Enrolment forms and fees are due November 22nd.
Redhage Basketball school program is back in Term 4. Please refer to the flyer attached to this newsletter.
Bayswater Primary School
As you may be aware, this year is the 125th anniversary of Bayswater Primary School.
The Parents and Citizens Association will commemorate this event as a part of our biennial fete. With the anniversary in mind we have decided to organise around the theme “Back to the Future.” This year’s fete will be held on Sunday 24th November 2019 from 10 am till 3 pm. A copy of the poster has been attached.
We are also holding a School Reunion Luncheon as part of the above. Further details are found here https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/baysie-primary-alumni-school-lunch-tickets-71770586757?aff=ebdssbdestsearch&fbclid=IwAR3CEo3h4OANhXDQ1YSlU2YlOdszK9P_ObiVTXMe4utnYEVAiVy2Dh0i6sk
VacSwim 2019-20
Enrol now for VacSwim summer holiday swimming lessons!
With swimming pools and beaches a big part of the Western Australian lifestyle, it’s essential that your children learn how to swim and stay safe in the water.
VacSwim is for all children – from beginners to more advanced swimmers. Your children can start as young as five years old.
There are over 180 VacSwim locations around Western Australia, so wherever your family is spending these summer holidays, there will be lessons near you.
Enrol your children in VacSwim now at education.wa.edu.au/swimming.
School Counsellor News
by Michael Grose
Creating a consistent parenting storyline
This is typical of many comments I’ve been hearing lately from participants at our Anxious Kids seminars and workshops. It’s a healthy recognition that parent consistency is a significant element in successful parenting, particularly when facing a child’s behavioural or wellbeing challenge.
It’s also recognition that one of the biggest challenges for many couples is creating the same parenting storyline. It’s a common challenge.
You may be strict, while your partner is lenient. You may value family mealtime highly, while your partner is ambivalent about breaking bread as a family.
Differences in parenting are natural, reflecting past parenting experiences, gender differences and personal experiences of children. They are a sign of independent thinking, and can provide a sense of balance to family life.
Parents who work together need to know when to compromise, when to keep out of the way and when to present a united front. Knowing when to take each approach takes practice and depends on the issues at hand, your parenting styles and your individual values.
Differences can be stressful
Different approaches can cause discomfort, stress and anxiety to one or both parents, particularly when communication and empathy levels are down.
In some cases, the differences can lead to inconsistent parenting where there is no agreement on rules and standards of behaviour and inconsistent follow-through when kids behave poorly. It’s like driving a car when there are two sets of road rules. There’d be accidents in the first five minutes.
Similarly, there is chaos in a family when there’s more than one set of rules. The rules and boundaries the govern children’s behaviour and family life need to be agreed upon.
Parents who work together need to know when to compromise, when to keep out of the way and when to present a united front. Knowing when to take each approach takes practice and depends on the issues at hand, your parenting styles and your individual values.
Creating the same storyline
Agreeing to the same parenting storyline as your partner takes work. It can be done whether you and your partner live together or not.
Here are some ideas to help
Keep your partner informed
It helps if the primary parent can keep partners informed about what’s going on in children’s lives. These can include updates about behaviour, educational achievements and their general well-being.
Defer to your partner
Kids have a habit of putting their parents on the spot, particularly with issues such as going out or buying the latest fad. Rather than responding to children’s requests yourself, get into the habit of deferring to your partner. Not only does this keep your partner in the communication loop, it helps you work as a united front.
Share insights with your partner into your own childhood and family
These types of reflective conversations can lead to a deeper level of understanding and often reveal why you both feel strongly about different parenting matters.
Divide areas of responsibility
Don’t keep all the responsibilities to yourself. Bring your partner into the loop, and give them a share of the parenting jobs.
Communicate concerns to your partner about differences
Avoid disagreeing openly in front of the children. Find a time later to air any concerns you may have and generate alternate strategies or ideas for your partner to try.
Work out your family brand.
In my book Thriving, I showed parents how to establish a strong family brand. That is, work out the type of family atmosphere you’d like to establish; the values and attitudes that are important to you; your preferred parenting style and identify the family traditions and rituals you’d like to nurture.
From my experience, parents can get away with parental differences when kids are young, however it can become a big problem in adolescence. Some teenagers are become adept at driving a wedge between parents who are on different wavelengths. They generally go to the parent who will give them the answer they require when it comes to the tricky areas such as going out, access to alcohol and relationship issues.
That’s why one of the greatest gifts you can give your children is the consistency they experience when both parents work together using the same parenting storyline.
Jennifer Maughan
Social Worker
Tuesday & Wednesday
9208 2703