Dear Parents and Caregivers
Welcome to another week of good times at St Col’s. Hope you are all travelling okay and looking after yourself.
As we head into our Faction Carnival week, there is much happening in preparing for the day for our Year 1 to Year 6s. Over the weekend, as I was chilling out flicking through the channels watching so many sporting moments, from the Formula One Grand Prix, to the Penrith Panthers, one win closer to the minor premiership in the NRL, North Melbourne getting a hiding from Freo, [still love our Roo Boys] and kids sport for some of our St Col’s kids, but also junior footy down at Jubilee Reserve at the Bassendean Football Club, I realised just how much focus can go on our kids. It is the best stuff for our kids to get involved in. This mateship, this being outdoors, this vulnerability, this courage. How good is this thinking by Brene Brown? Seriously, knowing the vulnerability that comes through anything we do and knowing it is a true indication of our courage.
I had never really thought about vulnerability being an indicator of courage, but it so is. I started thinking about the wonderful experiences that come from sport, but also how awkward it can be for some of us at times. On Friday, at our carnival, we are going to have kids who are going to love the opportunity to be in the sprints and be on show. It is what they love. This is so exciting, as I love this too. I also love the fact that we are going to have kids who will be a little nervous about the day, as sprinting down the track in front of 1000 people, is awkward, makes them vulnerable even.
This vulnerability allows them to bring forth their courage. I had the best P and F meeting last night, well, every P and F meeting is fabulous. There is such high respect, such gratitude and such positivity about our kids and school. I spoke about how for some kids on Friday, they will be feeling some anxiety about the day. I mean, how vulnerable are we when we do something we know is challenging for us. I want us thinking about how we celebrate those kids that finish at the back of the field in their race, possibly even 20m behind. How do we celebrate their courage, while still celebrating the courage of those at the front of the pack?
This is the best part of a carnival, as this is where our true Spirit of St Columba comes out. We already smash this as a community. We provide such as safe space for our kids to be their best, to be brave at having a go. Just think of the pressure some of our kids put on themselves to win, and the heartbreak they feel when they do not achieve what they had hoped to achieve. To finish second and not take the first ribbon. For some of our kids, their vulnerability and their courage to still give it their best, is what needs to be celebrated. This is easy for me to say, and harder for you as their parents, as you feel everything they do, but we know they will get through this disappointment. It does come like an avalanche though for some of our kids, and that is okay, because you, we, are there to soften the fall.
We will encourage our kids to be gentle on themselves and their mates. To celebrate others who may have beaten us in a race, to congratulate those we may finish ahead of. All this takes courage and is a part of their learning, our learning.
This diagram about vulnerability links beautifully with everything I am talking about. Just think about how we all need to have the courage to be imperfect. We all need to have empathy, to be compassionate, to be kind to ourselves and others. We need to be who we are…we are vulnerable. We need to be prepared to take risks. This is where we truly show ourselves. It is such good stuff to be placing this in the centre of our thinking. I love this vulnerability = courage concept and way of thinking. Hope you do too. Hope it helps you take some pressure off yourself, and off those you love.
I could give you a thousand examples of this stuff in my life and in the life of our people at St Col’s. You know it. But how good is it to know we look after each other. Not about perfection, but rather about trying to be good people who care for others. Embrace the difference that will shine through in the carnival. Celebrate everything about our kids. Vulnerability, challenges us. Society would say we are not meant to be vulnerable, but what I am saying is, yes, embrace it and free yourself from the shackles of perfection. I am getting so much better as a person because of all of this vulnerability stuff.
Anyhow, what a blessing this is. Sort of hope you get to see it that way. I know, it is hard to at times because you are so under the pump and so busy, but hey that is one of the reasons for me writing this. Hopefully it gives you permission to be gentle on yourself and those you bump into through the days ahead, especially those close to you. Sometimes they are the easiest not to be gentle on because they are so close to us and we love them so deeply and unconditionally. So, in the end, it is all about the people, the people, the people.
Thanks for listening to my little bit of philosophising this week. Hope it sort of makes sense.
Apologies for any typos or gramma stuff this week as I have been a little time poor in getting to the Donegal.
Faction Athletics Carnival
Year 1 to Year 6
Friday 18 September
Bayswater Little Athletics Club, Wylde Road, Noranda
Commencing at 9.30 am
End of Day 2.15 pm
Schedule of the events for the day is attached to this newsletter. Please note these are approximate times.
The Year 3 to Year 6 400m events will commence immediately at 9.30 am.
Please note there will be COVID-19 PROTOCOLS in place on the day. These will be explained on the morning and repeated throughout the day as a reminder for all family members attending.
This is one of the best days of the year! Come along and enjoy seeing how wonderful St Columba’s Kids are at having a go and supporting their mates. It is all about fun and loving being a part of a faction and a team.
Our classrooms will be open at 8.20 am for our teachers and students to get ready for the day and get straight onto the buses by 8.40 am at the latest.
Before school, the buses will be lined-up along Milne Street. Please do not park in any of the bays on the school side of Milne Street on this day.
Buses will be arriving at around 8.20 am. Please only use the Kiss and Drive on Roberts Street on Friday morning.
Schedule for the events of the day is attached to this newsletter. Please be aware these times are flexible depending on how the day is flowing.
We will hold a Free Dress Day next Thursday 24 September, the last day of term for the kids. There are some Year 5 and 6 students who came up with the idea of raising funds for an organisation called, ‘Wheelchairs for Kids’, based in Wangara. They build wheelchairs for Kids in war effected countries, especially building wheelchairs for little guys impacted upon by bomb blasts. It is local and it makes an impact globally.
The idea for donations of 5c, 10c, 20c coins to be brought in to make a money chain along the lines of the basketball court. How many lines can we cover with our donations? Every $200 raised will assist in the construction of one wheelchair.
for students
Thursday 24 September
for students
Tuesday 13 October
Thank you to everyone for another term filled with excitement, and joy. There is always ‘stuff’ to work through, but because we all get it, we are able to support each other and find a way. For the many moments of care that I witness every day, both within the grounds of our school, and way beyond to your homes and neighbours, ‘Ubuntu’ your way. Just need to look at the work of your mates here at school, but also at the amazing work of our Pastoral Care Committee. In gratitude for keeping an eye out for each other.
Blessings always
A Message from Katpure Photography
We are currently experiencing a delay in our usual turnaround time for the delivery of photographs. This has never been the case at Kapture and is due only to COVID-19 this year.
Our normal turnaround time is 3-4 weeks however we are currently operating at approximately 5-6 weeks (not including school holiday periods).
Unfortunately our forced closure and our reduced team upon eventual return has put us behind schedule, however we have new team members on board, all ‘old’ hands are back on deck – and we anticipate returning to our regular turnaround time by the end of Term 3.
We sincerely thank you for your understanding at this time.
P & F News
Athletics Carnival
Thank you to all those who have volunteered and got your sausage sizzle orders in. A friendly reminder to those who are donating baked goods, to make sure your container is labelled and that you provide a list of ingredients.
A special thank you to the Hartstonge family who have kindly donated soft drinks and water to the event, your help is greatly appreciated. We look forward to a successful and fun sausage sizzle and cake stall on Friday.
Pharmacy 777
Pharmacy 777 have changed their donation program. It is now called the Community Spirit Program. It requires customers to sign up and allocate which charity or school they would like their points to be allocated to. We are the first school to be selected for donations. Our school will be allocated points from now until December 31st 2020. So next time you are at Pharmacy 777 feel free to sign up, collect points and have those points converted into dollars for our school!
Thank you
Rachel Lange
P&F President
0401 856 385
Library News
Book Week 2020
Term 4 – Week 2
17 – 23 October
Curious Creatures Wild Minds
Dress Up Parade (Kindy-Year 6)
Monday 19th October
All students Kindy to Year 6 are invited to come to school dressed as their favourite book character. The purpose of this event is to celebrate Book Week, therefore the focus is on participation rather than the costume.
Why not recycle a costume, or put together something from home!
Please keep it simple and stress free
Please note: Costumes are NOT restricted to ‘Curious Creatures Wild Minds’ theme.
Photo Booth Fun
Dress Up Day – Monday 19th October 2020
This is a great opportunity for the students to capture the dress ups and excitement of the day!
Each student will receive a photo strip ‘Book Mark’
Take a photo of yourself leading up to Book Week reading in an unusual place
(Great opportunity during the School Holidays!)
Your photo will be used as part of a display in the library
Be as creative as you can!
All entries will be entered into raffle to win a $20.00 Gift Voucher from Crow Books
Please email entries to
by 13th October 2020 (1st day of Term 4).
Enter as many times in as many locations as you wish
So…….where do you like to read?
- The Prize- $20 Gift Voucher from Crow Books per year group
- No entry fee required
- Entries will be handed out Tuesday 13th October
- All entries to Class Teacher before Thursday 22nd October
- Please make sure your NAME and CLASS are printed on the back of your colouring in
Thank you for encouraging Book Week and making Book Week an excitement for books.
Thanks for your support.
Looking forward to Book Week!
Rita Cuthbert – Library Officer – Library - the original search engine
Pastoral Care
Happy Birthday to:
To all students and staff who will be celebrating their birthday over the coming week:
Asher Shrivastava KG
Mila Fernandez KG
Aston Raynor KG
Reuben Williams KW
Harvey Ferguson KW
Eveline Zekas-Crooks PPG
Thomas Gibson PPG
Shishir Berigai 1G
Amy Lee 2G
Camille Tribut 3G
Thomas McDougall 5G
Zoe Ierace 5W
Jayden Thistle 5W
Hannah Kemp 5W
Nicholas Kryachok 6G
Reilly Dudley 6W
Pastoral Care Raffle is back, ready to assist the school community in Term 3. Please watch this space for weekly roster updates.
Pastoral Care Team.
Week 10 – 23 September
Kindy Green | Week 10 Lily Vernon |
Kindy White | Week 10 Hugo Zachar |
PP Green | Week 10 Poppy Lillico |
PP White | Week 10 Aleksander Tuma |
Year 1 Green | Week 10 Shylo Verma |
Year 1 White | Week 10 Mrs Smith |
Year 2 Green | Week 10 Emme Moretta |
Year 2 White | Week 10 Edmond Cavalli |
Year 3 Green | Week 10 Emily Salt |
Year 3 White | Week 10 James McDougall |
Year 4 Green | Week 10 Riley Thomas |
Year 4 White | Week 10 Lucas Bentley |
Year 5 Green | Week 10 Lucia Dawes |
Year 5 White | Week 10 Anay Bhujbal |
Year 6 Green | Week 10 Leah Purcell |
Year 6 White | Week 10 Katarina Tomich |
Award Winners
Term 3, Week 8
PP Green – Thomas Armstrong, Henry Crookes, Poppy Lillico, Abigail Vernon
PP White – Rosabelle Juma, Bianca Milhinch, Tom Ross
1 Green – Charlotte Eaglesham, Kathleen Vaccari
1 White – Elliot Dorozenko, Ava Scali
2 Green – Emme Moretta, Keira Pollitt
2 White – Francis Le, Annabelle Ong
3 Green – Tyson Hayward, Harvey Lindsay
3 White – William North, Shanal Udugama Korala
4 Green – Brody Bedell, Katie Kealley
4 White – Chernet Desalegn, Orlando Martino Da Fonseca, Aoife Rattray
5 Green – Tahlia Krishnan, Sienna Ross
5 White – Heidi Meyers, Keira Nguyen
6 Green – Sohan Dhungana, Ramon Quintal, James Savage
6 White – Annabelle Buckley, Maxwell Miller
School Banking
School Banking is back.
School Banking is back. School Banking Day will be THURSDAY 8:15-8:30AM, in the CANTEEN commencing on 6TH AUGUST 2020.
All school banking contacts will be run in line with WA Government regulations regarding COVID19 including cleaning of all surfaces prior to banking starting, hand sanitising for all students and parents, and social distancing for all students. All prizes are individually wrapped and sealed.
School Banking is a fun, interactive and engaging way to help young Australians learn about money and practice good savings habits. For each weekly deposit made at school, students will receive a token. Once they collect 10 tokens, they can redeem them for a School Banking reward.
Exciting news for TERM 3 is that CommBank will be rewarding all bankers who deposited in Term 1 with the option of an EXTRA prize. Come down and speak with your School Banking Coordinator Ariane Mazurak on Thursday morning about what is on offer.
If your child has lost their deposit wallet, please contact your School Banking Co-ordinator Ariane Mazurak for a replacement via the school office.
If you would like to know more about School Banking, please ask for a 2020 School Banking program parent guide from the school office or visit
Community Notices
School Holiday Swimming @ Chisholm College
The Chisholm Swim Academy is back up and running a number of programs this school holidays out of the Indoor Heated College pool:
- September Holiday Program – Tuesday 29th September to 9th October (From $20 per session)
- Private lessons – From $34 per lesson
- Holiday swim squads – From $25 per session
- Ongoing Swim Squads – Afternoon sessions on Tuesday/Thursday plus Saturday Mornings. Reasonable level of swimming ability required. Squads appropriate for 10 – 18 year olds.
More information is available here: Phone: 9471 2257. Email: