Key Reminders for the Week
Pupil Free Day Friday 3 July
Pupil Free Days Semester 2
Our Pupil Free Days for Term 2 have remained unchanged due to planning already set in place both for staff and for parents, however the Pupil Free Days planned for the second half of the year may be changed over the coming weeks as we review our planning for the back half of 2020. Term 3 and 4 Planner will be out next week.
Parent Teacher Interviews Semester 1
Classroom teachers have sent out information regarding these interviews. Teachers will work with you to set times to meet either throughout the last couple of weeks of this term or early next term. A letter was attached to last week’s newsletter that outlined our plans for these meetings. This will be different to how we have set up in previous years.
Parents and Friends Meetings
At the start of Term 3 we will re-commence our P and F meetings. Our Term 3 Planner will be out by the end of the term to assist with parents planning. Thank you for continuing to look after each other throughout this last term and a half during the COVID-19.
Uniform Shop Opening On-School Site
- Thank you to all our families for doing their very best as we transition the uniform shop through JFE. They have been outstanding to work with.
Please note the following:
- Uniform Shop on-site will be open on Wednesday mornings from 8.15 am to 9.15 am commencing Week 1, Term 3.
- Parents will be able to purchase directly from the shop at this time.
- ONLY EFTPOS facilities available for payments [no cash]
- On-line ordering to continue as has been in place this term.
- If orders are placed by 12 noon on the Tuesday, they will be delivered to school on the Wednesday.
- JFE are now providing a Size 2 winter skirt. Previously the smallest size available was Size 4. Thank you for your parent feedback on this item.
JFE will be closed for stocktake on Monday 29th and Tuesday 30th June.
They are also closed for the July school holidays.
Lost Property
Lost Property is located at the top of the stairwell between the library and the Year 2 classrooms. Please note, down in the breezeway we have free second hand items available on a rack. Some of the items in both locations have names of previous students written on them that may be handed down or purchased by our current families.
Columba Runners
Columba Runners is planning to be up and running again at the start of Term 3. At present, our parent coordinators are waiting on confirmation for the use of Frank Drago. Details will be out to parents when received.
Thanks again everyone for looking after each other. Enjoy your week and may you receive an abundance of blessings.
P & F News
777 Pharmacy
Don’t forget to mention that you are from St Columba’s if you make a purchase at the 777 Pharmacies at Bayswater or Maylands. For every retail purchase made 777 Pharmacy will donate 10% back to our school!
Library News
to the following families who have very kindly covered new library books for our students:
Balm, Barker, Benfell, Joewono, Krishnan, Ma, McCormack, Pollitt, Wright &
Yanez del Gesso
If any families have Children’s Magazines that they no longer need, the students would enjoy reading them.
Please note:
ALL students require a
‘St Columba’s Homework/Library bag’
to borrow library books.
Students without the St Columba’s bag will be unable to borrow from the beginning of Term 3
Just a reminder that students require the school green ‘Homework and Library Bag’ in order to borrow from the Library.
Many students will already have the green school ’Homework and Library Bag’ from previous years.
‘Homework and Library Bags’ can be purchased from the Uniform Shop at a cost of $10.
Parents please order via the link on the Uniform Shop page of the school website.
Rita Cuthbert – Library Officer – Library - the original search engine
Pastoral Care
Happy Birthday to:
To all students and staff who will be celebrating their birthday over the coming week:
Mackenzie Strachan KG
Lachlan Stewart KG
Aimee Alexander KW
Katelyn Westley KW
Charlotte de Courcier KW
Sheara Udugama Korala PPW
James Hodson 2G
Lachlan Preedy 3W
Kaleb Smart 3W
Daphne Wishart 4W
Heidi Meyers 5W
Ella Maio 6W
Sadly the Pastoral Care raffle has been cancelled until further notice.
Pastoral Care Team.
Kindy Green | |
Kindy White | |
PP Green | |
PP White | |
Year 1 Green | |
Year 1 White | |
Year 2 Green | |
Year 2 White | |
Year 3 Green | |
Year 3 White | |
Year 4 Green | |
Year 4 White | |
Year 5 Green | |
Year 5 White | |
Year 6 Green | |
Year 6 White |
Award Winners
Term 2, Week 8
PP Green – Anh Hoang, Teodor Dimitrijevic
PP White – Henry Webb, Jude Allison, Amelia Wilkey
1 Green – Ivy Dos Reis, Alex Pizzata, Hunter Sardelich
1 White – Christian Cullura, Lilah Jagger,
2 Green – Olivia Bekker, James Hodson, Max Pierre
2 White – Lucas Giuffre, Sayuthmee Ratnayake, Alexis Stewart
3 Green – Oliver Landis, Brodie Eaton, Sebby Pizzata
3 White – Isla Felton, Quinn Wolters, James McDougall
4 Green – Tishan Ratnasekara, Charlotte Pitter, Tishan Ratnasekara
4 White – William Buckley, Amie Lan, Dante Felt
5 Green – Taj O’Shea, Lila Brown, Keelan Stanmore
5 White – Zarlia B-Cliffe, Thomas Wright, Zoe Ierace
6 Green – Leila Zdravic, Lachlan Harris, Emily Thoms
6 White – Zoe Car, Nathaniel Cooper, Monique Parri
Community Notices
Early in 2020, Mercedes College commenced interviews for Year 4 & Year 5 students who are due to start Year 7 in 2022 & 2023 respectively. If you are considering enrolling your daughter and have not yet requested a Prospectus, please contact Mrs Julie Lamb on 9323 1340 as soon as possible.
Enquiries are also welcome for places in Year 7 for 2020 and 2021. For more information please refer to the College website,
Trinity College warmly invites you to attend an Open Day for prospective students on Wednesday, 1 July 2020. Families are welcome to attend the 9:15am or 4:15pm session. Each session will include a welcome by the Principal, followed by student led tours of the College, concluding with light refreshments and a chance to chat with some of our teaching staff and admissions team. Bookings can be made at: