Principal's Post

Dear Families of St Columba’s,

Today we celebrated two important aspects of our school; our Patron Saint, St Columba and our heritage, the Mercy Sisters who founded our school 88 years ago.

We are thankful for the heritage of kindness to others that the Sisters of Mercy have brought us. We pray for their strength to continue to be a true expression of faith and responding to the needs of others.

Guided by our Patron Saint, Saint Columba, may we continue to be examples of God’s love, mercy and compassion.

Many thanks to all who contributed to St Columba and Mercy Mission Day to make it a great celebration. All funds raised from today will go to support Mission Australia.


Last week our staff undertook learning on the CEWA Strategic Well-being Framework. During this session we were reminded that the teacher is the biggest contagion of the student’s well-being and the Principal is the biggest contagion for staff well-being. So if we ever felt a little guilty, for taking some time out for ourselves, we can rest assured, we have a duty to do so.

We all lead busy lives and hold multiple responsibilities. In giving so much of ourselves to others, we can reflect on the example of Jesus, who modelled for us the need to take time off. Jesus took time off too.

Jesus had numerous sabbaticals. He went away to be reenergized through prayer, quiet meditation, and to spend personal time with close friends. Jesus, like many of us, was either unable or unwilling to spend large amounts of time away from His responsibilities. So He maintained a wise rhythm in the midst of His busy life. There are many times we read in the Gospels of Jesus taking time.


I hope you find some time in your week to give some time to yourself. In filling our own cup, we are then able to fill the cup of others.


Semester 1 Reports
Semester 1 reports will be available towards the end of Term 2.

Parents will be able to access their child’s report through our Parent SEQTA portal (SEQTA Engage). Those parents who do not have older siblings and who have not previously accessed SEQTA Engage or who are new to the school this year, will receive a ‘Welcome’ email which will give step by step instructions on how to set up your account and login. This email will be sent in the coming week. Please note that this email may end up in your ‘Junk/spam’ folder.

If you have any issues with setting up your Parent Engage account please contact Lisa Slocum on 9208 2701 or


Administration Entrance / Exit
Please note to exit the Administration Gate on Roberts Road during school hours, parents now need to press the egress button located above and to the left of the handle.

This is an extra measure added to ensure our students remain within the school grounds, unless accompanied by an adult.


Community Baptism
After the wonderful response to our Community Baptism event last term, Father Andrew and Mrs Vinciullo are organising another Community Baptism for the beginning of Term Three. We will hold an Information Night later this term, where you will receive all the paperwork and information you require.

If you are interested in joining us for this event, finding out more information about this event, or would like any information on receiving the Sacraments, please contact the school Religious Education Coordinator, Leesa Vinciullo .

In gratitude,

Gina Burns

P & F News



Our next P&F meeting is Tuesday 13 June at 7.00pm in the library.

Items for the agenda must be submitted by 5.00pm Friday 9 June.  Any items after this time will be tabled for the next meeting.




Entertainment Memberships

Online memberships are available again this year. Memberships can be purchased online.



Any questions or queries, I can be contacted via email

Tanya Armstrong

President P&F


Library News

Library  2023

Dear Parent, Carers and Students

The library is open every morning before school:

PP – Year 6 :  8:15am – 8:30 am


PreKindy & Kindy : 8:15am – 8:45am

(accompanied by Parent/Carers)




The library is a calming and quiet place, making it the perfect spot for students to have a smooth and calming transitions in the morning.

Students may also like to return and borrow books before school.

Looking forward to seeing you the library.


Reading and activities in the LIBRARY


Students may also use this time to exchange their library book.





Homework/Library Bag    

Just a reminder that students require the school greenHomework and Library Bag’ in order to borrow from the Library.

Many students will already have the green school Homework and Library Bag’ from previous years.

‘Homework and Library Bags’ can be purchased from the Uniform Shop at a cost of $12.

Parents please order via the school Uniform Shop.



Rita Cuthbert – Library Officer – Library- the original search engine



Pastoral Care

Happy Birthday to:

To the following students who will be celebrating this coming week:

Celeste Mulherin 1G
Otis Knox 1G
Lily Vernon 2G
Irissa Duong 5G
Jaydyn Duong 5W
Archer Laffrey 5W
William Armstrong 5W
Kai Fermanis 6W












Week 7 – 7 June
Week 8 – 14 June

Kindy Green
Week 7 – Charlie Halmich
Week 8 – Austin Hoek
Kindy White
Week 7 – Harley Johnson
Week 8 – Kai Loong
PP GreenWeek 7 – Mxeen Li
Week 8 – Scarlett Little
PP White
Week 7 – Julia Fantoni
Week 8 – Louis Fry
Year 1 Green
Week 7 – Samuel Kootje
Week 8 – Ivan Masnyk
Year 1 WhiteWeek 7 – Oscar Harris
Week 8 – Jasper Fry
Year 2 GreenWeek 7 – Zara Fantoni
Week 8 – Maria Mustica
Year 2 White
Week 7 – Jenson Kootje
Week 8 – Spencer Landis
Year 3 Green
Week 7 – Chanella Halmich
Week 8 – Stefano Mustica
Year 3 White
Week 7 – Mia Fernandez
Week 8 – Harry Fry
Year 4 GreenWeek 7 – Sasha Mazurak
Week 8 – Grace Masnyk
Year 4 WhiteWeek 7 – Eli Felt
Week 8 – Zozie Higgs
Year 5 GreenWeek 7 – Zoe Juzkiewicz
Week 8 – Sebastian Kaless
Year 5 WhiteWeek 7 – Lucas Giuffre
Week 8 – Blake Kenyon
Year 6 Green
Week 7 – Leo Pileggi
Week 8 – Milla Robbins
Year 6 White
Week 7 – Lila Harris
Week 8 – Lindsay Harvey

Religious Education and Curriculum News

From our Year 6’s:

The Year 6’s are busy learning about Australia’s democratic system of government. In particular, they are focusing on the roles and responsibilities of the three levels of government and how this relates to them.  

Community Notices


Columba Runners 2023

Registrations now open!

Calling all returning and new members, even if you can only make one of the sessions a week. Sessions are held at Frank Drago oval 3.15-4.15pm on Mondays and Wednesdays for terms 2 and 3. Our first session will be Wednesday 26th of April.

Cost is $30 per child, parents can join free! Prizes awarded based on total kilometers achieved over both terms, including those brave enough parents! Please complete the online registration.

This club is run by volunteers. Any parents who are able to attend and assist with marking laps and encouraging everyone, we would love to have you. Those attending OSHC are also considered, please chat to the lovely Jess.

If your child is in Yr 2 and below, they must be accompanied by a parent or older sibling. It is the responsibility of the parent/caregiver to ensure the safety of the students between school and Frank Drago.












St Columba’s School Bayswater

32 Roberts Street, Bayswater WA 6053
PO Box 61, Bayswater WA 6933
Phone: (08) 9208 2700