Principal's Post

Dear Parents and Caregivers

Hope you are all looking after yourself and being gentle. I am finding it a challenge to control my excitement at being back this term, as there is so much ‘good stuff’ happening around our school, but more broadly just how much care I see in St Col’s people. Kiss and Drive is like the best thing ever by the way. You are all amazing! Maybe I am just chilled-out, and still embracing the break I had, but I know you feel this too. The way you have welcomed me back continues to be overwhelming. Since my last Post, a week ago, I have been blessed to speak with so many staff, parents and kids about how they are going right now, at this moment. If there was one word I can think of as I write, it is the word ‘care’. The care I am having offered to me, but seen offered to others, whether it be in our kids or you, as our parents, and our staff, well, it is probably why I feel such gratitude.

So, by chance, my wife Linda was on Instagram on Saturday and came across this quote from Pope Francis, that was posted on the Catholic Education website. Seriously, this is a bit of gold and applies to all of us here at St Col’s. Have a read, and embrace knowing this is who we are.

We just have to look at our school Mercy values to understand that these form the foundations of a very good life. As Pope Francis says, it can be difficult sometimes to care for others, but it is our opportunity to bring happiness. Things just happen in the moments. When we live our Mercy values, you will see the happiness you bring. My daughter, Skye, who works in nutrition and health promotions at Foodbank, saw a post on Wednesday morning on a Facebook 6054, Bassendean page, where a mum of four kids posted having $20 to feed her family, and was not asking for anything, but just seeing if there was any support out there. I have not seen the posts, but Skye was saying last night that there are so many good people out there that this mum would have felt so supported and cared for by strangers. Whatever it is, what courage by this mum, but what care back from those around her. Sometimes we just forget the blessings we have. ‘Caring’ for others in these ways is something that changes lives, changes us as humans. We exist for a reason, finding that reason is in the moments of opportunity you will have come across in your day that allows you to care and be there for others. This is such a gift we all have to offer. I know you get this anyway. It is what you all do now. Just think about how many times you have made someone feel happiness and joy because of you just being you. I seem to be open at the moment at seeing a lot of good in others, but also that I am really finding time to be present when talking to others, even when I am meeting them for the first time.

With this, you may have also considered doing three actions each morning from last week’s Post. If you have, golden. If you have thought about it, brilliant. If not, remember that is all okay too, fabulous. Try this if you feel like it. In the morning, ask yourself – What are three things I am grateful for? Who am I going to serve? What is exciting about today? This takes about a minute. Also, remember it is okay not to be feeling grateful some days, not wanting to serve anyone and not being excited. Our worlds are crazy busy, sometimes filled with the ‘tough stuff’ in life, so be gentle on yourself. You do know, if you ever feel like knocking on my window for a chat, please feel free to do so. The only time I am not available for a chat is when my blind is down. As the little people in Pre Primary might let you know, that is my nap time. So funny, one of our PP kids keeps asking if I can bring my pillow and blanky down to their playground and have a nap there one day. My life is so good.

It really is good fun working with our kids. Even this morning I was watching a couple of kids at Kiss and Drive and it really is all about care. Just like Theodore Roosevelt once said:

My gratitude stuff from this morning:

Three things I am grateful for:

  1. The way our kids are engaged in their learning at the moment and the teaching and activities I am seeing as I walk around the classrooms. The kids are so engaged that when I walk in they do not even notice me most of the time. Love it when I ask kids about what they are doing and they tell me with excitement about their learning. Great work by our staff and kids. Loving this.
  2. Interschool Cross Country and how our students were cheering on other St Col’s kids, but also every other kid who was running from the other 14 schools. This came naturally to them. They were the loudest by far at cheering the kids from any school who were at the back of the pack. I mean this is all about the quote of Pope Francis above. You want inspiration and knowing what a great job you as parents and staff are doing in creating caring humans, well, there it was in action. They just do this good stuff all the time.
  3. The Cross Country Team brekky last Friday – The way our parents came together to sort this. The kids loved it. Things like this take effort, but the joy I saw in the kids and in the parents who were able to help out, well, like I say, St Col’s people just do it.

Who am I going to serve today? Well, mum, has COVID, so I will pop by and drop something off at her door. Check in and see how she is travelling. It has been funny, I think mum became very used to me being around. Even had my Mother-in-Law say how nice a bloke I was these last six months, but she always thought that anyway, surely, not just a recent thing. Finding time for them was a wonderful part of my time away. Actually made time to be present when I stopped for a cuppa. Discovered these little lamington things as well that go nicely with a cup of tea. Became a favourite of mine.

What is exciting about the day? Two things: 1. We are going to put new trucks in the top playground near the office. Kids love playing with these, so cannot wait to unpack them during the day. 2. Have footy training after work. Have been slack for the last few weeks, so back into it this arvo, even if it rains. Hmmm! Let me think about that.

My wish for you this week is to continue being gentle with yourself and others. Keep looking for those experiences that bring you joy. All those interactions where you can bring happiness to someone’s day through the care you show. You are such a gift when you make time for others.


Interschool Cross Country

What a tremendous performance by our St Columba’s students in the interschool earlier this week. I have already talked about my gratitude earlier for who they are as humans. A big thank you to staff and parents who were there on the day to support our kids. We placed fifth overall, out of 15 schools. This was an outstanding effort. We have some amazing results noted by Mr Banks later in the newsletter. I also wish to thank our parents that organise Columba Runners. I know this is a breeding ground for wellbeing and activity, but also for providing an opportunity for kids to shine in middle distance running. Good times!


School Photos

School photos commence next week. Thank you to parents for ensuring students are in their full winter uniform for their photo day. Teachers have sent photo day details via the class Seesaw app. A reminder will be sent by classroom teachers tomorrow. Lisa Slocum has also sent an SMS reminder earlier today regarding sibling/family photos. Please note, that if there are any uniform items that go missing on the morning of photos as you get your children ready, we can resolve that at school. We get the odd tie, or jumper may go missing, and the worry this can cause. I remember photo days well with my girls. One loved her hair being done and was always cool with it, the other, well she needed it to be precise, like seriously precise. No crooked parting of the hair and plaits needed to be symmetrical. This is an opportunity to be gentle on yourself.


COVID Update

Thank you to all our families for their understanding regarding the impact of COVID within schools. We are encouraging the wearing of masks indoors. Thank you to parents who have been registering any positive COVID cases with children on the school website, under the orange tile, COVID 19 Self Reporting. We continue to be flexible with our school events, and constantly review our plans. We appreciate the support when things change at the last minute. We continue to encourage safe practices at school.

Parents are now welcome to attend assemblies on a Friday morning commencing tomorrow, 29 July. Assemblies start at 8.45am in the Greg Martin Pavilion.


Walkway Update

The walkway is nearing completion. The final works on the flashing between the existing classroom buildings and the new roof will be taking place over the coming weeks.


JFE Uniforms

Our uniform suppliers will be placing an additional item on the uniform list in the near future. This addition is for girls’ trousers and shorts. JFE have also needed to increase the cost of items due to the current economic climate. We appreciate your understanding.


OSHC Update

Absences from OSHC

Please inform OSHC directly if you have collected your child from school during the day and they will not be returning to school to attend OSHC in the afternoon. It is imperative that if you have booked your child into OSHC and they have been collected due to appointments or illness, that parents notify OSHC directly. Parents can inform staff of an absence from OSHC via the Xplor Home app, Seesaw or text message!  Last minute cancellations are best via text message. We appreciate that lives get busy and complicated, and that changes can happen last minute. Thank you for your ongoing support in ensuring we know who is attending OSHC when there are these changes in circumstances.


Faction Athletics Carnival Date Change

Please note, our Year 1 to Year 6 Faction Athletics Carnival will now be held on Thursday 15 September, not Friday 16 September as tentatively booked earlier this year. Due to circumstances not within our control, we have made this slight amendment.


Catholic Performing Arts Festival

The St Columba’s Combined Choirs’ performance at the Catholic Performing Arts Festival is scheduled for Monday 22nd August, 9.30am at the Vasto Club, Balcatta. The students have worked diligently on some challenging music for this event over the past few months and are excited to perform in concert for the first time this year.

Here is a link to the ticketing site should you wish to come to the performance:


Mathematics Enrichment Classes

Curtin University offers Mathematics Enrichment classes for students in Years 5-11.  Registrations are currently open for the Semester 2 program beginning 1st Aug 2022.

The program is suitable for a broad range of mathematically talented students. Students will be issued with a certificate upon completion of the course. The topics covered by the program are selected to complement the school curriculum and to challenge students with some non-standard problems.

Please follow the link below for further details

Mathematics enrichment classes, mathematics and statistics, science – Science & Engineering | Curtin University



Thanks again for the continued support of everything St Col’s and thank you especially for the way you welcome others and care so genuinely for our people. Best thing about being here is the way everyone goes about it.

Enjoy your week, and I have officially decided not to get excited about a North Melbourne win. I end up getting ahead of myself, tip North, and then they get smashed by Hawthorn. Worse still, I had to wear a Hawthorn jumper on Monday because I was silly enough to say to Miss Whatmore that she could wear my North jumper on Monday after we beat them on the weekend.

Take care




P & F News

We are finalising the calendar of fundraising events for the rest of the year and will let you all know dates as soon as we can. One of our most successful fundraisers is always the cake stall at the athletics carnival so please keep that in mind for week 9.


Entertainment Memberships

Online memberships are available again this year.  Memberships can be purchased online



We have had queries from families who would like to make a contribution to the CSPWA without being involved in purchasing items. This is incredibly generous, and we are always grateful for any donations in whatever form they take.

The CSPWA bank details are below and can be used at anytime to pay online for fundraisers or for contributions. We ask that you include a family name in the description so that we can allocate funds coming into the account

Name – The Roman Catholic Archbishop of Perth, St Columba’s P&F Association

BSB – 086 006

ACC – 679360271


The next meeting is on Tuesday 16 August at 7.00pm.


