Principal's Post

Dear Parents and Guardians


Welcome to Week 2!

Hope you and your family are all travelling okay. I have heard of a few new additions to our St Col’s families. We love hearing about our families and the special moments that bring such joy. Congratulations! More and more baby seats being added to the back row of the cars in Kiss and Drive.

I thought I would touch base on a few things this week that are happening around St Columba’s School. It is a busy time in school life, so I can only imagine how busy life is outside of school. The combination of school and life will be filled with excitement, but will also bring with it less time to just be. Looking after ourselves and taking care during the busyness is important. We all need to find moments of being able to breath when we can. The busyness may become a little overwhelming at times. This is normal, so when we feel this way, we need to stop and be gentle on ourselves and others. I know, imagine being gentle on ourselves and cutting ourselves some slack.

Why do I talk about this? Well, because I know how I am feeling with everything at the moment, that I know this will be the same for many. Just saying, gentleness is something that will bring peace. Last week, I talked about the quote from Doc Rivers, ‘Pressure is a Privilege’. So good to remember this when the pressure comes. It is all about us being accepting that the pressure only comes because we are up for it. When I feel the pressure, I find myself becoming snappy, which is so not me, but it is what pressure brings.

Being snappy is not in line with the ‘Pressure is a Privilege’, so I have been able to pull myself back into line. It is good to mess-up, take stock and then realise we need to get back on track. The easiest way I do this is by texting one of my family. Connects me back in to how good I have it. Anyhow, my point is, when the pressure comes, and we mess up, well, we can make it all okay by owning our stuff and look to be better the next time. This is what our life is.


Columba Runners

On Sunday afternoon, our Columba Runners, had their end of year windup. It was wonderful to see so many families in attendance. Massive thanks to our key parents, Tanya, Louise and Sascha, along with all the parents helping out. The time that is committed is significant, and is very much appreciated. Columba Runners is a very special part of our school and is the success it is because of our parent involvement. It is so obvious it is about the kids and their love of the running club. It is a credit to everyone who has come before us and those now involved that have Columba Runners thriving in the challenging times of 2020. Life is good when you see the energy and the enthusiasm for such an after school activity that brings with it wellbeing and connection.


Book Week

Special thanks to Mrs Rita Cuthbert for organising the activities for Book Week. It has again been a wonderful week for the kids. The dress up day was another success, again because of the effort of everyone to be involved. We appreciate the effort required at home to get kids sorted for this event, especially on a Monday morning. So much fun! I have to say, the photos of where kids read, so creative and brings goodness and a smile when we have a look at the kids reading in their favourite places. You may notice the small area outside the library that Rita has set up for kids to read outside. It has been a height of activity throughout the week. Such a colourful and inviting space. Thanks again to everyone.


Sacrament of Confirmation

The Sacrament of Confirmation will be held tomorrow evening in the undercover area. We wish all our children receiving the ‘Gift of the Holy Spirit’ many blessings. As with all sacraments this year, we continue with the COVID-19 restrictions in who can attend the Mass. Thank you to Fr Andrew, our Year 6 teachers, Leesa and Clare, Kerry and her work with the choir, and Megan who coordinates our program. Special mention to Carolyn and Julie, from the parish, who are also always so supportive with their commitment to the catechist program at St Columba’s School.


School Assemblies

As with all assemblies in the current COVID-19 climate, parents/grandparents of students involved in the assembly item, or who have children receiving Merit Awards, are able to attend. We restrict all other parents from attending, as we need to ensure we keep within the guidelines set for schools. We appreciate your support with these protocols. Unfortunately, I will not be at this week’s assembly due to Principal commitments at another school. I love assembly and wish our Year 3 White and Year 5 Green classes a wonderful experience in presenting their assembly.


Staffing 2021

Staffing 2021 will start to take shape over the next month. As with every year, there is staff movement both within the school, but also across our schools. As news comes through in any staff movement I will notify our community through The Donegal. So, a bit like the AFL Draft, Mitch McGivern has taken up a teaching position in Wyndham commencing next year. Mitch has been drawn to the Kimberley for the last couple of years, so we know this is going to be such a wonderful experience. We were just blessed to convince Mitch to spend a couple of years with us. While it is sad for us, and a massive loss, it is with an abundance of blessings we wish him well. We will thank Mitch at our End of Year Concert. We are very excited for him and the future that Mitch will grow into in Catholic Education over his time in schools.

As we head into the weekend, I wish you many opportunities to find moments to stop and be. Find rest and gentleness for self and those in your life that bring you a sense of it all being okay.

Take care and I look forward to seeing you around school and Kiss and Drive.






It is an exciting time in Western Australia with the launch of Containers for Change!! This means that all eligible drink items collected will receive a 10 cent refund to support fundraising efforts for our school.

  • Greenbatch are already helping us to recycle number 1 and 2 plastics and aluminium cans. They will continue to collect these but will now also sort through our collections to find all eligible drink items and provide the full refund for our school.
  • All items can be placed into our green and purple Greenbatch bins (located in the walkway between the canteen and OSHC room and outside of the library). They do not need to be separately sorted or bagged. Please continue to collect your plastics and aluminium cans, give them a rinse and bring them into school. Greenbatch will also take our bottle lids, just pop them in a separate bag into the Greenbatch bin.
  • Greenbatch are only able to collect glass containers that are eligible for the 10c refund (eg beer bottles). Please do not bring in any other glass bottles (eg wine and spirit bottles) – these must go in your usual kerbside recycling bin.

Help us raise fundraising dollars, as well as preventing landfill and our waterways from filling up with plastic!!



P & F News

Halloween Disco

This year’s disco is being held on Friday the 30th of October in the school undercover area. Children have the option to dress up in Halloween Costume if they wish.

Notes went home earlier this week, and you are required to return the form by Thursday the 29th of October to the school office. Please provide correct money (no change can be given) please also note that no tickets are available for purchase on the night.

The disco will have 2 sessions: Pre-kindy to year 2, 5pm to 6.30pm

Year 3- year 6, 6.45pm to 8.30pm.

The following will be available for purchase on the night, please bring cash

Sausage sizzle: $3.50

Crisps: 50c

Juice box/water: $1.50

Lolly bags: $2.00

Glow sticks: 50c

The event is run by parents and no staff supervision will be provided. Parents are responsible for their own children. We require assistance with selling food, and supervision.

If you are able to volunteer some time please use the following link to sign up:

Entry to the disco is via the admin gate and exit will be via the church gate. All other gates will be locked. No children are allowed downstairs on the school oval/playground or on the upstairs playground area during the event.

For safety, we kindly request no parents enter the dance floor during the discos.


Nominations for executive positions 2021

After completing 3 years in an executive position, myself, Pippa Harris and Rebecca Scott will be stepping down at the end of the year.

3 positions are available, and elections will occur at the AGM in November. If you are interested in the role, please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions. Nomination forms will be available on the school website closer to the date.


Thank you
Rachel Lange
P&F President

0401 856 385


Library News


CBCA Book of the Year awards aim to:

  • Promote quality literature for young Australians;
  • Support and encourage a wide range of Australian writers and illustrators of children’s books and;
  • Celebrate contributions to Australian children’s literature.

This year’s winners:

2020 Shortlisted are available in the Library.

Book Week continues throughout this week at St Cols.

It’s been a real page turner of a week, with the Book Week Parade and Photo Booth visit on Monday, ‘Outdoor Library’ at lunchtimes, Colouring Competition, ‘Where do you like to read (unusual places)?’ Competition, Find the Titles Wall Word Sleuth and lots of prizes of Crow Book Gift Vouchers, Bookmarks, Little Treehouse Collections books (Thanks to Mrs. Dowling) & Chupa Chups galore for those who sent in photos of where they like to read.



A BIG thank you to our Parents and Staff for making Monday’s Book Week Parade such an event. We had another fantastic turnout for the Book Week Parade. The students’ costumes were just amazing and all the staff looked fabulous! We all had so much fun dressing up!  Mrs. Pettit, our MC got the parade going and Ms. Troll had the music pumping.  The students had a chance to display their creative costumes, whilst Mrs. Doble took some wonderful photos.



I just wanted to say a huge thank you for all your support, as well as acknowledge our wonderful staff at St Cols.  Your efforts were greatly appreciated!

Thank you for encouraging Book Week and making Book Week an excitement for books and highlighting the importance of reading.

We hope to see you again next year… Keep reading!

Mrs Cuthbert

Library Officer




Pastoral Care

Happy Birthday to:

To all students and staff who will be celebrating their birthday over the coming week:

Ivan Masnyk PKG
Annabelle Ong 2W
Alexander Ward 4G
Zoe High 4W
Emily Falzon 5W
Isabella Fernandez 5W

Pastoral Care Term 4Raffle

Individuals assisting our school community through weekly raffles. Please watch this space for weekly roster updates.

Pastoral Care Team.



Week 3 – 28 October
Week 4 – 4 November

Kindy Green
Week 3 Thomas Pinnington
Week 4 Juliana Versaico
Kindy White
Week 3 Tristan Goh
Week 4 Olivia Molony
PP GreenWeek 3 Quill O’Brien
Week 4 Xavier Balm
PP White
Week 3 Henry Webb
Week 4 Rosabelle Juma
Year 1 Green
Week 3 Raffaele Parker
Week 4 Zozie Higgs
Year 1 WhiteWeek 3 Luca Scagnetti
Week 4 Ava Scali
Year 2 GreenWeek 3 Max Pierre
Week 4 Chloe Bouteloup
Year 2 White
Week 3 Sam Villamar
Week 4 Annabelle Ong
Year 3 Green
Week 3 Robert Wilk
Week 4 Edward Armstrong
Year 3 White
Week 3 Sohil Verma
Week 4 Abbie Hartus
Year 4 GreenWeek 3 Dominic Treacy
Week 4 Alyanna Genete
Year 4 WhiteWeek 3 Jett Mann
Week 4 Amie Lan
Year 5 GreenWeek 3 Keelan Stanmore
Week 4 Vy Huynh
Year 5 WhiteWeek 3 Michael Wells
Week 4 Eve Bristow-Baohm
Year 6 Green
Week 3 Tyler McCormack
Week 4 Mathilda Meyers
Year 6 White
Week 3 Maxwell Miller
Week 4 Norah Hammond



Community Notices

Enrolments are now open for VacSwim swimming lessons during the summer school holidays.

VacSwim in January offers fun lessons at beach or pool locations during the long break. Not only are they a great school holiday activity, they teach valuable safety skills to help keep your child safe in the water.

Your children can start as young as five years old.

Don’t wait! Enrol your children in VacSwim now at




Chisholm Catholic College 30 year reunion on Saturday 14 November for the “Class of 1990”

The Reunion will be at the Inglewood Hotel in the back bar from 7pm.

Here is the Facebook link :

For any further info please contact

Catherine Grindley née Cullen













St Columba’s School Bayswater

32 Roberts Street, Bayswater WA 6053
PO Box 61, Bayswater WA 6933
Phone: (08) 9208 2700