Principal's Post

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

Welcome back to Term 4!

Hope the holiday break allowed for some time to rest for you and your family. Having said this, I do remember the days of having little people at home during the holiday breaks. It is pretty busy, especially if you were still working throughout the two weeks. Maybe, not having to get uniforms ready and lunches for the morning rush, did allow for a little space in your morning.

I appreciate that just the thought of it being the middle of October, means we are headed towards the end of the 2022 school year. It also means everything comes quickly over the next couple of months. There is plenty on at school, and plenty on in our own lives. This busyness does mean we can start to feel some pressures around having to get things done. I get this for you as parents. You will see our school calendar starts to fill up with events ranging from NAIDOC Week [as we did not celebrate at the end of Term 2] to Interschool Athletics, to the Faction Swimming Carnival, Edudance lessons and the disco, plus so much more. It can all be a little overwhelming when you look at everything that happens within a school that goes beyond the teaching and learning. Just make sure you are looking after yourself and others during these times.

All of this comes with enormous excitement, but also with pressure. I was reflecting on a documentary on Netflix about Doc Rivers, a NBA basketballer and head coach that I watched a couple of years ago. I probably loved it because he talks about ‘ubuntu’. You know how I love ubuntu. If you have not heard about ubuntu, it is all about being grateful, but about you being because of me, and me being because of you. About being one, connected. How cool is this stuff? Very cool, I say. The highlight to be honest, but as much of a highlight was his statement around pressure being a privilege. Not something I have ever thought about when thinking about pressure. There are times where I do get it is a privilege, but there are other times where I just wish we could take the pressure off. Such a fine balance this concept of pressure.

When we think about the pressures that will come our way in our life, imagine thinking of these as being a privilege in our life. Pretty tough to see pressure in this way as it always causes a little anxiety and worry. Just the word has my heart racing a little faster. Yes, I start over thinking everything and wonder how will I get all the things done I need to get done. Well, I think that is the beauty of Doc Rivers thinking. Embrace the pressure as something you have been given because you can handle it. I guess we all talk about embracing the messiness, why not embrace the pressure. Seeing it as a privilege already makes it better.

So when we think of these pressures, and how it is a privilege that they come our way, we can look to this quote from the Bible that asks us to be joyful and to give thanks for all our circumstances. This is so tough I reckon. I connect to this stuff, but I do find it so challenging to always be joyful through the tough things that come along. I am sure you find it the same when things just keep bombarding us, or there are things that happen in our lives, or the lives of those we love, that are tough to endure. This is where we do need to try, to try even a little, to find ways to be positive and give thanks. I am no expert in this, but with all these pressures, we need to be gentle on ourselves and others. It will be busy, and yes, there will be pressure. My hope for all of us, well, it is that we can always find support from those around us, but also an acceptance at times that we are all doing the best we can for our kids, families and each other.

It was like the other morning. Linda was listening to one of her spiritual Instagram posts, and I listened intently as it was about joy. What I loved was that it talked about one of the keys to joy is living a simple life. So good to know that keeping it simple brings joy. I think we all know it, but I think we do all over think it and do make it more complex than it needs to be. I mean, I do, constantly over think it. I had worked hard at this pressure thing in my time away, but do find myself slipping back into some of those old habits in making things more complex than they need to be. I do have, as one of my things, that I want for you, our kids, our staff, our families, our mates and for us as individuals, is that we take pressure off ourselves and others.

I know I have talked about it before, but simply saying the words to someone, ‘it is okay’, has an impact that does make things better in that moment. Learning to say, ‘it is okay’ to ourselves is even more important. I just look at Holly and Skye as young people in their early-mid 20s and the complexity of their worlds, the pressures they place on themselves and others expectations, probably even my expectations as a dad. We need to make it simpler. We need to step back and go it is okay for things to be the way they are sometimes. It really does open us up to life and finding the joy. This is my one wish for the term, that we can all find ways to take the pressure off each other. Not an easy thing, but bit by bit we can make a difference.

Some of you are not much older than my girls, maybe your early-mid 30s. You get what I am talking about. We all need to be gentle on ourselves in a world that has many expectations placed on us, many pressures that come from just being. It is time for all of us to find kindness every day, to find the stories of others each day, to accept ourselves for who we are and others for who they are. Imagine a world of acceptance. The one thing I will always appreciate about our St Col’s people is this humanness that you bring every day. Never think I do not appreciate how good you are to me as a human. Your care for me, but for everyone you have around you is so obvious. Makes being grateful easy.


