Dear Families of St Columba’s,
May is the month for our Mother Mary … and our Mothers
It is appropriate that Mother’s Day should be celebrated in May, the month of Mary. Mary is a Mother – your mother, my mother, everyone’s mother. She cares for all of us day-in-and-day-out without fail, interceding for us, in even the tiniest matters.
Sending my wishes to all our Mums, Grandmothers and anyone who is like a Mother to us, for a Happy Mother’s Day this coming weekend.
Our Mums work tirelessly for us. Here are some tips to make their weekend an extra special one:
- Help her recharge with a day/night away;
- Tell mum how thankful you are for something you could not do without her;
- Look after her mental health by helping her get more sleep, journal time or meditation;
- Ask Mum what she needs to do this weekend and see what you can get ticked off her to do list;
- Support her personal interests or activity that gives her energy e.g. a new pair of joggers for her run, a new scent for her oil burner, a new spotify play list to sing or dance along to.
Many thanks to Morgan and the Pastoral Care Team for organising Breakfast for our Mums and children this Friday morning. Tickets for each person participating in the breakfast are $5.00. Breakfast will be available from 7.00 am. We hope to see you there.
Following the Breakfast, Pre Primary to Year 6 students will attend Mass. The Mass commences at 9.00 am and families are also welcome to join us.
Kiss N Drive
Thanks to everyone for your patience when using our KISS N DRIVE. particularly after school. We’ve seen an improvement to wait times this week. 3.00 pm – 3.10 pm is still our busiest time but after 3.10 pm the traffic eases. I strongly encourage you to arrange to arrive between 3.10 pm and 3.20 pm.
A reminder that only Pre Primary students are available for collection at 2.55 pm. Please keep this area clear for our youngest students to leave first.
Students from Years 1 – 6 begin arriving at the KISS N DRIVE shortly after the 3.00 pm bell.
Staffing Update
Mrs Penny Pettit, Year 6 White Teacher, will be on leave from the school from Monday 15 May until 31 December 2023. With Penny’s permission, I can share she will be exploring a new role in education, consulting in the area of special needs, an area I know she is deeply passionate about.
We farewell Penny for a short time. Thank you Penny for everything you have contributed individually to the students in your class and across the school. Your concern for the well-being of all, the knowledge you share, creativity and sense of humour will be missed.
Mr Jacob O’Reilly has been appointed as Teacher to Year 6 White, and has had several opportunities over the past week to be a relief teacher in our school. He is currently on leave from his ongoing position at Mater Christi Catholic Primary School in Yangebup. Jacob has extensive experience in a range of teaching positions including Year 6, Year 4, Science and Information Technology Co-Ordinator.
We look forward to welcoming Jacob to the St Columba School Community.
Staying Healthy
As we enter into Cold and Flu Season, I encourage everyone to maintain high standards of hygiene. The COVID virus continues to circulate within the community. This week I took a precautionary measure to wear a mask and test daily before coming to school as one of my own children had COVID.
Many of these practices have been recommended long before COVID to prevent the transmission of viruses.
- Wash your hands before eating and preparing food.
- Wash your hands when they are dirty or whenever you have blown your nose.
- When hands are visibly dirty, washing your hands with fresh water and soap is better than hand sanitiser.
- Practise coughing into your elbow.
- If you are unwell, stay at home.
- Where possible, practise physical distancing.
Teachers this week have reminded students how to thoroughly wash their hands. You can find plenty of visuals such as the one above, with a quick google.
This simple routine will assist in keeping us healthy.
P&F Meeting
Next Tuesday 16 May, is our monthly Parents and Friends Meeting. All parents are welcome to attend the meeting commencing in the Library at 7.00 pm. Many thanks to our P&F Executive and Class Representatives who give their time each month to attend this meeting. I urge all parents to make the time to come along, at least once, to consider how they may help this team of parents in the work they do to fundraise and build friendships across the school community.
In gratitude,
Gina Burns.
P & F News
Our next P&F meeting is Tuesday 16 May at 7.00pm in the library.
Items for the agenda must be submitted by 5.00pm Friday 12 May. Any items after this time will be tabled for the next meeting.
Entertainment Memberships
Online memberships are available again this year. Memberships can be purchased online.
Any questions or queries, I can be contacted via email
Tanya Armstrong
President P&F
Library News
Library 2023
Dear Parent, Carers and Students
The library is open every morning before school:
PP – Year 6 : 8:15am – 8:30 am
PreKindy & Kindy : 8:15am – 8:45am
(accompanied by Parent/Carers)
The library is a calming and quiet place, making it the perfect spot for students to have a smooth and calming transitions in the morning.