Any questions or queries, I can be contacted via email

Tanya Armstrong

President CSPWA





Together we’re making a difference

At Pharmacy 777, your support makes a difference to your school.
We understand how much your school means to you, that’s why at Pharmacy 777, we’re passionate about making a difference. Our Community Spirit Program makes giving back to your school easier. As a Community Spirit member, for every transaction you make at Pharmacy 777 Bayswater and Maylands, they will give part proceeds back to the school. This contribution accumulates over time and funds raised support causes at the heart of your school. We would encourage all school community members to visit Pharmacy 777 Bayswater and Maylands and join up.

Library News


Library 2022


A warm invitiation is extended to ALL families to visit the library from 8:15am in the mornings Monday – Friday.  

(If Mrs Cuthbert is unavailable, the library will be closed) 


Pre-primary, Kindy & Pre-Kindy families take advantage and come and read all our fabulous picture books with your little ones till 8:45am. 


The library is a calming and quiet place, making it the perfect spot for students to have a smooth and calming transition in the morning.

Students may like to return and borrow books before school.

Looking forward to seeing you the library.



Reading and activities in the LIBRARY


Students may also use this time to exchange their library book.







Homework/Library Bag    

Just a reminder that students require the school green

‘Homework and Library Bag’ in order to borrow from the Library.

Many students will already have the green school

‘’Homework and Library Bag’ from previous years.

‘Homework and Library Bags’ can be purchased

from the Uniform Shop at a cost of $10.



The library has lots of books needing covering. If you can help by taking a small number of books home to cover, please advise the library. Your help is greatly appreciated by staff and students. 








Rita Cuthbert – Library Officer – Library- the original search engine

Pastoral Care

Happy Birthday to:

To the following students who will be celebrating this coming week:

Ayla Christie PKW
Jasper Fry PPG
Mathea Co 1G
Savannah Ceric 2W
Alfie Aliison 3G
Violet Petersen 4W
Liam Jarvis 6G
Riley Thomas 6G
Jack Katich 6G












Week 3 – 3 August
Week 4 – 10 August

Kindy Green
Week 3 Bodhi Chipperfield
Week 4 Jake Bouteloup
Kindy White
Week 3 Annabel Paulus
Week 4 Archie Raynor
PP GreenWeek 3 Alliah Parker
Week 4 Bodhi Laffrey
PP White
Week 3 Alessia Scagnetti
Week 4 Chase Gilbert
Year 1 Green
Week 3 Brooklyn Hamilton
Week 4 Ethan Borich
Year 1 WhiteWeek 3 Hugo Silverman
Week 4 Lachlan Stewart
Year 2 GreenWeek 3 Alexis Del Borello
Week 4 Cherubim Vu
Year 2 White
Week 3 Asher Felton
Week 4 Mia Harstrom
Year 3 Green
Week 3 Aisling Poulsen
Week 4 Alessandro Pizzata
Year 3 White
Week 3 Emmanuel Wai
Week 4 Estelle Pirone
Year 4 GreenWeek 3 Chloe Hayward
Week 4 Giorgia Trevenan
Year 4 WhiteWeek 3 Gethin Humphreys
Week 4 Hannah Gai
Year 5 GreenWeek 3 Elizabeth Wright
Week 4 Evan Nguyen
Year 5 WhiteWeek 3 Audrey Lawes
Week 4 Clyde Peters
Year 6 Green
Week 3 Charlotte Pitter
Week 4 Chernet Desalegn
Year 6 White
Week 3 Chloe Byatt
Week 4 Craig De Mello


Religious Education and Curriculum News


From Mr Banks (Physical Education):

This week, our Interschool Cross Country team competed at Interschool carnival which was held at UWA Sports Park. Leading up to this event, there were many children that were nervous and rightfully so, but the way they were able to handle the pressure on the day and focus on running is a credit to them! All runners put in 100% effort, which is all we could have asked for. To finish 5th out of 15 schools is a tremendous effort; all students should be proud of themselves, no matter where they finished.

Outstanding performances:

Elliot Dorozenko – Year 3 (1st place)

Michael Baldwin – Year 3 (2nd place)

Jett Mann – Year 6 (2nd place)


Community Notices

Columba Runners

We have had an amazing start to the season with over 100 students signed up for Columba Runners so far. We are still welcoming members, even if you can only make one of the sessions a week. Sessions are held at Frank Drago oval 3.10-4.10pm on Mondays and Wednesdays. Cost is $30 per child, parents can join free! Prizes awarded based on total kilometers achieved over both terms, including those brave enough parents! Please complete the online registration.

This club is run by volunteers. Any parents who are able to attend and assist with marking laps and encouraging everyone, we would love to have you. Those attending OSHC are also considered, please chat to the lovely Jess.

If your child is in Yr 2 and below, they must be accompanied by a parent or older sibling. It is the responsibility of the parent/caregiver to ensure the safety of the students between school and Frank Drago.







Welcome to Term 3! There are so many exciting things to share with you and your school community this issue.

We are giving away FREE BOOKS to help celebrate and spread the love of reading in your school. Get up to 3 FREE BOOKS this Issue so you can grow your home libraries.


















St Columba’s School Bayswater

32 Roberts Street, Bayswater WA 6053
PO Box 61, Bayswater WA 6933
Phone: (08) 9208 2700