NAIDOC WEEK Celebrations

As you know, NAIDOC Week is held in July each year. We were unable to celebrate during that time. During this week, we have various activities taking place for our students to engage in. This includes an incursion this Thursday. A highlight of the week will be performances by Gina Williams and Guy Ghouse. They will be performing their Noongar language & music workshop.


Term Planner Term 4

Please note the term planner for Term 4 is on the school website under Parent Information. Click on the Term Planner tab to access. There are many events on this term across all year levels. Some events and dates may be updated due to changing circumstances. The term planner is updated when any changes take place.


Mercy Mission Day

Mercy Mission Day is a much-loved event on the St Columba’s School Calendar. While we were unable to hold Mercy Mission Day earlier in the year, we are now planning to celebrate this event on FRIDAY 21 OCTOBER (Week 2 of Term 4). The plan for the day is as follows:

9.00 – 9.20 am                  Liturgy on the basketball court

11.00 – 11.15 am             Students and staff set up their stalls

11.15 – 12.45 pm             Stalls are open for business

12.45 – 1.00 pm                Students assist with the clean-up of their stalls and surrounding areas

Class teachers will inform parents of any donations they require in order to create their stalls, or any other assistance they would appreciate from parents. Looking forward to another wonderful Mercy Mission Day at St Columba’s.

Students can wear free dress for a gold coin donation.


School Fees

As we head into the final term of the year, a gentle reminder about school fees and payments. Thank you to all our families for their support and commitment to the fees. Please do not hesitate to contact Janine Witherow on 9208 2705 or email if you have any queries.


Traffic Warden

The Traffic Warden who works at the Children’s Crossing on Whatley Crescent, near Leake Street is unable to work from Friday the 23rd of September until Monday the 31st of October.  Unfortunately there is no relief staff available to cover the position.


Thank you for your continued support of your children, our staff and all our families. St Col’s people get what we are about, and that is a wonderful thing. Yes, you know it, we are all about your kids and remaining focused on how we can make St Col’s a safe and supportive place for all.


Wishing you a wonderful start to the term.



P & F News

The annual school disco is this Friday 14th of October. There is a flyer attached to this newsletter and also on Facebook. Tickets can be purchased online via:




Entertainment Memberships

Online memberships are available again this year.  Memberships can be purchased online



We have had queries from families who would like to make a contribution to the CSPWA without being involved in purchasing items. This is incredibly generous, and we are always grateful for any donations in whatever form they take.

The CSPWA bank details are below and can be used at anytime to pay online for fundraisers or for contributions. We ask that you include a family name in the description so that we can allocate funds coming into the account

Name – The Roman Catholic Archbishop of Perth, St Columba’s P&F Association

BSB – 086 006

ACC – 679360271


The next meeting is on Tuesday 18 October at 7.00pm.


Any questions or queries, I can be contacted via email

Tanya Armstrong

President CSPWA





Together we’re making a difference

At Pharmacy 777, your support makes a difference to your school.
We understand how much your school means to you, that’s why at Pharmacy 777, we’re passionate about making a difference. Our Community Spirit Program makes giving back to your school easier. As a Community Spirit member, for every transaction you make at Pharmacy 777 Bayswater and Maylands, they will give part proceeds back to the school. This contribution accumulates over time and funds raised support causes at the heart of your school. We would encourage all school community members to visit Pharmacy 777 Bayswater and Maylands and join up.

Library News

Library 2022


A warm invitiation is extended to ALL families to visit the library from 8:15am in the mornings Monday – Friday.  

(If Mrs Cuthbert is unavailable, the library will be closed) 


Pre-primary, Kindy & Pre-Kindy families take advantage and come and read all our fabulous picture books with your little ones till 8:45am. 


The library is a calming and quiet place, making it the perfect spot for students to have a smooth and calming transition in the morning.

Students may like to return and borrow books before school.

Looking forward to seeing you the library.



Reading and activities in the LIBRARY


Students may also use this time to exchange their library book.









The library has lots of books needing covering. If you can help by taking a small number of books home to cover, please advise the library. Your help is greatly appreciated by staff and students. 




Thank you everyone!

Rita Cuthbert – Library Officer – Library- the original search engine

Pastoral Care

Happy Birthday to:

To the following students who will be celebrating this coming week:

Madeline Jacobs PKG
Lily Sinfield PKW
Asher Borich KW
Filip Pizzata PPG
Alliah Parker PPG
Mason Sardelich PPG
Aurora Cameron PPW
Lucas Scali 1W
Oliver Hoyne 2W
Lenny Harris 3W
Lana Ly 3W
Amelia Yee 3W
Francis Le 4G
Ty Fernandez 4W
Ellie Wright 5G
Blake Poletti 5G
James McDougall 5G

And to all the staff and students who celebrated birthdays over the holidays.











Week 1 No Raffle
Week 2 – 19 October
Week 3 – 26 October

Kindy Green
Week 2 Francis Masek
Week 3 Georgia Whelan
Kindy White
Week 2 Julia Fantoni
Week 3 Luke Poletti
PP GreenWeek 2 Mason Sardelich
Week 3 Mia Yanez Del Gesso
PP White
Week 2 Oscar Walker
Week 3 Harvey Kemmy
Year 1 Green
Week 2 Katelyn Westley
Week 3 Katie Kim Oliver
Year 1 WhiteWeek 2 Maria Mustica
Week 3 Mila Fernandez
Year 2 GreenWeek 2 Ava Gallagher
Week 3 Sia Mennell
Year 2 White
Week 2 Emma North
Week 3 Jonathon Truong
Year 3 Green
Week 2 Jack Wilson
Week 3 Jaike Evangelista
Year 3 White
Week 2 Miranda Ahn
Week 3 Poppy Robinson
Year 4 GreenWeek 2 Scarlett Dudley
Week 3 Scarlett Fernandez
Year 4 WhiteWeek 2 Ty Fernandez
Week 3 Violet Petersen
Year 5 GreenWeek 2 Dylan Sardelich
Week 3 Lila Harris
Year 5 WhiteWeek 2 Rafael Martino Da Fonseca
Week 3 Xavier Brandis
Year 6 Green
Week 2 Ella Gerick
Week 3 Esther Coates
Year 6 White
Week 2 Brielle Donovan
Week 3 Girishma Berigai


Religious Education and Curriculum News

From our Pre-Primary Class

The children have been reflecting on the different times we can pray and why we pray.  We went to our church and looked at the symbols which remind us of prayer and recognised that each symbol had a meaning.  The children made their own prayerful craft item to help them and their families to pray at home together.



From our Italian Classes

Last term the year three students were lucky enough to have parent and grandparent volunteers come in to demonstrate how to make Italian fresh home-made pasta and passata (tomato sauce).  It was fantastico to see everyone so interested and taking notes on how to make these traditional recipes which are usually passed down from generation to generation in Italian families.

Students had a quick turn at working the pasta machine to make the tagliatelle, and the best part of course was the tasting! We all agreed that it tasted buonissimo (very good)! Grazie mille to our special guests (Anita, Julie, and Maria) for sharing their secret recipes and tips. Food is a big part of the Italian culture, and the year three students will never forget this pasta making extravaganza.

Teamwork and cooperation skills were key in our Year 5’s Italian experience of making ‘bruschetta‘. It was fantastico to see students super excited to wash and dice tomatoes and slice basil! Prior to making this dish students highlighted the different parts of Italian grammar in the recipe and compared it to English grammar. They also practised their speaking skills in an audio-visual presentation. Bravissimi !

Community Notices


Come join the St C Dolphins/Seals to prepare for the Faction Swimming Carnival!  Children from Years 4-6 with a learn to swim level 6 and above are invited with breakfast provided at school after training”. Cost is $30 for 3 sessions, please complete the form attached to this newsletter and send to or give to Ingrid at training on Friday morning.






Mercedes College | A College for every girl in the heart of your city!

We have limited places available in Year 7 for 2023.  Interest welcome in other year levels for 2023.

If you are considering enrolling your daughter at Mercedes College, please visit our website at to request a prospectus, to enrol online or to book a tour of our campus. Please contact our Enrolments Officer, Mrs Nicole Kirk on 9323 1323 if you require further information.





Now taking enrolments for 2024 and 2025

La Salle College is an innovative Catholic co-education secondary school guided by our Lasallian principles.

We embrace the uniqueness of every individual at our College and our safe, inclusive and welcoming environment enables everyone to learn and flourish in their own distinctive way.

At La Salle College we offer a range of learning programs and academic pathways to inspire our students, as well as opportunities in a multitude of areas such as skill-based and work-based learning, music, arts, sport and extracurricular activities.

Our wonderful facilities and generous outdoor spaces provide an innovative and modern learning environment. We believe that success is more than just academic achievement, but the strive for personal excellence.

Through our faith, culture of excellence, values and systems, we equip our students with the tools they need to become life-long learners and positive contributors, voices and leaders in the community beyond their College days.

A Lasallian school is more than just a curriculum, it is a united community connected in values, in spirit and a common experience. Our vision for learning is centred on Transforming tomorrow’s hearts, minds and lives.

To learn more about a La Salle College education visit our website at
















St Columba’s School Bayswater

32 Roberts Street, Bayswater WA 6053
PO Box 61, Bayswater WA 6933
Phone: (08) 9208 2700