Students may also like to return and borrow books before school.
Looking forward to seeing you the library.
Reading and activities in the LIBRARY
Students may also use this time to exchange their library book.
Just a reminder that students require the school green ‘Homework and Library Bag’ in order to borrow from the Library.
Many students will already have the green school ‘Homework and Library Bag’ from previous years.
‘Homework and Library Bags’ can be purchased from the Uniform Shop at a cost of $12.
Parents please order via the school Uniform Shop.
Rita Cuthbert – Library Officer – Library - the original search engine
Pastoral Care
Happy Birthday to:
To the following students who will be celebrating this coming week:
Harper Raven PPG
Aiden Harris 1W
Darcey Poulsen 2G
Jacob Mak 2W
Henry Webb 3G
Bianca Milhinch 3G
Seraphim Vu 5G
Hudson Taylor 6G
The Pastoral Care Team along with some amazing school community Fathers will be holding the Mother’s Day Breakfast this Friday 12 May. Tickets can be booked both electronically by visiting Trybooking or by Cash by returning the slip along with your money and family name in an envelope to the school office. Please see the flyer attached to this newsletter for more information.
As always thank you for your support of the Pastoral Care Team!
Week 4 – 17 May
Week 5 – 24 May
Kindy Green | Week 4 – Ayla Christie Week 5 – Mia Etheridge |
Kindy White | Week 4 – Ethan Harris Week 5 – Loki Imbert |
PP Green | Week 4 – Flynn Hartus Week 5 – Nicholas Hofmann |
PP White | Week 4 – Leo Duff Week 5 – Odin Dupont |
Year 1 Green | Week 4 – Hugo Garrett Week 5 – Miss K |
Year 1 White | Week 4 – Astor Foley Week 5 – Aiden Harris |
Year 2 Green | Week 4 – Connell Parker Week 5 – Katie Kim Oliver |
Year 2 White | Week 4 – Tristan Goh Week 5 – Jacob Hofmann |
Year 3 Green | Week 4 – Isabella Goh Week 5 – Luca Marrapodi |
Year 3 White | Week 4 – Teodor Dimitrijevic Week 5 – Asher Felton |
Year 4 Green | Week 4 – Luca Maio Week 5 – Alessia Marrapodi |
Year 4 White | Week 4 – Henry Garrett Week 5 – Charlotte Eaglesham |
Year 5 Green | Week 4 – Grace Hartus Week 5 – Olivia Harris |
Year 5 White | Week 4 – Carys Bennetts Week 5 – Kaitlyn Bidwell |
Year 6 Green | Week 4 – Abbie Hartus Week 5 – Oliver May |
Year 6 White | Week 4 – Tayla Green Week 5 – Isla Felton |
Religious Education and Curriculum News
From our Year 2’s:
In Year 2, we have been learning about the importance of the first two commandments of Jesus and how they relate to our everyday lives.
The first commandment teaches us to “Love God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind and all your strength”. We have been discussing how this means that we should put God first in our lives and always remember to thank Him for everything we have. We have also been learning about different ways we can respect God, such as through prayer, singing hymns, and attending church.
The second Commandment teaches us that “You must love you neighbour as yourself”. We have been discussing what it means to truly love and care for our neighbours, including those who may be different from us. We have also been learning about the importance of showing kindness, compassion, and respect towards others, regardless of their background, culture, or beliefs.
From our Year 3’s:
In Year 3, students have been measuring length and area in Mathematics. We have been estimating and measuring length in millimetres, centimetres and metres. We discovered when calculating area, we can use our multiplication facts to find the answer, another great use for our times tables knowledge! We all thought it was a great time saver when writing the abbreviation of square centimetres as cm² and square millimetres as mm².
Community Notices
Columba Runners 2023
Registrations now open!
Calling all returning and new members, even if you can only make one of the sessions a week. Sessions are held at Frank Drago oval 3.15-4.15pm on Mondays and Wednesdays for terms 2 and 3. Our first session will be Wednesday 26th of April.
Cost is $30 per child, parents can join free! Prizes awarded based on total kilometers achieved over both terms, including those brave enough parents! Please complete the online registration.
This club is run by volunteers. Any parents who are able to attend and assist with marking laps and encouraging everyone, we would love to have you. Those attending OSHC are also considered, please chat to the lovely Jess.
If your child is in Yr 2 and below, they must be accompanied by a parent or older sibling. It is the responsibility of the parent/caregiver to ensure the safety of the students between school and Frank Drago.
Don’t miss your opportunity to apply for an Aranmore Catholic College Academic Scholarship for students entering Year 7 in 2024!
Our application deadline is Thursday 18 May, so visit for more information and to apply today.